Weight Plateaus
Lucy RD
The topic tonight is weight plateaus
betsy 14
o good'
Sports Girl32
betsy 14
thats me
Lucy RD
That's when a person stops losing weight after losing for awhile
betsy 14
Sports Girl32
alrighty then
Lucy RD
Tell me about your betsey
Ashley 16
i did that before i gained it all back
betsy 14
well i lost like 8 pounds'
betsy 14
then gained back 4
Lucy RD
So it sounds like people here plateau then gain weight back instead of keeping it off
betsy 14
Lucy RD
Sports Girl32
i haven't experienced that, because i would have to lose weight to gain it back...lol
Lucy RD
betsy 14
Ashley 16
person 13
Lucy RD
I wonder if everyone has gained weight back because the plateaus can zap the motivation to continue to work on losing weight!?!
betsy 14
Ashley 16
Sports Girl32
person 13
Lucy RD
We are talking about when your weight plateaus when you are working on
losing weight. everyone here said they gained weight back after one
Sammy 13
omg that happened to me
person 13
me to
Lucy RD
I recommend to clients when they go through a plateau to change their meal plan around a little bit or step up the exercise.
betsy 14
monty an me r both plateaued
person 13
am i overweight
Lucy RD
I would check the weight calculator on this site
Sammy 13
i was losing weight and then like after two week span i lost like
15pounds and then stopped and i gained most of it back over like a 3
week span
person 13
Sammy 13
it sucks
Lucy RD
I wonder if your 15 pounds of weight loss was mostly water weight--did you go really low carb during the diet?
Sports Girl32
over my time out for my ankle injury i gained like 15 pounds back
Lucy RD
Sammy 13
Lucy RD
How did you lose the weight?
Sammy 13
i did weight watchers myself and then i went away and i stopped cause iw as with friends and we went out alot and i couldnt
person 13
how do i lose weight
Lucy RD
oh, so the diet took you away from your friends, sammy?
Sammy 13
no because of my friends i was taken away from the diet
Lucy RD
I cannot give out direct diet advice since we are over the internet yet
I can give out general suggestions. Check with your doctor or dietitian
for a specific diet for you, person.
Ashley 16
i lost 30lbs in a 6 weeks but then i could lose anything then i gained it all back plus some
Sports Girl32
person 13, we have similiar stats are you a girl or a guy
Sammy 13
i went away with them and we would get togetehr alot and then like when
we would go out to eat or carnnivals or parties there ws junk food so
that what i eat
person 13
Lucy RD
oh, so hanging out with your friends made it harder to lose weight.
person 13
Sammy 13
Sports Girl32
yep...i'm the same height but weigh a lil less
Sammy 13
lucy i have a quiestion
betsy 14
Lucy RD
Sounds like a lot of you have lost weight fast. I would recommend
concentrating on slower more steady weight loss. THen you might not
plateau so soon and keep the weight off.
Sammy 13
um, do u suggest like making a goal cause someone told me not to cause
u get ur hopes up and soemone else said to cause its easier
Sports Girl32
i have a question too
betsy 14
goals r good right?
Lucy RD
Some people work better at weight loss when they have a specific goal. WHat does everyone else think?
Sammy 13
well right now i have a goal
Lucy RD
Sammy, consider breaking up your goal into 1 or 2 pound increments
Sammy 13
what does RD stand for?
Lucy RD
Registered dietitian
Sammy 13
like per week or something?
Lucy RD
yup--sorry i forgot to mention that
person 13
how should i lose weight
Sports Girl32
low carb/low fat...which is more effective
Sammy 13
but you know what i really learned from weight watchers that i thought was the best?
Sports Girl32
Sports Girl32
Sammy 13
i learned to listen to my body
Sports Girl32
betsy 14
like how?
person 13
why am i always hungrey
Sammy 13
befoer i would eat and eat and eat and then after a couple of days i
knew if i was hngy, full or satisfied and u learn to eat until your
Lucy RD
I don't recommend any specific diet to anyone here. I recommend to
clients, generally, to drink less high calorie drinks like soda and
juices and drink more water. include more fruits, veggies, and high
fiber grains. include low fat dairy and protein. lastly, don't skip
betsy 14
does ur metabloism make u plataeu?
Lucy RD
being active helps burn stored fat so i am glad everyone is active
Lucy RD
sometimes, betsey.
betsy 14
Lucy RD
When we lose weight, our metabolism gets used to less calories in.
Lucy RD
At that point, it is good to switch around a person's meal plan or increase the exercise
betsy 14
can u make ur metablolism better lucy?
Lucy RD
Betsey, make sure you don't skip meals and be active!
Sports Girl32
what happens if someone doesn't eat enough calories or cuts out certain food groups
Lucy RD
I think it is unhealthy to restrict too much and unhealthy to cut out a
whole food group. doing things like that is a characteristic of
unhealthy and possibly disordered eating
Lucy RD
it is characteristic of unhealthy eating--sorry
Sports Girl32
would you say that under 1200 calories is too little if i'm running 7 or8 miles a day?
person 13
we just learned about eating disorders in haelth
Lucy RD
Lucy RD
what did you learn?
bored 13
you shouldnt eat much less than 1200.
person 13
about anerixiea and buliemiea
Lucy RD
i cannot give out diet advice yet i can tell you that i never recommend a person to go under 1200 calories
Sports Girl32
because i used to eat around 2500 during track but i need to eat less my coach says
bored 13
*anorexia, person
person 13
Lucy RD
have you put in your ht and wt into the calculator, sports girl?
Sports Girl32
Sports Girl32
it says i'm over
Lucy RD
what are your stats?
Sports Girl32
5'11, 200, size 10
Sports Girl32
Sports Girl32
i've only been eating 1200 for about a week and a half...like i said i gained weight during my injury
person 13
how many calories should i have a day
bored 13
person, i say around 1300-1600
Lucy RD
oh. 1200 calories may not be enough for you even though you have not
been as active. it may lead you to break down your muscles to change
the number on the scale.
Sports Girl32
not good...
Ashley 16
i have a question i know its about plateaus but what about keeping the weight off
betsy 14
eeping weight off is hard
betsy 14
Ashley 16
what about keeping the weight off
Lucy RD
keeping off weight IS hard!
person 13
Sports Girl32
losing its pretty hard too
Lucy RD
i think the key to keeping weight off is staying active
Ashley 16
i know i gained it all back and some
Sports Girl32
clifford inspired me to run today....yay clifford
Ashley 16
i did lose 30lbs but it all came off
bored 13
Lucy RD
jessica, weight plateaus is what happens to some people when they are
losing weight and then suddenly stop losing weight. it happens to many
.::*Jessica*::. 16
oh thankz lucy
Taylor 13
ok whats your best advice for keeping weight off that you lost already?
person 13
is 1500 calories good for a day
Sports Girl32
so much for plateaus...lol >
Lucy RD
stay active! continue to do things that get your heart pumping and continue to make healthy food choices everyday, taylor!
Lucy RD
we did talk about plateaus a little, right?
betsy 14
Lucy RD
we never seem to stay on topic long!
Sports Girl32
i know, i was just messin' with ya'all
betsy 14
Sammy 13
bye everyone
Lucy RD
that's okay!