From casey, Age 19 - 09/25/09 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'3", Start: 160 lb, Today: 150 lb (BMI %tile: 86), Goal: 120 lb - ive been trying so hard to loose weight i lost ten so far yay but this concern is mainly for my bf see hes bulimic and i dont no how to get him to stop we been dating for 4 months and like he stopped and started up he makes excuses to use the bathroom and lies and tells me hes sick i dont want him to die over this its upsetting and he needs to get help idk how to get him to do it he doesnt think these behaviors r wrong
Reply from Caragh, Age 17 - 10/16/09 - IP#: As a recovered bulimic, I'd recommend that you never judge him or give out to him, as he'll just isolate himself more from you. Tell him that you're always there for him with a non-judgemental ear to just listen; sometimes people are too afraid to bring it up when their friend has a problem, but I know from experience that if someone had just sat me down and asked me I would have been more open with them, I couldn't find the strength to ask for help myself. Remember that it's a mental health problem and he is probably very unhappy and has a lot of self esteem issues, it runs a lot deeper than trying to lose weight
Reply from Michelle, Age 20 - 09/26/09 - IP#: Wow I am really sorry to hear about your situation. I hope that your example shows him that there are healthy ways to lose weight and that he does not need to hurt his body in order to do that. Good luck with everything :)