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From Mandy, Age 13

Ht. 5'8, Wt. 183 - I didn't have breakfast today because I woke up around lunchtime, where I had 1 serv. of key lime low fat yogurt - 230 calories. And one banana - 90 cal. (I know, I should eat more lunch, but I don't usually eat big lunches. Then for dinner, I had velveeta cheese noodles 310 calories. 46 oz. of water. Today was a bad day! Because I went into starvation mode. yes I know what I did, so don't yell at me. Anyways for excersize I walked 1.5 miles in flipflops! which kinda sucked. Then I went for a half hour vigourous bike ride. Then I walked 1 mile with my friend. Then I just got back from 45 min tennis/drills. Lots of sweat. It was around 95 today. Well I'm going to do better tomorrow, because my mom just went grocery shopping, and got all this good stuff.