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From Kathryn, Age 17

Hey, a few days ago someone posted that they stumbled apon a "ana" site, ie, a pro anorexia site. I was amazed, it never even crossed my mind that that type of site would exist. So i googled it, and found some pretty crazy stuff. But what suprised me that most was that a lot of "anas" are trying to find a healthy way to be anorexic. MEANING that they know the risks involved and are trying to continue their life style, heathily. Boy, if that isnt an oximoron that i dont know what is. It seems that a lot of these girls (and some guys) really are stuck. I never considered what anorexia was, besides a fast and detramental way to lose weight. But its more then that, its a total way of life that consists of counting calories every second, livind for lower numbers on the scale, and thinking yourself worthless. I have, a few times, although never seriously, concidered becoming anorexic, cuz at first glace, it seems to easy, i mean i starve/purge until im my goal weight, and then i stop, and become normal me again. But after reading some of the posts on those sites, it seems so scary, and girls and guys, its not worth it!! Weight loss is a pain in the butt, we all know that, and thats why we are all here. But we all also know that healthy weight loss is the most important thing. So ppl, keep up the good work, and dont lose faith in yourself and what you can acomplish!!