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BlubberBusters Tips
from Lucy (Click here for past week's tips) |
Self EsteemHow To Improve Your Self ConfidenceWhat is self esteem? Self esteem is how we feel about ourselves. When we feel good about ourselves, we call that having positive self esteem. When we feel bad, uncomfortable or embarrassed about how we look or feel, we call that low self-esteem or self confidence. We might compare our self to others who weigh less or feel they are making fun of us because we aren't as thin as they are or can't wear the same kind of clothes they do. It's common to feel this way. The good news is that we can learn to deal with these feelings and be more positive about who we are. Here are some things you can do to build up your confidence and self-esteem as well as increase your motivation to lose weight: ![]() 1. Work on building up your SELF ESTEEM . Try some self confidence tips and you will start to feel better about who you are now. Start thinking positive and believe in YOU! You will feel more confident about yourself and it will show! 2. Make a list of some of the qualities that you admire in yourself. Believe it or not, YOUR FRIENDS LIKE YOU FOR YOUR QUALITIES, NOT BECAUSE YOU ARE THIN. You might be good at art or math, or a patient listener. You might be funny, caring, or honest. You might be kind or volunteer helping others. See! All qualities to celebrate, cheer and be happy about. And best of all, they are all a part of YOU!3. Develop and take part in hobbies or shared interests with others.
4. BE A FRIEND. There is an old saying, "BE A FRIEND, HAVE A FRIEND!" Reach out to others. Compliment others, suggest they join you for a walk or activity. You will be amazed how often they will say "YES!" 5. Be honest with friends and parents and ask them for help in losing weight. They are waiting to help and support you if you JUST ASK. Ask them to do fun things with you like go for bike rides or walks, play games or practice dance steps. ask your friends for help. YOU CAN DO IT!!! 6. Re-Fuel Your Motivation! 7. Keep a JOURNAL. - Write down all the things you can think of that you like about yourself and all the things other people like about you. ![]() - Read what you wrote down every single day and whenever you are feeling badly about yourself. You will start to feel better about yourself, and you will show yourself to others as a more confident person. Remember that YOU are pretty, YOU are handsome, no matter what your weight. - Write down the things you like about your appearance, then take steps to bring out your best features. Do you have great hair? Ask a stylist for advice on a good cut and style for you. Stop at the cosmetic counter at the mall and ask for makeup tips to bring out your eyes. Keep in mind that there is nothing more beautiful than a genuine smile. KEEP SMILING, IT LOOKS GOOD ON YOU!! There are also many clothing manufacturers that make great looking clothes for overweight teens. Here are some clothing tips to help you look your best. Once you feel better about your appearance, your confidence will improve and other people will see "you," not your weight. Hold your head up high and get out there! DANCE ANYONE? 8. Get Lots of SUPPORT! Get support from all the kids on the site in the chatroom and from other kids on the pre-teen and teen bulletin boards. 9. Take a look at the tips area, Healthy Weight School, and How Do I Lose Weight for lots of self improvement ideas. Then, make a plan and get started! Don't forget, every Wednesday "Lucy" is in the chat room to answer questions too! SMILE! HOLD YOUR HEAD UP HIGH! THINK POSITIVE! YOU LOOK MORE CONFIDENT ALREADY! Let us know what you think of this tip. Make this a healthy week! (Click here for past week's tips) |
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