Before you post a reply saying that you are overweight or that you want to lose weight, please first check our Weight Calculator . If the calculator says that you are healthy weight, please do not post a message saying that you are overweight or that you want to lose weight. This offends the kids who really are overweight. Thanks a lot. |
Message Replying To From Sarah, Age 15 Hello everybody,for all the people who want to lose weight 2lbs (1kg) is the same as 7000 calories so if you want to lose like 2lbs a week than you have to make sure that you burn 7000 calories more than you consume that means if you eat like 8400 calories in a week (that's 1200 a day). And you burn 15400 a week you will lose weight. It's not what I do because I only want to lose 1lbs a week so I don't have to exercise like crazy. hugs and kisses Sarah |