From isabella, Age 19 - 12/29/09 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'5", Start: 205 lb, Today: 205 lb (BMI %tile: 97), Goal: 150 lb - I went to the doctors today, my PCP she weighed me told me 205. which wasnt too shocking to me because i went to the gyno 2 weeks ago and she told me 208, i'm not sure which one is correct so i just assume 205 it sounds better :) i started college two years ago and weighed 186, not too bad but not good then all of a sudden it jumped, i went from being able to see my toes when i stood up to not even being able to button some size 13 jeans i bought in sept of 08. now i'm a size 18 and cant see my toes nor can i fit into any old doctor said 'well you know about your weight right? its nothing new to you? " i said right beacuse before she had told me im done growing vertically and i'd just keep growing width wize and i should be around 150 lbs. she said its alot of belly fat and im putting myself at risk. i know im overweight and i've gained quiet a bit but i feel comfortabl inmyself but i guess i'll try to loose some.
Reply from Suzu, Age 21 - 01/09/10  - IP#:
Ive always struggled with weight, in high school I got into the 200s and then buckled down and lost weight to be about 155 since I am 5'8. I absolutley loved that weight and was healthy etc... I started gaining weight when I went to uni and have gained an average of 20 lbs a year.....
I can honestly relate to your story... Its going to be a bit of work but if you did it once you can do it again!