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BlubberBusters Tips
from Lucy (Click here for past week's tips) |
MOTIVATIONHow To Get Motivation & Keep ItDOES THIS SOUND LIKE YOU? "I want to lose weight but I just don't know how to get started." ![]() "It's just so much easier to eat what and how much I want than put the effort into dieting or exercising." "It's just too hard." "I'll start tomorrow or next week." We might procrastinate or simply not want to put the effort into trying. But, if we want to lose weight, WE NEED TO GET STARTED. HOW CAN YOU GET THE MOTIVATION YOU NEED? Here’s a way to IDENTIFY YOUR FEELINGS and DEVELOP A PLAN to get and keep motivated. Start by taking a good look at yourself and be honest about answering the following questions:1. WHY DO I WANT TO LOSE WEIGHT. - I want to feel healthy - I want to feel better about myself - I want to be able to walk 3 miles - I want to wear fun clothes that fit Write down as many reasons why you want to lose weight as you can think of. 2. WHY IS LOSING WEIGHT SO HARD FOR ME. For example:![]() - It's too hard to give up candy - I don’t like to exercise - I am too embarrassed - There is junk food all around me and I can't resist Write down as many reasons as you can think of. 3. MAKE A LIST OF FUN ACTIVITIES THAT YOU LIKE TO DO OR ARE WILLING TO TRY. Make a list of things that you enjoy doing like walking with friends, gardening, dancing, playing an instrument, doing a craft, knitting, shooting hoops with friends, drawing, playing a game, whatever they might be.
Now you are ready to start. How about starting TODAY!! READY! 1. DO SOMETHING ON YOUR FUN ACTIVITIES LIST EVERY DAY! ![]() Draw out one of the ideas from your fun activities jar or box and GO DO IT! If you don't feel like doing the activity, look at your answers to question #1.WHY DO I WANT TO LOSE WEIGHT. Your list should give you motivation. Remember, if you don't do the activity, you can't reach any of your weight loss goals or feel or see any of the benefits. Come on, just try one, you can do it. 2. KEEP TRACK IN A NOTEBOOK OR JOURNAL THE ACTIVITIES YOU HAVE TRIED EACH DAY. Mix it up, don't do the same thing every day. It is easier to be motivated when we do things that are FUN and DIFFERENT EVERY DAY! You might also want to write down how you feel before you do the activity and then after you do the activity. You might be surprised that you will start to feel better about yourself! 3. KEEP A FOOD AND ACTIVITY DIARY. FOOD DIARY. Write down everything and how much you eat every day for at least 3 days. You might want to write down how you are feeling before and after you eat. Review what you’ve eaten each day and see where you can cut down. You might be surprised to see what and how much you've eaten. -Do you see any patterns? -Are you eating more than you realized? -Are you eating between meals? -How much soda are you drinking and junk food are you eating every day? Often times, we eat mindlessly and aren't aware of what or how much we've eaten.ACTIVITY DIARY. Write down all the activities/exercise you do each day. -How much did you do? -When did you do them? -What did you feel like before you did the activity and after you did the activity? -Do you see any patterns? If you aren't doing any or not much, review your reasons "Why I Want To Lose Weight" if you need motivation. How can you reach your weight loss goals unless you GET MOVING! 4. PICK ONE FOOD GOAL AND ONE EXERCISE GOAL EACH WEEK. For example: WEEK ONE: - I will stop eating pizza - I will walk for 30 minutes 3 times this week Keep track in your notebook how you are doing. Sometimes writing your goals down and checking your progress at the end of EVERY DAY helps you stay on track and stay motivated.
5. WRITE DOWN YOUR ACCOMPLISHMENTS. Accomplishments are great motivators to keep you going. Writing these down such as: - I lost one pound this week - My clothes feel looser than before Accomplishments make you feel better about yourself and prove your efforts pay off.6. REWARD YOURSELF AFTER EACH GOAL YOU ACHIEVE. CAUTION: Do NOT reward yourself with food. Instead, try things like buy a new exercise outfit or a DVD, go to a movie, or get a new hair style. 7. START ON YOUR NEXT GOAL. THE KEY IS TO DO IT STEP BY STEP. Short term goals work best. If you feel like you are losing your motivation, take a look in your notebook and read about WHY DO I WANT TO LOSE WEIGHT. You can also ask a friend or find a motivation buddy to help encourage you and keep you accountable. The Teen Bulletin Board area is a good place to find a buddy. Many kids post motivation tips on the Success Boards as well. Remember, You can do it! Good luck! Let us know what you think of this tip. Make this a healthy week! (Click here for past week's tips) |
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