Before you post a reply saying that you are overweight or that you want to lose weight, please first check our Weight Calculator . If the calculator says that you are healthy weight, please do not post a message saying that you are overweight or that you want to lose weight. This offends the kids who really are overweight. Thanks a lot. |
Message Replying To From Mary, Age 17 I have some things to say -> IF you really want to loose weight, don'T insult yourself by saying "I'm fat" or "I'm so fat": Why? Well, I gained weight and got "fat" through depression. Saying things like those above sayings, and what many of what I've seen below, can make you really depressed and cause anxiety.. which can lead to gaining weight! Not loosing weight! Don't starve yourself to loose weight. That is the wrong thing to do! I saw a great tip yesterday... before you eat something unhealthy, eat 3 things that are healthy first. So to every thing you eat unhealthy or junky, eat 3 times as much healthy sstuff. BUt do remember! Too much of a good thing, is a bad thing! Thats why you should try to keep balance. If you get hungry between meals, eat something small and healthy. Eat it slowly so your stomach registers itsself full before you stuff yourself too much. ALso, try turning on some music and dancing to it. Jazzericise as they call it, is a really good way to work out and have a great time too!!! Don't read those fashion magazines!! They'll get you down, and make you want to do something darastic! Don't envy other peoples body, they have problems too. But don't envy them, because it'll make you feel worse! Be happy. I know being fat, heavy, stout, chubby, overweight, and obese is not the healthiest situation on the earth! But be happy! Be content with yourself and patient! It will help alot! |