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is what's new on our website, as well as the latest weight management news: 5/14/17 New free web application that allows you to lose weight by reducing amounts you eat at meals in small steps, so you don't miss the food. The web app runs on PC, Mac, and Android browsers. 5/8/17 Workshop recording (slides/audio) on Treatment of Obesity Using the Addiction Model. 5/1/17 Tips Area on this site has been re-organized, so it's much easier to find tips on any topic. Check it out. 9/14/15 Huffington Post article about our app for eating addiction. http://www.blubberbuster.com/tips/tipsByTopic.php 4/14/15 Dr. Robert Pretlow did an invited talk on "Treatment of obesity using the addiction model" at the 2015 Obesity Summit in London. 4/7/15: A study was just published on the W8Loss2Go app in the medical journal, Childhood Obesity. 3/12/15: The W8Loss2Go app which helps kids lose weight using methods adapted from addiction medicine. 2/12/15: Dr. Robert Pretlow was interviewed by PBS TV on "Childhood Obesity: The Psychological and Physical Effects." 11/24/14: Dr. Robert Pretlow did an invited talk on "Treatment of child/adolescent obesity using the addiction model" at the 2015 European Childhood Obesity Group Congress. 3/9/14: A recent study reported that the rate of childhood obesity in pre-schoolers has dropped from 14% to 8% since 2003. But there was no change in the rate for school age kids, pre-teens, teens, or adults. Dr. Pretlow, director of this website, was interviewed by Minnesota Public Radio about what this means. 8/19/13: W8Loss2Go iPhone app at Flinders University in Adelaide, Australia. 5/30/13: - Presentation at the 2013 European Congress on Obesity in Liverpool on Compulsive Eating / Food Addiction Intervention for Childhood Obesity: a Pilot Study, with audio and slides. 3/31/13: - "The Epidemic of Childhood Obesity: What's Our Plan?", a live webinar, with audio and slides. This webinar discusses: 1) What's really behind the obesity epidemic in kids and teens, and 2) What we can do about it. A new smartphone app study also is presented. 10/31/12: - How’s this for scary, kids: Little or no candy on Halloween. We need to rethink the holiday. Read more... 10/14/12: - Addiction Approach for Obesity - Our study of a new treatment for obesity, based on the addiction model, which is showing promising results (PDF file). 7/4/12: - Unjunk Yourself - an awesome music video for tweens/young teens addressing lifestyle (diet, physical activity) in a fun and entertaining way, but with elements of truth. 5/18/12: - ABC News story about weigh2rock.com and the new W8Loss2Go smartphone app. 4/20/12: - When a company makes exaggerated or misleading weight loss or health claims through advertising, marketing, or packaging, it's called "leanwashing." And we want to help you know it when you see it. To see bogus claims and post your own, go to Leanwashingindex.com 11/29/11: Presentation to the group of beta-test kids and their parents for our new iPhone app: click here to view presentation - slides, audio, and videos. 10/15/11: A new method for losing weight in kids is based on food addiction and implemented as an iPhone app: click here - 1 min download time for full-screen poster. 10/12/11: A personal trainer is making himself obese to show what food addiction feels like and what it's like to counteract it. To read the story click here. 9/29/11: Sugar Addiction Awareness Day: Most overweight kids are hooked on sugary foods like candy, and many overweight kids are literally addicted to these foods. The date of Sugar Addiction Awareness Day (SAAD) is intentionally October 30th, the day before Halloween. Most overweight kids also say that holiday "treats" mess up their weight loss efforts. Halloween is one of the worst. SAAD seeks to make holidays such as Halloween still fun, but healthy. 7/28/11: Portland tribune story about the Obesity Wars. If you know
of any breaking news about being overweight, please email them