From Adriana, Age 19 - 07/28/12 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'5", Start: 290 lb, Today: 290 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 130 lb - I am curious on the best way to deal with stress without using food as a source of comfort. Any ideas?
Reply from Ryan, Age 10 - 05/14/13  - IP#:
If you can; exercise. (try having some fun in the process)
Suggestions: Blast out your favourite song and dance like crazy (If you have lack of space, go into your garden or something), If you play videogames with active characters, try to mimic their actions to the extent of your space/physical ability (if (s)he frontflips when (s)he jumps, then you should probably just jump if you lack space or just can't flip) If you like nature or just the outdoors in general, take a walk round the woods or forest. Just knowing that you can walk around in the fresh air without anyone seeing/judging you is comforting. Kay that's all i got for now. Hope it helps
Reply from Sara, Age 23 - 08/01/12  - IP#:
I've found the best way to deal with stress by far is with exercise, especially if it is something high intensity. You can work out all of those negative emotions by pushing yourself harder. By the time you are done working out you will feel so much more relieved, and you'll be proud of yourself for not turning to food as well. If you aren't used to exercising at a high intensity, you could go on a long walk. I've read that being outside and around nature can lift ones spirits. Try it!
Reply from Melissa, Age 18 - 07/31/12  - IP#:
I've learned that the best way to deal with stress without turning to food is finding other ways to distract you. Like read, hang out with friends, do a puzzle,ect. Its helped me a lot and I hope it helps you!