Do you think quitting smoking is a cause of overweight in teens and preteens?


Yes, I quit
and gained
a lot

No, I quit
but didn't
gain a lot

Yes, but
I've never

No, but
I've never


16165 people have voted.

Do you think quitting smoking is a cause of overweight in teens and preteens?

Yes, because after I quit smoking I gained a lot of weight: 329 votes ( 2%)

No, because after I quit smoking I didn't gain a lot of weight: 10292 votes (64%)

Yes, I think it causes overweight in teens/preteens, but I've never smoked: 5476 votes (34%)

No, I don't think it causes overweight in teens/preteens, but I've never smoked: 68 votes ( 0%)

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