Being overweight or obese as a kid can be tough enough. But it does not
help when some classmates or peers also start teasing you.
Many kids ask how to cope with other people who pick on them, especially
when the teasing
pertains to their weight.
Here is a method, some call the Greta Garbo technique, to deal with
those who pick on you. Next time you find yourself in the situation of
being bullied, try the following:
1. Clear all thoughts from your mind.
2. Look at the bully straight in the eye.
3. Do not say or do anything.
4. Focus on keeping a completely blank expression on your face.
5. Mentally record what is going on for later processing.
Watch this gal relate how she successfully used this technique when
dealing with a bully.
(From YouTube channel "mdeioma")
Greta Garbo was a famous actress
who lived from 1905-1990. In one of her
films, the director instructed her to think about “nothing... absolutely
nothing.....I want your face to be a blank sheet of paper. I want the writingto be done by everyone in the audience."
At right is the clip in which Greta Garbo emptied her mind of thought.