Before you post a reply saying that you are overweight or that you want to lose weight, please first check our Weight Calculator . If the calculator says that you are healthy weight, please do not post a message saying that you are overweight or that you want to lose weight. This offends the kids who really are overweight. Thanks a lot. |
Message Replying To From Amanda, Age 18 Ht. 5'6", Today: 212 lb, Goal: 182 lb - hi, im 17, im 5'6" and i weigh about 212. i would like to lose at least 30 pounds in the next 6 months. i am looking for someone who could offer support, advice, or someone i could just talk to that would understand. i am trying weight watchers right now, so if theres someone else doing that too, i would like to talk to you. i have trouble staying on track although i know it w.w. works. i have lost weight in the past successfully so i know its possible but i just need someone else to talk to that can help me out.so if you would like to talk email me at stellarlightning@yahoo.com. thanks! |