Before you post a reply saying that you are overweight or that you want to lose weight, please first check our Weight Calculator . If the calculator says that you are healthy weight, please do not post a message saying that you are overweight or that you want to lose weight. This offends the kids who really are overweight. Thanks a lot. |
Message Replying To From Daniel, Age 16 Ht. 172 cm, Start: 182 kg, Today: 182 kg, Goal: 80 kg - Hey, I'm kinda new to this thing. I'm Daniel and I'm from Poland. I've always been big, thanks to my dad and grandma who always gave me any food I wanted. Unfortunately as you can probably guess by my weight, I always wanted food. I got used to being fat, as I weighted 125kg last year, but since covid I put a ton of weight. My belly is very wide and hangs lower and lower, my boobs grew a lot and my tighs and butt won't fit comfortably in anything apart from sweatpants, but they already start to feel tight under my belly. I sweat a lot and have no energy so I just stay in my room and eat more food to feel better but afterwards I only feel heavier and fatter. The gyms are closed, swimming pools too, which is the main reason why I got so fat so quick. I love swimming, and apart from PE at school it was the only activity I was feeling good at. I really want to lose weight, because summer is close and I can't even put my legs into my swimshorts, not to mention the rest... not to mention that I look enormous and I'm ashamed of it. My younger brother who is skinny is bullying me all the time, slapping my belly and calling me names. When he invites his friends for a sleepover they all make fun of me. I feel like s**t. I wnat to change something in my life but it's so hard. |