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Message Replying To From Sabrina, Age 13 Ht. 5'4", Start: 150 lb, Today: 143 lb, Goal: 125 lb - Heyy guys, so the other day(monday lol) i got one of the most heartbreaking news ever.Michael,my crush might be moving D`: !!!!So incase he dosent i still want to go out with him,soo tomorrow i might ask kyle,his best friend,and my bff`s boyfriend if i asked michael to go out with me what he might say... but anyway with the whole exercise thing, i`ve been doing really well today is my rest day but it was suppost to be tomorrow but im going to skip tomorrow and eat very healthy!!!before michael leaves if he leaves i want to kiss him,but i also want him to put his arms around my waist then kiss me. :D i hope he kisses me in the rain,i think thats so romantic <3 lol off topic much!!!OOOOOOOOOH!guys okay so in my quarter class in school i have consumer science,were allwed to have/make tea!!!i loveee tea!okay well this is getting really random ok so ima gooo..... well wish me luck!byeeeee<3 |