Before you post a reply saying that you are overweight or that you want to lose weight, please first check our Weight Calculator . If the calculator says that you are healthy weight, please do not post a message saying that you are overweight or that you want to lose weight. This offends the kids who really are overweight. Thanks a lot. |
Message Replying To From angie, Age 15 Ht. 5'8, Wt. 160 - hey everyone. I usually eat the same thing everyday or really similar (healthy foods) and ive been able to lose weight this way because USUALLY it keeps me full, but i hate it because some days it doesnt keep me full at all so i have to eat more and i think that if i eat just a little more of healthy food it will make me full but its wierd cuz it seems like once i start eating i get even hungrier and then sometimes it leads to overeating, its soo wierd omg and i was just wondering if anyone else has this problem?!?! thanks! |