From Shannon, Age 15 - 08/19/03 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hello, my name is Shannon, and I wanted to make new friends and maybe meet someone who has the same interests, just contact me at if you want to chat or just reply, :sigh: I need to make new friends.
Reply from Shannon, Age 15 - 08/21/03 - IP#:
Reply from shannon, Age 15 - 08/21/03 - IP#:
Reply from manda, Age 15 - 08/21/03 - IP#:
Reply from manda, Age 15 - 08/21/03 - IP#:
From robin, Age 13 - 08/18/03 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'9", Today: 150 lb (BMI %tile: 81) - why is it that someone wont like someone becasue the way they lo0k? i mean isnt it supposed to be about the personality, intellagence , and humor? i mean i am kinda hipocritacal about this but when i get to kno someone even if they are "ugly" or "fat" i get over that because of their personalites. i hate wen i hear from my guy friends that wow that gurl is hott i should get with her .... i mean they dont even kno if the chik is the meanest girl in the world! they are so0 sterotipical !! well , sumtimes ill be like wow that guy is hott .... go talk to him .... N get to know him and something like smoking makes him ugly ..... i mean a guy wouldnt care if u smoked if u were "hott" ..... is it only me that noticed this ? also, i am like 5 9 N 150ish i have a few extra lbz here N there but im not obice .... ppl r mean and i was in a fast fo0d resteraunt and i walked by these two preppy... (view more)why is it that someone wont like someone becasue the way they lo0k? i mean isnt it supposed to be about the personality, intellagence , and humor? i mean i am kinda hipocritacal about this but when i get to kno someone even if they are "ugly" or "fat" i get over that because of their personalites. i hate wen i hear from my guy friends that wow that gurl is hott i should get with her .... i mean they dont even kno if the chik is the meanest girl in the world! they are so0 sterotipical !! well , sumtimes ill be like wow that guy is hott .... go talk to him .... N get to know him and something like smoking makes him ugly ..... i mean a guy wouldnt care if u smoked if u were "hott" ..... is it only me that noticed this ? also, i am like 5 9 N 150ish i have a few extra lbz here N there but im not obice .... ppl r mean and i was in a fast fo0d resteraunt and i walked by these two preppy skinny chickz and i overheard them ... they were sitting there cappin on fat ppl .... i was appauled ! then they sed lo0k at that one ... they didnt point but i knew they were talkin bout me ! agh well i wrote enough .... now i feel better because maybe someone will answer back with some of there input on this subject! thankz a bunch yall! much luv! out (view less)
Reply from brittany, Age 14 - 08/21/04 - IP#:
Reply from anne, Age 16 - 08/18/03 - IP#:
Reply from Arianna, Age 14 - 08/18/03 - IP#:
From Lisa, Age 14 - 08/18/03 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 4'9", Today: 110 lb (BMI %tile: 86), Goal: 105 lb - Hi im really short im 4' 9 and i weigh 110 pounds and i would like to be 105 punds does anybody have anytips to ehp me get motivated to eat right becasue i excercise enough everyday!
Reply from Danielle, Age 13 - 10/29/03 - IP#:
From robin, Age 13 - 08/18/03 - IP#: Click here to reply
mystery .... whats ur stats ? ummm can u be my weight loss buddy?
From nikki, Age 18 - 08/18/03 - IP#: Click here to reply
hey guys it me again and i have got and found the answers to my exercise prob....."walk away the pounds!" it fun and easy and was 25 dollars and you get an exercise belt with it i did it two xs today i love it that much i can only do the 1mile workout but i know i must take small steps ;0)
Reply from ?? - 08/19/03 - IP#:
From Dawn, Age 14 - 08/18/03 - IP#: Click here to reply
From Jessica, Age 15 - 08/18/03 - IP#: Click here to reply
Today: 200 lb - Hi Im Jessica Im 15 I weigh 200 pounds. Is there anyone out there who is haveing trouble losing weigh or someone I can talk too? Because I really want to loose weight because everyone has always told me my sisters, friends and family are better cause they are skinny and plus there is one other thing but we wont get into that now. I just want to feel the way everyone else does. If anyone has any ideas for me please email me at It would be greatly apperciated. Thank You
Reply from rakesh, Age 24 - 06/30/06 - IP#:
Reply from luke, Age 19 - 10/25/03 - IP#:
Reply from anne, Age 16 - 08/18/03 - IP#:
From jessica, Age 15 - 08/18/03 - IP#: Click here to reply
Thank you anne, age 16 that helped! =)
Reply from anne, Age 16 - 08/18/03 - IP#:
From anne, Age 16 - 08/18/03 - IP#: Click here to reply
hey girls out there- don't go over board(and i know it's hard because i sometimes want to be super thin) because women are supose to have curves and a layer of fat in are stomachs- you do realize that's it's not all just about looks right? many super skinny people who go overboard can't have children for treating their bodies like that for many years- and it IS a fact. so be as thin as your body allows to still live normally- hey- why else are we losing weight? to be comfy, right? all i'm saying is to not starve yourself or over exersize and then not get the nutrition you need. and by overexersizing i'm not talking about an hour hard aerobic workout. you're body will tell you when to stop. but this isn't meant to discourage people- just to encourage them to be healthy and happy...
Reply from ali, Age 17 - 03/08/05 - IP#:
Reply from kelli, Age 14 - 09/18/03 - IP#:
Reply from Kelsey, Age 14 - 08/18/03 - IP#:
Reply from jenny, Age 15 - 08/18/03 - IP#:
From Cameron, Age 16 - 08/18/03 - IP#: Click here to reply
hey, around last christmas i was happy with my size, then over break i gained alot of weight and i kept gaining it... i have promised myself that i was going to lose it again and be happy, i have began to acept this me, but i still want to get back to how i was. i really am going to try to begin new tomorrow and eat right and stay healthy and only eat when i am hungery and not just bored... like i do alot of the time. if anyone wants to join me in this mission email me at cbell1024@sbcglobal.netmuch love for all
From Zara, Age 13 - 08/18/03 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'3.5", Today: 139 lb (BMI %tile: 90) - i'm only 5'3.5 and i weigh 39lbs. i really need a healthy diet ad exersize tips that i can stik 2. we have bleep tests at my skool and i'm always 1st 2 drop out plz plz plz help
Reply from penelope, Age 13 - 08/18/03 - IP#:
Reply from anne, Age 16 - 08/18/03 - IP#:
Reply from penelope, Age 13 - 08/18/03 - IP#:
From rachel, Age 15 - 08/18/03 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'5", Today: 170 lb (BMI %tile: 95), Goal: 120 lb - hey everyone! I am 15, 5'5 and 170 lbs, most of the weight is in my stomach. I would like to weigh a 145 lbs by December 25th. and I would like to weigh 120 lbs by August, 2004. First of all is this possiable and second of all, i need some tips on stoping my constant snacking on junk food and i would like a weight loss buddy. You can email me on or you can leave a post here for me to read or if you have AIM playboybunni388 is my sn. Thanks so much! any advice would be greatly appercaited xoxo *smooches*
Reply from mr., Age 12 - 08/19/03 - IP#:
From Jenna, Age 15 - 08/18/03 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'2", Today: 145 lb (BMI %tile: 92), Goal: 100 lb - hey guys..well ok i am 5'2 and i weigh 145. i would like to lose about 45 pounds by next summer. i have dance practice 4 days a week for 2 hours each time. do you think that is enough exciersise for a week or should i do more than that? like a video or crunches or wahtever? also i will eat only 1200 calories a do you think i can lose like 45 pounds in 8 months doing all that?! i would really like to hear your guys' replies:D so..please do reply!! thank you guys and good luck! i would also like to hear your guys' stories and if you have any questions or anything..ask me :) thanks love ya all!
Reply from allie, Age 15 - 05/09/05 - IP#:
Reply from christina, Age 13 - 08/14/04 - IP#:
Reply from marie, Age 16 - 08/19/03 - IP#:
From robin, Age 13 - 08/17/03 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'9", Today: 150 lb (BMI %tile: 81) - im 5 9.... 150 lbz .... my fat is mostly on my stomach N inner thighs .... i have a double chin too ... any weight lose tips?
Reply from sara, Age 14 - 09/17/03 - IP#:
Reply from mystery - 08/17/03 - IP#:
From Tiffany, Age 15 - 08/17/03 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hey guyz. I went away for the summR and came back 5 lbs heavier. ugh-bummr. but im on my 2nd day of atkins and everythings goin ok so far. but i have a ?. how many of you all have stretch marks that you HATE? i use self tanning lotion to try to hide 'em. but nothing seems to work!! any suggestions? or should i keep usn makeup?!?!
Reply from Jayme, Age 15 - 10/06/03 - IP#:
Reply from Trishelle, Age 14 - 08/18/03 - IP#:
Reply from marie, Age 16 - 08/17/03 - IP#:
The purpose of this board is to help overweight teens.
Overweight preteens are asked to use the PreTeens Area. |