Here is where we answer your questions about your weight and reaching your weight goal. Our site provides general health information only and cannot give medical advice.
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 Medical Testing For Diabetes

=> I'm 12 years old and I'm going to junior high in august, and my mom took me to the doctor's and they say I weigh about 148lbs and I was shocked about it, but the doctor said that my mom has to bring me to a lab for my blood testing thing and things they have to do, but I was wondering do you have to drink water and no eating dinner for the day? cause if I do then It would be hard for me to put eating junk and eat more healthy food.

 Your doctor may be concerned that you are at risk for developing diabetes. It is very important to know if you are at risk for developing diabetes so you can protect your body from harm. A simple blood glucose (sugar) test helps to determine if you are at risk. A high blood glucose level indicates that you may have diabetes. You will need to fast (not eat or drink anything except water) for several hours before the blood test. This is the only way to get an accurate test reading.

Most people get Type 2 Diabetes because they weigh more than their healthy weight range. A person may never know if he or she has diabetes since a person usually does not feel very sick. But, diabetes can still cause damage to the body. Sometimes, people complain of the following things before they are diagnosed with diabetes:
· Always tired
· Thirsty a lot
· Go to the bathroom to urinate a lot
· Blurry vision
· Dizzy
· Sweaty
· Hungry a lot
· Feel sick to the stomach or nauseous

There are many things you can do to prevent diabetes:
· Maintain a healthy weight. Check the weight calculator to see if your weight is in the healthy weight range.
· Eat 3 meals a day and do not skip meals. Try to eat at the same time everyday and eat about the same amount.
· Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats and proteins, and low fat dairy products everyday.
· Eat less high fat snacks like chips, pastries, and cookies.
· Omit high calorie drinks like soda, juices, sweetened teas, fruit punch, and Kool-Aid.
· Increase physical activity to 60 minutes a day most days of the week.
· Let yourself relax a few moments everyday and keep from getting too stressed.
· Ask your pediatrician or family physician if you are at risk. The doctor might want to check some blood work to see if you have diabetes. The sooner you know if you have diabetes or not, the sooner you can prevent the damage from the high blood glucose.

 How Do I Lose Weight

=> I am 11 going to be 12 soon and i am 140 lbs. And I want to be 100 lbs. 2 months is what time im shooting for. How can i do that on my own. I want them to be very surprised =) thank you!

=> I am 13 I weigh 348 i'm 5'8. I do not know how to lose weight i cant fit girl clothes i wear boy shirt's don't wear jeans I wear my moms pregnant pants from when she was pregnant I really go to stores because i don't have much to wear. I cant walk in my neighborhood because I just Can't my mom and grandma have to share a car, so I cant go to a park.I'm the biggest in my Whole family even bigger then my 16 your old sister shes overweight to but not as much as me.I have no idea how to stop I know how to not eat unhealthy foods but no matter what I do im always hungry.I need Help how to stop.

=> The calculator on this site said that I was obese (I am 10 and 151lbs) so what do I do now? I feel even fatter.

=> I'm trying to lose weight what to do? But don't tell me what everybody else says. Like eat right, excise, etc.

=> my parents think am getting fat. I play basket ball ,but i still can't lose weight

 "How do I lose weight?" This is the question we get asked more than any other on this site.
First, take some time to look through this website, you will find many of the answers you are looking for.

Here are a few tips to get you started.

1. Weight loss takes time, effort, and commitment. Generally, losing 1-2 pounds a week is considered a safe weight loss and it has been shown that gradual weight loss usually stays off longer. Be patient with yourself and don't give up.

2. Find a weight loss buddy or talk to a parent or another trusted adult about your desire to lose weight. Weight loss can be easier for you if you have their support and encouragement. This tip can help you start the discussion about your desire to lose weight with your parents.

3. Learn to recognize what a normal portion size is. Read food labels to help you make informed choices about the food value of what you eat. Avoid sugary foods and soft drinks as they usually just contribute to weight gain. Check out what a normal serving size is. You may find your portions are MUCH LARGER.

4. Pay attention to why you eat. Do you eat only when you are hungry? Do you eat because you are bored, stressed out, depressed, anxious or other emotional reasons? You might be emotionally “hooked” on certain foods and may need to learn to control your emotional eating in order to lose weight.

5. Motivation is a huge key to losing and maintaining weight. We have a tip to help you keep your motivation.

6. It's a great idea to keep a food, emotion and exercise/activity diary. This can be done in the same notebook as your motivation plan. Here is a tip to get you started.

7. Set smaller short term goals and take it step by step. Reward yourself with non food items when you reach your goals.

8. Don't give up! You may not succeed every day, but just try again the next day...and the next...

When you are ready for more information, head on over to our Healthy Weight School.
You can do it!!

 I'm Active But Still Don't Lose Weight

=> hi i am 13 years old and i am very active but still dont have a flat stomach what r some recipes and excises i can do to help me acheive my goal btw i weigh 122 pounds

=> i am fat an i am 15 i want to get skinny because i want to do more things with my friend an family. i work out it dont help. ido dieits it dont help. i walk,run,an dance all the time but it just dont help. i am coming to you wiz for help . plese tell me wat to do i am in need to loos wate.

=> hi i have love handles and i need to know how to get rid of them HELP?

=> I am trying to loose weight. I REALLY want to loose weight. My goal weight is 165-170. I do exercise and eat right. Is there any suggestions you could recommend? Thanks for your help!

 Losing weight can be difficult for some people. It's great that you are already physically active, but shedding pounds usually requires making changes in how we eat in addition to the exercise and activities we do. Generally, if we eat more calories than we burn off, we gain weight even though we are physically active.

Many kids have a set routine in the kinds and amounts of food they eat each day. Keeping a Food and Activity Journal can help identify the areas that you need to work on and can help you track your progress. Start with one or two changes at a time, and if you fail one day, get right back at it the next day. Changing your habits takes a conscious effort and improves over time. Try keeping a diary and see if that doesn't help.

 Bullied Because of Weight

=> I need help with my weight i am 12 years old and im 9 stone i get bullied because of my weight so please please can you give me a diet plan that i can stick to please i am admitting i need HELP!!!!

=> I'm new to this website and i just want to know is it okay to be heavy at such a young age? I have tried everything I could think of. I have even taken up sports. But I think it's hopeless.:( Is there any advice you have for me. P.S. Have you had any problems like this when you were younger or have been call names.

 Unfortunately, teasing or bullying is something most of us, including adults, have had to deal with at some time in our lives. We get teased for many different things, but someone who is overweight is often on the receiving end. If you weren't overweight, the bully would likely find something else to tease you about. While this feels very hurtful, try to remember that someone who makes fun of others actually has low self-esteem or is insecure. Their goal is to get a reaction from you in order to make themselves feel better.

If the bully no longer gets a reaction from you, he will likely move on to someone else.
While this seems tough at first, prepare yourself ahead of time and it will get easier. Practice ignoring them at home, so when they tease you, you will already know how you are going to respond. Here are some ways to deal with teasing.

 Help With Overweight Struggles

=> im only ten years old i weigh 146 i cant take a day without eating at least 6 meals a day help me please im so insucure at school i have strech marks and i try to cover it up with a jacket but its summer and i get very hot what do i do

=> I am 12 years old and I weight 204 lbs. and I am 5'3. I need help. I went to the doctors and my doctor slipped in a packet of "Child Obesity" for my mom. I was so embarrassed. I have tried dieting, but I never got anywhere. What do I do? Im super sick of being fat and ugly like I feel myself being. Can you help?


 Many people know how to lose weight through exercise and healthy eating, but still find it extremely challenging to make any progress towards weight loss. You might start to lose weight but then you hit a weight plateau, even though you eat less you don't lose weight and you feel stuck. Finding the motivation for losing weight can be tough work! This Tip for Weight Loss Reality may provide further information. Developing a Plan Can Help!

Many overweight people eat for reasons other than hunger, and they are hooked on the pleasure, comfort, and soothing that they get from rich food. It can become a lifelong habit. To break the habit and lose weight you have to replace the pleasure that you get from food with pleasure and comfort from other things, like pets, hobbies, sports, volunteer work, social activities. Here is a tip to help you get started conquering your Food Addiction.

Support from friends can help a lot! Find a weight loss body at home or on this website. The kids on the bulletin boards and in the chat room support each other in their struggles. These idea might help you talk about your own daily struggles and help you meet your goal. Good luck!

 Weight Loss Support From Others

=> I am a sophmore almost a junior in highschool. And I am struggling to lose weight. I am trying to eat right and I am getting help from one of my teachers. Am I doing the right thing?

 Many kids say it is easier to lose weight when they have the support and encouragement of their friends, parents or another trusted adult. Believe it or not, you need help from others even if it’s just for their support and motivation to help you to keep going.

You can also get support by reading the bulletin boards and visiting the chat room on this site. On the boards you can see how other kids and teens conquer their struggles with their weight and you can interact with others in the chat room. You may also be able to find a weight loss buddy too to help you on your journey. Good luck!

 Cardio Exercise

=> how many inches do i have to lose to make my weight loss noticeable? Also what is the best cardiovascular exercise to do?

 A good thing to remember is that weight loss takes time. You may not see results for several weeks at first, or you may see an improvement in your appearance in a short amount of time but the scale says you still weigh the same. You may have replaced some fat with muscle and that is definitely an improvement! You might initially notice that some of your clothes fit better.

Cardio or aerobic exercises are activities that raise your heart rate above the resting rate for a certain amount of time. These exercises are better at "burning" away fat over time. The "best" cardio exercise for you is one that you enjoy enough to continue doing over the long term. Decide on some fun activities that you can do at home. It is important to “just do it” at first, even when you don’t feel like it. Start out slowly and gradually increase the length of time to do these activities, and soon, you will notice you feel better and that you actually look forward to your “exercise.” It won’t seem like such an effort after all.

Some examples of exercises that you can do right in your home or neighborhood are:

• Dancing to your favorite music in your room
• Jump Roping
• Hula hoops
• Walking or Running up and down Stairs
• Going for a walk

Try to get 30 to 60 minutes of "cardio" most days of the week and you should begin to notice changes. Here are more Exercise Tips to help you get into the habit of being more active. Keep At It!

 Fast Weight Loss

=> im 14 years old i wait 146 but i want to get skinny fast and before i turn 15 i would like to get skinny in a month what should i do?

=> Dear Lucy, im a 12 yr old girl that is 5'8" and i weight 263 pounds and i want to dye my hair and my mom says i cant until i weight 130 pounds. how do i do that really fast because school starts in august and this is june and i wanna do it before school starts plz hlep!!!!!!

=> I just turned 12 years old in May, and I'm about 140lbs. I'm 5 feet and 2 inches tall. My goal weight is 90 to 100 pounds. It's June 11th and I want to reach this goal weight before school starts up again. However, I have no money for products or equipment and cannot leave the house. I don't want to be 140 pounds anymore, so could somebody PLEASE tell me what I should do?

=> I am 16 years old and am about 110kg,I want to lose most of this in 2-3 months...please help me on how to lose weight and live a healther life

=> i am turning 13 next month and i weigh 130. ive been gaining alot of weight on my tummy has lots of fat to loose. i am much heavier than my friends. i also do gymnastics and its hard to get my body over because i weigh to much. and i fly in cheerleading and they cant lift me. i really need a way to loose weight or tips. i do wii fit every night i wanna lose 20 pounds by next year. please help me i am tired of being embarresed of my weight.

=> I'm 12 and 5'4" but I'm 175 pounds. I really want to be atleast 120 by the end of the summer. Or the end of 2012. Please help me! I'd really appreciate it

 This is one of the most often asked questions. While most of us want to lose weight as quickly as we can, weight loss that occurs gradually (1-2 pounds a week) is more likely to stay off. Diets that promise rapid weight loss don't work and are not necessarily safe.

One to two pounds a week doesn't seem like much, especially when you have decided you want the weight gone, but it's the healthiest way to do it. Instead of focusing on the total weight loss goal, try making little goals that lead up to the big one. When you accomplish the smaller goal first, you will feel more successful and it will make working toward the end goal weight more attainable. For example, if your goal is to lose 40 pounds, make your first goal to lose 5 pounds. STEP BY STEP, that is the way to do it!

Trying to get to a healthier weight is hard work. Remember that losing weight involves making better choices, including healthy eating and exercise, so think about a plan you would be able to stick to for the rest of your life. All the small changes you make everyday will add up over weeks and months to a healthier body and a healthier you. You may not actually see results right away, but if you keep at it, I know you can do it!

When you are ready to move forward, check out our Healthy Weight School.

 Eating When Bored

=> I eat because I am bored what do I do? And I am 184 pounds I just can't stop it

 Sometimes we eat to soothe a feeling, not just to fuel our bodies. When we do this, we call it emotional or comfort eating. Boredom is a common feeling that can cause us to turn to food and occurs more often than you may think. Being aware of WHY you overeat is the first step in dealing with your overeating.

It is almost impossible for our brains to feel pleasure and displeasure at the same time. Unfortunately, the foods we often choose to cover up an emotion are the foods that are high in fat, sugar or salt, which can lead to weight gain. This can become a vicious cycle where a child can feel badly about gaining weight and eats more to make themselves (temporarily) feel better.

Instead of food for comfort, a person must find other ways to cope with boredom, loneliness, sadness, anger, happiness, frustration, stress, etc. Here is a past tip to further help you with avoiding boredom eating. Good Luck!

 Losing Weight in Secret

=> how do i lose weight without my friends knowing about it?

 Why don't you want weight loss support from your friends? Losing weight can be easier with the help of family and friends. They can help you by being supportive and can even be your weight loss buddy. If they know you are trying to lose weight they will be more apt to suggest doing fun activities together that don't involve food: Hiking through a nearby park, taking a spring bike ride, swimming together or playing some outdoor games. They can also help you to avoid food temptations when you are together.

It can be tough to start a conversation about your weight with a friend. You might be amazed at how willing they are to support you if you just ask! Lucy has some great tips for talking to your friends to help get you started:
You Don't Have To Do It Alone
A Little Help From My Friends

Include your friends in your weight loss journey, you'll be glad you did!

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