Before you post a reply saying that you are overweight or that you want to lose weight, please first check our Weight Calculator . If the calculator says that you are healthy weight, please do not post a message saying that you are overweight or that you want to lose weight. This offends the kids who really are overweight. Thanks a lot. |
Message Replying To From meghan, Age 14 hey everyone.... im so sick of this battle... my dad gave me a "speech" the other night when we were out to dinner that was like so heart felt it almost made me cry... he was saying how like this doesnt affect them accept that they want my happiness and that he wants me to get married some day and walk me down the aisle with a stud... i just dont know... its so hard... especially at school i eat so badly at school.... my dad lost 50 pounds about 2 years ago and my brother lost about 30ish like a year ago... i want to lost this weight... i havent weighed myself lately but im probably like 208 and its horrible. i go clothes shopping and cant get pants at like any cool stores or anything... im out of breath all the time at softball.... my dad recommended cereal with like a banana for bfast. an orange or another piece of fruit or a salad at lunch, and then watever my mom cooks for dinner and then another piece of fruit later if im hungry... and to do the treadmill for 20-30 min a day and then ill lose weight... cuz thats wat he did... anyways im so busy its just hard to eat healthy.... i have school, im on my freshman softball team, i have a job(which is really hard to eat healthy at) and its just like everythings piling up... and its even harder cuz im a vegetarian now but like im thinking now maybe i should eat poulty because i should eat just carbs but i also dont want to eat meat... i do like fish though... anyway if anyone can post some meal plan ideas and if u want to support each other on email either post back or email me at mgz234@hotmail.com |