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From Kathryn, Age 17

ok- so i FINALLY was able to sneak onto my host parents scale (when no one was in the house besides me) and I weigh less then i though i might which makes me happy. I figured i was all the way up at 180- but i checked and i am a plump 167 (76kg). So now i plan to "weigh in" just once a week to see if my efforts are making any difference. I have always tried to loose weight before but i never stuck with it. But i have a diffinate plan of action now. I have this book my mom sent to me-to get you physically prepared to join the Royal Canadian Airforce. Im not canadian and i dont plan on joining- but the exercises in the book are really good-and you change your workout every 12-15 days, PLUS it starts you at teh very bottom- and im not so strong so this is really good. Plus i have a really hard 1.5hr basketball traing sesion on mondays and i swim with my friend on wednesdays. Im not going on a "diet" here cuz i cant, but i am tryign to be careful- when i get hungry i reach for the cheese instead of the chocolate- hehe- so i am hoping i will slowely but surely, (and more importantly perminately) get down to my target weight of 130 by next July!! YAY