From katie, Age 14 - 03/16/05 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
oh my gosh I really cant go on a diet! I've tried so hard but I cant do I love food too much to give it up!! I'm really in love with food though lol I'll be sitting in call THINKING about FOOD that is bad and I'll I do is eat and eat and eat. I am 5'6 140 pounds I really want to weigh 115 Because im tried of being so fat! does any one have any tips for me on how to stay on a diet? or a good diet
Reply from Hannah, Age 13 - 03/24/05  - IP#:
just cutt back on your eating it will help***!
Reply from Amanda, Age 14 - 03/16/05  - IP#:
Just to let you know, you're not THAT overweight. You seriously are not. 117 pounds would be WAY too low for your height and age. Just try to maintain your weight for right now.
Reply from L!nd$eY, Age 13 - 03/16/05  - IP#:
Chill out. You aren't too badly overweight, and if you are 115 and 5'6" that is really thin! thinner than me and im not overweight!!! I'm 117 pounds and I'm only 5'3" tall!
Reply from Hayley, Age 15 - 03/16/05  - IP#:
you don't have to give up food, and you don't have to go on a diet. Just make healthier choices. If you mean that you love junk food, then yeah you'll have to cut down, but I still eat chips and brownies and cookies, just in moderation, or I make my own versions of htem.
Reply from helen, Age 15 - 03/16/05  - IP#:
katie dont think of it like omg im on a diet i cant eat that or that or that because that makes cravings just think hm.. i can have LESS of that and more fruits and veggies because completly and totally going cold turkey almost never works and you get discouraged easily ... so i hope this helps if you have any more questions email me at
Reply from katie, Age 14 - 03/16/05  - IP#:
i meant to say class not call lol