Tickets for Weight Loss Success
some kids, visual prompts for fun exercise, healthy foods, and limiting
TV time can be helpful because it increases their awareness of good and
bad habits. In this tip, the visual cues are "tickets" or little pieces
of paper that suggest a healthy snack, a fun activity, or help you keep
track of the amount of TV that you watch. The below tables are for you
to either copy or print out and cut up. Place the tickets into a jar or
another container.
Healthy Foods and Fun Activities
These tickets can help
motivate yourself to eat healthy and to do some non-food activities.
Does your mind sometimes draw a blank as to what to eat for a snack or
what to do? Put these tickets in a jar and surprise yourself with what
you draw. An extra row is provided in each table for healthy foods and
activities that you especially like. Be sure to only use the Food Jar
when you are truly hungry. Use the Activity Jar anytime you are looking
for something to do!
Apple Slices |
Granola over Yogurt |
10 Toasted Almonds |
String Cheese |
Raisin Bran cereal |
2 cups Popcorn (no butter) |
1 cup Milk | Tea | 5 Saltines | Carrot | Water | Triscuits |
Pickles | Banana | 1/2 cup Applesauce | Grapefruit | Lollipop | Pumpkin Seeds |
Your Idea Here |
Call a Friend |
Ride Bike |
Walk around Neighborhood |
Vacuum a Room |
Dance |
Paint Nails |
Find Geocache |
Skateboard |
Read Book |
Rollerblade |
Join an After-School Club |
Learn to Crochet or Knit |
Work on Model Plane, Ship, or Train |
Enroll in Volunteer Program |
Enter weigh2rock Chat Room |
Clean Room |
Take Dog on Walk |
Listen to Music |
Fly Kite |
Take Pictures |
Your Idea Here
Do you have a weakness for
TV? The average American child watches about 4 hours of TV per day.
That adds up to 1500 hours per year! Compare that to the 900 hours that
the average American child spends in school per year. The American
Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that kids under 2 years old not
watch any TV and that those older than 2 watch no more than 1 to 2
hours a day of quality programming. How many hours of TV do you watch
per day?
If you watch more than an hour of TV per day, consider this challenge:
Watch 7 hours maximum of TV per week. Preferably watch less. Place the
15 minute tickets in a jar next to the TV and remove one for each
quarter hour of TV that you watch. Try not to run out of tickets before
the end of the week! If you fail, try again the next week. See if you
can decrease the number of hours of TV watched each week. Pick TV shows
that you highly value, and only plan on watching those, but not others
unless you make substitutions in your viewing. Here's a week's worth of
tickets to get you started.
1 hour | 2 hours | 3 hours | 4 hours | 5 hours | 6 hours | 7 hours |
15 min. | 15 min. | 15 min. | 15 min. | 15 min. | 15 min. | 15 min. |
15 min. | 15 min. | 15 min. | 15 min. | 15 min. | 15 min. | 15 min. |
15 min. | 15 min. | 15 min. | 15 min. | 15 min. | 15 min. | 15 min. |
15 min. | 15 min. | 15 min. | 15 min. | 15 min. | 15 min. | 15 min. |
See if you can use a ticket from both the food and activity jar this
week! And as an added bonus, the more activity tickets you use, the
less likely you'll use up all of your TV tickets.
Let us know what you think of this tip. Please vote only once. Thank you.
this a healthy week!
here for past week's tips)