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BlubberBusters Tips
from Lucy (Click here for past week's tips) |
GOAL SETTINGHOW TO MAKE GOALS AND KEEP THEMA Step By Step Approach![]() We all have dreams, wishes and ideas of what we'd like to be or do someday. But, how can we make them a reality? Setting goals and developing plans can help us achieve our dreams. HERE ARE A FEW STEPS TO HELP YOU GET STARTED: 1. Make a PROBLEM list. Sometimes, our problems get in the way of us achieving or even setting goals. That's why it can be helpful to first write down the things you think are your problems that you want to change. Making a list helps us to visualize and organize them. Maybe you think you have fat thighs or a big stomach and are overweight; maybe you are shy or embarrassed about your weight; maybe you aren't good in math or you don't have many friends; maybe you eat to hide your feelings; maybe you feel lonely or sad; maybe you snack too much or never exercise. Whatever your problems that you want to change might be, put them on the list. Be Honest! Once you've listed out all your problems or at least the ones you want to work on, organize them by which ones bother you the most or which ones you want to work on first. ![]() PROBLEM #1 - I eat when I am sad GOAL - Distract myself or do a hobby when I feel sad PROBLEM #2 - Embarrassed about weight 3. Write down a PLAN for each goal and what you will do to reach your short term goal. For example:
Be sure to make your plan (the things that you will do) MEASURABLE. That way you can check your progress. For example: PROBLEM #2 - Embarrassed about weight Are your plans (the things that you will do) MEASURABLE? Remember, if you check the status of your goals frequently, you are more apt to reach them. 4. Check your PROGRESS daily to see how you are doing. Did I follow my plan? If you did, keep doing the plan. Hurray! If you didn't follow your plan, review and modify it so it is doable. Don't beat yourself up if you didn't follow your plan today. Just start each day new and try again. Once you have accomplished your first goal, you are ready to start on another. See, YOU CAN DO IT!! 5. Seek help from FRIENDS. More often than not friends are wanting to help you succeed and can offer you tons of support and encouragement. ![]() Remember, it gets easier the longer you practice your goals. So, keep following your plans step by step. Soon you will be living your new healthy you! Keep working at it. YOU CAN DO IT! Let us know what you think of this tip. Make this a healthy week! (Click here for past week's tips) |
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