Before you post a reply saying that you are overweight or that you want to lose weight, please first check our Weight Calculator . If the calculator says that you are healthy weight, please do not post a message saying that you are overweight or that you want to lose weight. This offends the kids who really are overweight. Thanks a lot. |
Message Replying To From Jessica, Age 16 Ht. 5'3", Start: 162 lb, Today: 155 lb, Goal: 104 lb - Willaim you can do it!! I know you can do this with eating small healthy portion sized by excirseing , carido, strenth training, walking, DVD workoouts there is a book called The Diet for Teengers Only book!! if you advice about teen weight loss.. It is a very popular book. I better get a copy at Barrns & Noble because it is going out of print.. Im thinking of buy it soon.. I went from XXL last March !! to XL.. But hopefully I can lose 30 pounds by June!! that 4 mounths!! I got plenty of time! I am not going to waste 3 mounths !! there no way.. once I reach 104 pounds or even closer I will share my sucess story!! and how I lost the weight!! that my goal.. But I will find a way maintain it !! that harder as I heard.. I want to look good in a tankin or one piece swimsuit!! have a flat stomach instead of a round one... I am going to walk tomrrow through- Saturday and Sunday rest.. six days will be excirseing and eating small helathy portion sized meals.. No seconds which I been doing pretty well!! I am going to try get back on track on the drinking 8 glass of water!! When I feel like I want to binge . I say no!! I bush my teeth I use mouth wash bubble gum. Flavored. It helps me not to binge! try that tip!! it works for me!! 10 miuntes for your staritng of excrseing once you get used to it you want to do for 30-60 miuntes... Once in a while reward yourself with baskeballs, baseballs,sccor balls, bats, hats, sporty itmes for boys.. Girls hair accessoriess, clothes, spas, nails, Jessica16. |