Before you post a reply saying that you are overweight or that you want to lose weight, please first check our Weight Calculator . If the calculator says that you are healthy weight, please do not post a message saying that you are overweight or that you want to lose weight. This offends the kids who really are overweight. Thanks a lot. |
Message Replying To From Melissa, Age 15 Ht. 5'4", Start: 173 lb, Today: 173 lb, Goal: 130 lb - So I think I did really good yesterday. I hate oatmeal for breakfast, an omlet with onions cheese for lunch with a side bowl of carrots with 2 tablespoons of ranch. then later in the aftertoon I had an apple. Then for dinner I had 1.5 cups of Vegetable soup and inbetween all of that I had 4 servings of a 24 ounce thing of water (i swear i spent all day in the bathroom). However I didn't exercise, but I'm going walking/running tonight with my mom and sister...I was going to go walking with my Dad this morning but nobody woke me up on time...which is partly my fault I know, but still...anyway, I'll come back at the end of the week and tell y'all how I did! Love you guys! |