BlubberBusters Tips from Lucy |
Help! I Have Lost My Motivation! Many kids and teens say that they know how to lose weight. They know how yet cannot start to try. Many say they are just "lazy." Others say that they just cannot get motivated to start.
Sometimes, it is good to talk about the benefits of losing weight AND the benefits of staying the way you are now. Thinking about both may help you see what is keeping you from being motivated to lose weight. You can do this by thinking about the "pros" and "cons" to losing weight. This chart may help you. Think about what you would put in each box. After each statement, you can write down the positive and negative parts to losing weight and not losing weight. This chart shows what Lucy wrote down when she lacked motivation.
Completing this chart can be hard work. And, it is good work. Looking at what makes change hard may help make it less scary. Making it less scary may help you see ways around the tough spots. Click here to link to your own motivation chart. Print it out and write in your own answers. For more on making motivation, click here. Make
this a healthy week! |
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