From marie, Age 16 - 07/20/03 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
I had pancakes with maple syrup for breakfast. I had a donut at church. I had Wendys fastfod for lunch. I just had icecream (not even reduced fat), and presently (2:43 pm) I am eating KFC. I can't control my cravings and I always give into them; help!
Reply from gina, Age 13 - 07/21/03  - IP#:
im 207 i sound like u
Reply from Leslie, Age 15 - 07/20/03  - IP#:
You eat because your not full, right? Maybe you should try eating something for breakfest such as scrambled eggs and toast skip doughnut at church believe me i know it looks good but you really don't need it. You can stop at a fast food resteraunt but instead of get getting a a cheese burger get a grilled chicken sandwich minus the mayo don't get fris and buy a diet drink. Also try to stay away from that fried kfc chicken fried food instead of that try eating an apple and some grapes and whatever your mom has for diner that night is fine. Just try to eat food that will fill you up so that way it cuts back on your cravings for food. and if your still hungrey just don't eat junk food try some sweet fruit.
If you really want to lose weight you can just keep trying eventualy you'll find something that works out for you.