Growth Spurts and Weight Fluctuations |
=> i am 12 years old turning 13 this year. i am a little bit chubby especially around my thighs. i don't know if it's baby fat or i will grow out of it. i don't want to be fat
=> does some of the weight come off if you have a large growth spurt?
Good News! While your weight does not necessarily come off, you may look thinner as your body lengthens and you grow taller.
Your BMI (body mass index) will most likely improve as you grow taller, if you do not also gain more weight. Your BMI is your weight divided by your height squared or:
(height) X (height)
Check the weight calculator on this site to check that your weight is in a healthy range. Keep active, exercise regularly and eat healthy. All good ideas for being a healthy weight! |
Eating When Stressed or Sad - Things To Do Instead |
=> my friend is obses. She eats when strss. What can she do to not strss eat.
=> my dad ppassed away and for me food is my savior I'm 12
Eating for reasons other than hunger can be a recipe for gaining weight. It's just not a good idea! When we are stressed or sad we might find comfort in eating but it is only temporary and then the stress or sadness returns.
Here are some things to try instead of turning to food:
1. Start a journal. Writing down how we feel inside can help us get in touch with our feelings and help us come up with ways to solve our stress or sadness without turning to food. Here are some tips on starting a journal. Try it, it's relaxing and fun.
2. Take a walk or exercise. Exercise can help clear your mind and calm you down.
3. Play with a pet. It’s amazing how helpful a furry friend can be.
4. Cry. Sometimes expressing your stress can help relieve it. Here is a list of more tips to try.
By learning to become more in touch with whatever our feelings are, and by practicing other coping strategies, we are on the road to becoming less stressed and more happy. Try some of these suggestions and see for yourself!
Why Weight Differs In the Same Day |
=> Why does the weight as you get up in the morning differs from the weight after eating?
There are several reason why your weight can change throughout the day:
The body is made up of about 60% water, therefore changes in your weight will be directly related to how much or how little you are drinking.
Weighing yourself right after you eat may not be the best idea because when you eat, the food you've eaten will add to your overall weight. It doesn’t mean you’ve suddenly gained weight, it just means that you’ve recently eaten and that has added something to your body (something that will later pass when you use the bathroom).
If you've been exercising and trying to lose weight, it is important to note that adding muscle can increase your scale weight as well, even though you’re ACTUALLY slimming down. The reason muscle weighs more is because muscle is denser than fat and it takes up less space (so you may appear smaller but have gained more weight). The reason muscle benefits us is because it will help burn calories faster than fat. So it's worth the effort and exercise!
To get the most accurate weight, it is best to set a specific time to weigh yourself and do so everyday at that same time (when you first wake up, before bed, etc.).
A scale is a good tool to use when it is combined with your circumference measurements in inches (use a tape measure to find out how many inches you are around your waist, legs, arms, etc.) Inches are a great indicator of weight loss. Being knowledgeable of your scale weight and your body measurements can help you monitor your progress and tell whether you are losing the fat and/or gaining muscle!
Weight Loss On One Body Area |
=> How do you lose weight on your stomach?
=> I want to tone up my belly, my arms, and my love handles before summer which is in 3 months..what are your best tips to help me?
Many kids are unhappy with certain parts of their body and would like to lose fat in just one area. Unfortunately, “spot” weight reduction in a specific area of your body doesn't work. The good news is that any exercise or weight loss should help your problem areas as well as your body in general.
Successful weight loss is usually done through a combination of increasing physical activity and decreasing your caloric intake. The best exercises for your thighs, butt, hips, and stomach are those that get your heart pumping faster. These are called cardio exercise and help your body burn fat for energy. Doing activities like swimming, dancing, walking, jumping rope, playing sports, even cleaning, can help your body get healthier. Try to get 30 to 60 minutes of "cardio" most days of the week and you should begin to notice changes.
Head over to Exercising Smart for more information on cardio exercise! Get moving and you'll see results!
Healthy Snack Ideas |
=> I need help with healthy snack ideas, and I need to be more active. Help?!
You sound like you are motivated to make some changes. That's great!![](../../images/Whats_cookin/fruit.jpg)
Healthy snacking and physical activity are very important parts of successful weight loss, and good health in general. Eating healthy meals and snacks throughout the day is a great way to keep cravings away because you won't be as hungry. That makes it much easier to say no to candy or chips.
Choose healthy snacks like fruits, nuts, or yogurt. When buying groceries, buy healthy 100 calorie snack packs. They are already portioned out for you, so all you have to do is grab one when you feel the need for a snack!
Lucy has a whole page of tips on healthy eating. Head on over there for more information, on healthy after school snacks.
In addition to thinking about the types of foods to snack on, think about these things:
1. Eat a snack only when you feel physically hungry.
2. Don't eat snacks when you are bored or feeling blue. See rule number one.
3. Keep foods out of sight so you won't be tempted.
4. Eat snacks only at the kitchen table, not in front of the TV or computer.
Being physically active every day is easy! It doesn't need to take a lot of time and can be any activity you enjoy doing. Think about fun activities like going for a ride on your bike, taking a walk with a friend or your dog. Being more active can be as simple as taking the stairs instead of the elevator or dancing around your room. As long as you are raising your heart rate and moving your body, you will burn calories. Remember, if you like doing the activity, you are more likely to do it on a regular basis. Get Moving and Eat Healthy! You Will See Results!
How To Determine If Your Child Is Overweight - What You Can Do To Help |
=> my ten year old girl says shes overweight. shes always working out and cryes herself to sleep at night because shes "fat". shes a hundered pounds and she has a gut but i have never thought about it that way please wright me back soon.
Excessive weight gain can occur at any age, but many parents don’t address the issue until the child is older or until the child is very overweight. By then, it is much more difficult to treat. Here are some ways to tell if your child is overweight:
Ten Ways to Tell if Your Child Has a Weight Problem*
1. His/her doctor tells you so.
2. Your child complains about being teased about her/his size.
3. Your child’s clothes seem to get too small too fast.
4. Shopping for clothes with your child is a nightmare.
5. Your child refuses to be seen in a bathing suit.
6. Your child’s friendships are suddenly changing.
7. Your child withdraws from activities he/she previously enjoyed.
8. You find yourself referring to him/her as "big-boned" or "large."
9. You notice your child huffing and puffing after a simple task such as climbing of stairs.
10. Your child tells you she/he thinks she/he is over-weight.
First, find out if your child is truly overweight. Check the weight calculator on this site to determine where your child falls.
If you find that your child is a healthy weight, she or he may have mis-perceptions about their body image or have low self-esteem. It is helpful to remind them that their worth as a person is not based on what size they are.
If you determine that your child is indeed overweight, you might want to have your child visit their pediatrician to determine a good plan and weight goal. This site has many tips and ideas that can also help. There is a section where you can learn more about how to help your child on the "Parents of Overweight Kids" page. Many teens and pre-teens find the Tips Area and the Chat room helpful as well.
Kids need their parents to listen, so keep those lines of communication open and practice being a good role model. You can greatly facilitate your child's growth into a healthy teen and adult. Good luck!
*From The Can-Do Eating Plan for Overweight Kids and Teens., by Michelle Daum, MS, RD, a pediatric nutritionist in private practice in Westchester and Long Island, NY.
How Do I Lose Weight |
=> I had a letter saying that i am over weight and i don't know how please help me!
=> I am 8 and my mom says i am big.How do i lose weight?
=> I am 11 and fat I really need to get back in my weight. Group right now I am160 and I am hoping maybe to get to tips to lose it I also feel sad because all my orther friends a skinny so ya please help
=> How can I lose weight? I don't eat much junk food I eat a lot of fruit and veg I do a lot of excercice and yet I'm overweight.I'm only 10 and I weigh 56kg and i'm very fat.
“How do I lose weight?” is one of the most frequently asked questions submitted to us. If it were simply a matter of following the advice to eat less and exercise more, then you probably would have already done it! Since so many kids (and adults) have trouble losing weight, we think there is more going on.![](../../images/kyak1.jpg)
Being overweight is a result of consuming more calories than we burn off. It is sometimes easiest to lose weight by decreasing the amount of food we eat, although a combination of smaller portions and increased physical activity will help the most in losing weight and keeping it off.
Some kids say they’ve tried everything suggested on this site. However, have you tried it long enough? Remember, weight loss takes time. You may not see results for several weeks at first, or you may see an improvement in your appearance but the scale says you still weigh the same. You may have replaced some fat with muscle and that is definitely an improvement!
If you have trouble eating less than you currently consume, explore some of the possible reasons why you may be overeating: are you bored? stressed? depressed? anxious? You may not be consciously aware of it, but you may be emotionally dependent (hooked) on certain foods. Read through our Healthy School "How Do I Lose Weight?" page to learn how to break the overeating habit of these addictive foods.
We can’t be in your home monitoring the food you eat or telling you how much to exercise. You will have to learn to be accountable for your own actions, including lifestyle choices that impact your health. Some kids have extra challenges due to significant food addictions, emotional eating and/or a home setting that has obstacles to healthy eating and exercise (lack of nutritious food, no safe outdoor play areas nearby). But there can be ways to work around these barriers with enough motivation and creative thinking.
“Good Luck!!
Being Overweight - It Makes Me Feel Sad and I Avoid Others Because of It - Help! |
=> i feel that i am over weight so i try to stay clear out of that normal
=> i am 129 pounds and being overweight its the worst thing for a kid to have i dont like being overweight
Sometimes those of us who are overweight use our weight to identify who we are as a person. This can lead to feelings of isolation and unhappiness which sometimes causes us to seek comfort in food. This is turn leads to more unhappiness and weight gain which tends to lower our self image and lowers our self esteem.
Remember, you are MUCH MORE than your weight and your friends like you for who you are, not for what you look like.
Here are some things you can do to improve your self-esteem.
1. Keep a journal and write down all the things you can think of that you like about yourself and all the things other people like about you. Here's another tip from Lucy about self-esteem to help you get started.
2. Read what you wrote down every single day and whenever you are feeling badly about yourself. It will take some time, but eventually you will feel better about yourself, and you will show yourself to others as a more confident person. Remember that YOU are pretty, no matter what your weight.
3. Write down the things you like about your appearance, then take steps to bring out your best features. Do you have great hair? Ask a stylist for advice on a good cut and style for you. Stop at the cosmetic counter at the mall and ask for makeup tips to bring out your eyes. Keep in mind that there is nothing more beautiful than a genuine smile. KEEP SMILING, IT LOOKS GOOD ON YOU!!
There are also many clothing manufacturers that make great looking clothes for overweight teens. Here are some clothing tips to help you look your best. Once you feel better about your appearance, your confidence will improve and other people will see "you," not your weight. Hold your head up high and get out there! DANCE ANYONE?
Stretch Marks - Will They Go Away with Weight Loss |
=> Okay so I'm 13 and I have stretch marks on my stomach i have lost some weight and they have become less noticeable. Ive only lost half of what i need to lose so if i lose all my weight will they still be there???
Stretch marks can occur with rapid growth or weight gain when the body expands faster than the skin can grow. They appear most often on the stomach, under arms, sides of the body, thighs, buttocks and hips. Stretch marks may not completely disappear but they do tend to fade over time. Losing weight will also help.
Here are some things you can do to reduce further scarring:
1. Drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated. This also helps you to feel more full so you’ll eat less and reduce your food intake.
2. Continue to lose weight.
3. Start exercising. Even just walking every day helps.
Fast weight gain is often a sign of emotional eating or a food addiction. Check out the tips on Say Goodbye to Problem Foods and "How Do I Lose Weight?" to help get your eating under control. Keep working towards your weight loss goals, it sounds like you are making great progress!
What is a Healthy Weight |
=> I am 14 and 5'4 in usa measurements. I weigh about 149 does that make me overweight? and it 100 or 120 and good weight for me?
=> how much should a 11 year old girl wheigh? my wheight is 53 i see lots of girls at sare school who are so skinny
This is one of the most common questions asked by kids and teens who visit our site.
First, you can use our weight calculator to determine if you are underweight, a healthy weight, overweight or obese. The weight calculator on our website is designed for kids ages 2 through 20.
The weight calculator shows a healthy weight range based on your age, gender, weight and height. Whether you consider your body type or frame - small, medium, or large - does not matter. This is because the healthy weight range is wide enough that it includes all these body types.
Once you have determined where you fall, you can visit our Healthy Weight School to learn more, especially the section on How Do I Lose Weight.