Before you post a reply saying that you are overweight or that you want to lose weight, please first check our Weight Calculator . If the calculator says that you are healthy weight, please do not post a message saying that you are overweight or that you want to lose weight. This offends the kids who really are overweight. Thanks a lot. |
Message Replying To From Harley, Age 14 Ht. 5'7", Start: 173 lb, Today: 173 lb, Goal: 125 lb - Hi guys! I'm kind of new to this so bare with me here!! I guess I should start off with my story. Uh, there's not really much to it. I was a small kid until around 7 or 8, when I've not had any success in loosing weight. It feels like no mattermy mom started to own a restaurant. We would eat the food there constantly and it just wasn't healthy at all. That's when I can remember starting to gain weight. I have super supportive friends, which I'm blessed for. And only few people have ever made fun of me. I don't look as big as I am in my opinion, but my height probably factors into that. Anyways, back to my point. I've not had any success in loosing weight. It feels like no matterI have always wanted to lose weight. I am just an insecure person in general. I am insecure with basically everything. Lately I feel like I have been gaining more weight, which I don't like. It really weighs me down (no pun intended) and I just felt I needed to change something. I can't say 173 is accurate, it might be higher or lower, my family doesn't own a scale, so I'm investing in one. I just know that is what I was around the last time I got weighed, so we're starting with that for now. OKAY, so here's where I need you guy's help!! I would love to have support- vice versa, I am here for anyone else too. Here's what I've been doing lately: Cutting my portions in half, eating more fruits + vegetables, getting more exercise than before. (I already was decently active.), staying in calorie range of 1400 and drinking lots of water. Any tips would be appreciated. Thanks!! |