Continued from Isabella, Age 13 - 9/6/06 - IP#: tbb-c15684 My phiosophy consists of a few things. 1.) Food is the earth's greatest give to our health. Some people are starving, while we in America are fat and depressed. Surprised? Well it's becuase we all take things for granted. 2.) Eat well from every food group. Explore somehing unusual. Go for ripe, delcious seansonal fruits and veggies. MAKE IT FUN! MAKE EACH MEAL A CELEBRATION! FOrget boring carrots and apples for a while. Try a mango of winter sqaush soup! 3.) Exercise doesn't mean plastering yourself in front of the T.V. Just move! Take a long, relaxing walk. Play sports. Take up yoga or pilates, whicch make you stronger and leaner without being buff. 5.) Read books. I recommend: The Diet Book for Teenagers Only and French WOmen DOn't Get Fat. Also, check out American Girl and GIrls INc. Even if you aren't 12-13 anymore, having a good image and self-esteem is always important for a yooung women at any age. But Real Beauty from American Girl and also check out both organizations websites. Trust me, you won't regret it. 4.) Enjoy your life and yourself. I truly, truly understand that it's hard to not look a magazine article and spot Kate Bosworth and say, "She's so thin!" Maybe; some people are naturally thin after all. But being healthy and fit doesn't neccasarily being "thin". That's why it's great to go to the doc. and set some realistic fitness goal for your body type. I love my ccurvy butt and boobs, and I will never be a size four, honey. But I can get into better shape and love my more substantial frame. I can actually go into stores and by pants now! 5.) IF NONE OF THIS HELPS AT ALL, AND YOU'RE HAVING REALLY, REALLY BAD PROBLEMS, THEN I RECOMMEND FIRST MAKING A DOC. APPOINTMENT AND SECOND WITH THE DOC'S OKAY GO ON A PLAN LIKE WEIGHT WATCHERS. DON"T GO ON ATKINS, SOUTH BEACH, OR ANY OTHER CRAZY CARB-COUNTINTING CRAPPY DIET. YOU NEED TO CHANGE YOUR LIFESTLY PERMANAETLY! I ASSURE YOU THAT WITH WW YOU CAN DO THAT AND EAT EVERYTHING. THERE ARE ALSO SOME GREAT MOTIVATION STORIES ON WWW.WEIGHTWATCHERS.COM! HOPE I HELPED! GOOD LUCK TO ALL YOU GORGEOUS, SAVVY GIRLS! :0) |