How to lose weight |
=> how do i loss weight i am doing every thing i just want it to come offfff help mee
=> I just turned 14 in November, I am 5' 2, and I weigh around 158lbs. My doctor didn't exactly tell me I was overweight, but the calculator says that I am. I joined volleyball in late October, and we did a bunch of 1 hour workouts everyday so I don't know how much weight I've lost since then. I eat more snacks then I should, but I've been narrowing my snacks down from sweets to fruit. I don't know if it helps, but do you have any suggestions on other ways that could help me lose the weight? Middle School and obesity don't mix so I would like to fix this problem for not only the way people think of me, but also to change the way that I think of myself.
=> hi lucy,
I am 158cm and 51.3 kg (I am 10 years 9months Male). I would like to know how to loose my weight. I have quite a belly but thank god no 1 teases me. it would be quite helpful if you can tell me a good diet for my age as I do not like my body shape. I play football and basketball everyday and run for like 1 hour twice a week. can you give:
tips on how to loose weight
and a good diet(like what to eat and not eat and for how long)thanks alot
Kind regards
=> Hi Lucy i would like to know how to lose weight . Im 9 and Im 140 pounds. I know I need to lose weight. Im also over weight.
=> How can I lose weight
A couple of you mention that you get regular exercise but remain overweight. Even though one may be active, it can be easy to eat more food than our bodies can be reasonably expected to burn off. Many kids find that they start to lose weight when they figure out how to get their food consumption under control.
To kick the overeating habit, think about the reasons why you eat extra portions or snack too much. Are you truly hungry to the point you would seek out foods such as dry toast, broccoli, a banana, or a glass of tea? Or do you specifically look for foods that give you extra pleasure? Common foods that kids list as their weaknesses include chocolate, pizza, chips, cookies, and french fries. What foods are you addicted to? Learn to recognize the times of day, situations, or feelings that prompt you to overeat. For example, kids feeling bored or stressed after a long school day may come home and snack heavily until dinner. A child or teen who realizes they are eating too much after school can then break this habit by finding something else that can help calm, distract, or give satisfaction without the consequence of weight gain. Examples of alternate activities include:
Call a Friend • Ride Bike • Walk around Neighborhood • Vacuum a Room • Dance • Paint Nails • Find Geocache • Skateboard • Read Book • Rollerblade • Join an After-School Club • Learn to Crochet or Knit • Work on Model Plane, Ship, or Train • Enroll in Volunteer Program • Enter weigh2rock Chat Room • Clean Room • Take Dog on Walk • Listen to Music • Fly Kite • Take Pictures
"How do I lose weight?" is further explained in our healthy weight school section.
Fido would love to go on a walk with you!
Where is my will power? |
=> Lucy, my weight problem is not as extreme as yours was, but i go to a sporty school and nearly everyone is skinny. i try to go on a diet but i cxant muster up the will power to follow it through. any help here?
=> Will Power
First make sure you really need to lose weight. Don't compare yourself to "skinny" classmates. Maybe they are within the healthy weight range. But maybe some are underweight, which is especially dangerous for growing kids. (Although this is not true in your case, the opposite can also happen where some kids mistakenly believe they are at a healthy weight when many of their classmates look like them, but in reality they AND their classmates are overweight. Their perception (view) has become "normalized"; meaning, kids (and adults) accept overweight and obesity as healthy when it is not, just because so many other kids fall into this category and that is the only "world" they know.)
![Lucy chooses a smaller pie slice](/images/pie.gif)
Use our kid specific weight calculator and talk with your doctor to see what the healthy weight range is for you.
One of you didn't really ask a specific question, but perhaps proposed Will Power as a topic for a tip or chat. Sometimes it seems like building up will power to change eating and exercise habits is next to impossible when trying to lose weight. When kids become dependent on food to cope with life, then something bigger than will power may need to be addressed: Food Addiction. A new tip was created to specifically talk about how food addiction overwhelms will power and what can be done about it in order to lose weight. Check out: Conquer Your Food Addiction: More than just a matter of will power
I'm now vegetarian but still having trouble losing weight. |
=> hi i am a girl of 17years old, 165cm (5' 5") and 175pounds and i have a autoinmume desiese and i am also celiac, now i am ovo-vegetarian (it means that i am vegetarian but the only thing that comes from an animal that i eat is eggs). i am vegetarian since 2 months ago because the doctor told me to start to be a vegetarian if i want to be better.
i have been fat all my life but 3 years ago when i start with my health problems i gained 30 pounds and now i dont now how to loose weight, i thought that been celiac vegetarian was going t be a solution for my weight problem and i know that to be fat is unhealty so please help mee i do not knoe what to do to loose weight.
Choosing to practice vegetarianism does not guarantee weight loss. There are several ways one can become vegetarian but not all of them are healthy. Ideally, when one stops eating meat, they replace this part of their diet with more fruits, vegetables, and grains. However, many kids may instead replace meat with junk foods like chips, pizza, and cookies. Many vegetarian recipes contain lots of cheese which can also be very high in calories. The Skinny on Going Vegetarian outlines what kids should consider when making the switch to vegetarianism. Vegetarian Nutrition for Teenagers is also a good resource for teens new to this type of diet.
When one has special diet restrictions due to specific health conditions, such as celiac disease in your case, then it is best to meet with a dietitian to discuss foods that will be most appropriate for you. Ask your doctor for a referral to a dietitian if he or she has not done so already. You might also appreciate the Kids Korner at the Celiac Disease Foundation for additional ideas. As with many kids however, you may have problem foods that you repeatedly overeat or emotional triggers that you respond to by eating instead of using other coping techniques. No matter your special health condition, reviewing "How Do I Lose Weight?" gives many kids the insight on where they need to start making changes in their lives to accomplish healthy weight loss goals.
Image courtesy
Too Busy to Lose Weight? |
=> i just dont have time to go to the gym because im busy with school, homework and babysitting. in school i dont have a lunch because i booked my schedule with all classes so then i have enough cresits to graduate in 2 years. i really need to loose weight but im not sure how and it needs to be somthing easy that i can commit to because im always busy and im not good at keeping a boring schedule and doing the same things every day. i like to keep it changed up and exciting, if you know what i mean. please email me back i really need the help.
You sound very busy! Although some kids may skip meals (often breakfast or lunch), they feel famished (starved) late in the day and eat more calories than if they had eaten regular meals and small snacks throughout the day. You may not have a scheduled lunch, but try to eat a small snack between classes at noon time so that you don't overeat after school or in the evening.
![4 kids around globe](/images/tips/globe_kids.jpg)
As far as exercise, fit in activities that would be part of your daily schedule if you are short on time. For example, if you have to go to a different floor of a building, then take the stairs, not the elevator. Walk or ride your bike to school if you live within a reasonable distance. Otherwise, park your car farther away than you usually do so that you can increase how much you walk. If you don't like doing the same things all the time, then perhaps drawing an option from an activity jar will give you a surprise everyday! Read Tickets to Weight Loss Success to get you started.
I'm overweight and other kids mock me, make fun of me, and call me mean names. |
=> I understand i have a weight problume and i cant stand it. Im 5 foot 3 and a half and weigh 240 lbs. It really sucka because i get made fun of in school sometimes.
=> hi am 12yrs am weighing 64kg and think am obse pls can you help ineed to reduce before the end of the month
pls ireally need your help to reduce am been mocked by my agemate
=> I wanted to ask you about loosing weight, can you give me some addvice if you can, Anyway, I want more people to like me, but there not, they make fun of me, and call me names like, fatty nopants, and hippopadamous, so if you can, please help me.
=> Hi Lucy i am 9 years old i am 140 pounds & I am 4 foot 9.
My dad is 6 foot 3 thats the good news but kids at my school
call me fat & blubber belly and some other mean names.So i was hoping you could help me with my weight management.Those names really hurt me in a way PLEASE HELP Me
Many kids experience teasing (in a mean way) when growing up, although kids who are overweight or obese may become the target of more teasing and bullying than their classmates. Being on the receiving end of teasing can be emotionally painful. When a child calls another kid names or makes fun of them, they are actually trying to build up their self-importance. This is a sign of immaturity, because they are trying to make themselves feel better at the expense of hurting someone else. Fortunately, most kids stop bullying others as they get older.
![girl attempting to tease boy](/images/polls/bully_cropped.jpg)
There are several options for dealing with bullies who are currently making your life difficult. First, consider how you will deal directly with the teasing situation by planning ahead. These strategies may include practicing your response in front of a mirror, or talking with a friend of the teaser to ask them to stop, or finding additional friends through extracurricular (outside of school class) activities who will support you and perhaps help stop the bullying. Additional ideas can be found at the following tips.
Teasing at School
Dealing with Bullies
It is also helpful to try to maintain or raise your self-confidence during the times when you are experiencing lots of teasing. Please consider getting yourself a Self Esteem Start Up Kit and remember, Talk Kindly to Yourself.
Recipes |
=> What are some recipes that can help me lose weight
=> i am not over weight i am kind of thick but i need help to eat healthy food
Many kids know that they should "eat better" but don't. If you find that you have a weakness for the same junk foods, fast food, or sweet, salty, and fattening treats at home, then use the Foods to Help You Fight Through Cravings tip.
However, sometimes we have difficulty coming up with new ideas when all we have known are unhealthy eating habits. The following links provide some great recipe ideas for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. Explore these websites and find recipe ideas that appeal to you. Have fun!
![healthy food display](/images/healthy_food.jpg)
What's Cookin' recipe ideas from our website
Mollie Katzen's Kid's Corner 3 kid's recipes + Cookbooks for Kids
ChopChop a quarterly food magazine and website for kids aged 5-12 and their families
MyPyramid Blast off Game an interactive game to test your food choices! healthy recipes search = 2,101 results
Eat Better at recipe ideas from the US Department of Health and Human Services
Fruits & Veggies More Matters features a food each month with recipes ideas that include it
Fresh for Kids kids' recipe ideas based on the season
Is it hard to lose weight? |
=> is it hard lossing wait
Losing weight is hard for most people. After all, shedding pounds usually requires making changes in how we eat and exercise. Many kids have a set routine in the kinds and amounts of food they eat plus how active they are each day. Improving upon these habits takes a conscious effort and often many slip-ups before we start seeing success.
Some kids may have a more difficult time losing weight because they have a stronger addiction to their problem foods. Kids who participated in a poll about food addiction helped us to form a list of common problem foods. When kids find that they reach for the same junk foods over and over, they will probably require more effort to kick their junk food habit so that they can lose weight.
Should I lose weight? |
=> 1) i am 13 years old and am 5.4 feet tall and im about 126 pounds...... idk if im average or not.. i think i am healthy, but when i go to the girls section in clothing store, all the 13 years old clothes look too tight for me!
=> 2) Hi I was wondering if you are 10 yaers old a girl and 4"10 is 103.6 lbs. over weight?????Please help me !
=> 3) Is being 5'2 and 120 good ? Im a size 7 - 9 in jeans
should i loose weight ?
I run 5 days a week at school
=> 4) I'm 15 almost 16 year's old and I'm around 5'6. I play volleyball and softball, and i recently quit basketball. It's really hard because I've gained nearly 10 pounds since volleyball ended. I don't want to be 140 pounds i want to go back to 130, or even 125. I don't know if i'm over weight all I don't is my belly looks nasty and my legs are huge. I need HELP...
![Fairbanks Scale](/images/fairbanksScale.jpg)
1) You are neither underweight nor overweight according to health experts. You can confirm this by using our weight calculator and talking with your doctor.
2) You are overweight. Use our weight calculator and enter your current statistics (age, height, weight, sex) to see if you are still overweight. Then talk with your doctor to see if you need to start a weight loss plan or if "growing into your weight" may be a better option.
3) We don't know if you are overweight because you don't provide your age or sex. Use our weight calculator to find out.
4) You are neither underweight nor overweight. However, you are at the upper end of the healthy weight range so you may want to monitor your weight closely by using our weight calculator. Talk with your physician about whether your desire to drop to 130 or 125 pounds is appropriate for you at this time.
Sad about being overweight/obese |
=> I never thought I would get to the point where I had to call myself "overweight" but now my BMI says that I'm actually obese. I have been dieting since I'm about 8 years old, and this subject has become more of a trauma than anything else. I'm always sad because of my weight,I don't do stuff that I would actually like to do because of my insecurities like dancing in public, and because of this I HATE to be seen in public whether it's in the mall or at my school's play. I just hate myself, I feel that I would be such a different person if I lost weight. But the problem is that I have tried every single diet that you could imagine, Atkins, Weight Watchers, The Cayenne pepper cleanser, not eating, eating just rice, name it and I can tell you all about it. I just loose my patience when I see no changes, no immediate changes I just stop what ever diet I'm doing and start to eat again. It's just frustrating. I just lost all hope and don't know what things to do to loose this weight that is an emotional burden to me and affects everyone around me! please help me
How we feel about ourselves can greatly affect our weight loss efforts. Some kids find that it's hard to lose weight until they change how they view themselves.
Here are some recent posts from the Success Board that show how a change in attitude can positively affect weight loss:
From allison, Age 14, female - 10/16/10
"i always had weight problums science i starded kindergarden. when i steped on the scale and it said 240 i couldent believe it.i kept on geting on and off to see if it was just a glich. but it still said 240. I stayed up crying all night. i couldent even think how i let myself go liker that. on that day i changed my thinking, i changed my bad habbits...
i was a size 18-20 pants, now iam a 16-14.
form a 52 inch waist to a 47.
i feel so much better. and i wnated this so i did it the healthy way !! "
From Ally13, Age 23, female - 09/10/10
"I tried pretty much every diet out there, without much or lasting success. It was only in 2009 when I realized that I hit my heaviest (204 lbs.) while meeting my future in-laws that I said enough. Since then, I've had a total mental turnaround which is always what I knew I'd need to accomplish my weight loss goals...
I'm 140 lbs. right now and my final goal is to be 115 lbs., so I still have some work to do, but I'm quite proud that I accomplished what I thought would be impossible. I feel and look so much better and I don't dread going out in public anymore =D. "
![Thumbs Up](/images/Q_A/Thumbs_Up.jpg)
It's important to not to let negative thoughts take over your life. Instead, next time you find yourself thinking a negative thought, tell yourself "Stop It!", and replace this negative thought with a positive one. Beware of the "black and white" thinking with weight loss, because no one can follow the steps to weight loss 100% correctly the first time. Weight loss is a matter of the small successes eventually outnumbering the setbacks. The following three tips from Lucy can help you create positive thoughts and make your weight loss easier.
You Are What You Think?
Stinkin' Thinkin'
Self Esteem Start Up Kits!
Image courtesy
Do I have a food addiction? Am I overweight? Why do I eat out of boredom? |
=> Q: food problem? do i have a food adiction? i am 13 and i weigh 159lbs and i always eat and sometimes when i am not hungary i eat and i eat at night when evertbody is asleep what can i do? i am 13 and i weigh 159lbs. i need to loose 19lbs and i can't will you help me?
=> q: i have a weight proble.
1: sometimes i eat when i'm not hungary
2: i weigh 159lbs.
3: is this overweight?
=> how much should i weigh? i'm 13 5'1\2 i weigh 165lbs.
=> i turn to food when i'm boared and all i do is eat and thats almost everyday i need help
All of the above questions were submitted by the same child over a three month period, so Lucy thought it would be best to answer these questions together.
Although you provided your "statistics" (age, height, weight), whether you are a boy or a girl also matters. Use our Weight Calculator to learn if you are healthy weight, overweight, or obese. The Weight Calculator will also show how much you should weigh (a range) based on the data you enter, but talk with your doctor to make sure the weight range is right for you.
![Bored Boy Drinking Soda Pop](/images/polls/bored_face.jpg)
If you turn to food when you are bored or you eat when you are not even hungry, then these could be signs of emotional eating. If you find that you often eat the same food or type of food when you have these unpleasant feelings, then this may also be a sign of a food addiction. Check out "How do I lose weight?" to learn more about how finding comfort in food often leads to overweight, and how to successfully deal with withdrawal symptoms when cutting out problem foods. For specific tips on how to quit certain foods, check out Saying Goodbye to the Food Drug.