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From sarah, Age 14 - 07/18/03 - IP#: 63.229.200.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hey I am feeling really well about myself I havent weighed myelf yet but I am feeling better bout myself. I have been eating healthy cutting what i eat in half drinking alot of water. I rode my bike for a while today and did 50 crunches and 20 leg lifts I hope when i get home this weekend i can weigh myself and I will be 172 then i ill be happy. well gotta go im me on aim at lilislander07 or email me a sweetie1855@msn.com thanx

From bradley, Age 15 - 07/18/03 - IP#: 205.188.208.xxx  Click here to reply  
Today: 236 lb - Hi i am going to go into 10th grade and i way 236 pounds i really need help on lousing waight can any one tell me what i can eat to louse some waight about 20 pound to 40 pounds is what i want to louse buit will louse more if i can please help me i dount no how to louse any of it i need all of the help you can help me with im me on aol at brad151987 or email me at brad151987@aol.com thanks for all of your help

From kerri, Age 14 - 07/18/03 - IP#: 205.188.208.xxx  Click here to reply  
i know im not overweight but im short and i feel like i eat to much during the day. i eat snacks whenever im bored but i always go walk my dog or go on bikerides with my sister. i need someones help what can help me contain me to stop eating so many snacks during the day so i can still be healthy and happy about the way i look.

From tessa, Age 14 - 07/18/03 - IP#: 208.34.233.xxx  Click here to reply  
Today: 298 lb - hey guys any 1 seen me round 298 lbsgal and plus size clothes. i want to impress a guy so i went to my school dance and ask ed him 2 dance he replied as im sorry i dont date fat kids so i cried and ate all night and weighed myself and giined 4 lbs. HELPPP
Reply from Matt, Age 1 - 07/07/04  - IP#: 69.160.65.xxx
Reply from Matt, Age 14 - 07/07/04  - IP#: 69.160.65.xxx
Reply from Andrew, Age 14 - 07/21/03  - IP#: 66.30.225.xxx
Reply from Monique C., Age 13 - 07/18/03  - IP#: 66.81.143.xxx

From Shantai, Age 14 - 07/18/03 - IP#: 66.138.124.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'2", Today: 175 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 145 lb - Well i an 14 yrs old and i am 5'2 and 175 lbs and i start school on Aug, 22 im going to be a freshman in high school and i dont want to be be fat ...and i want to lose at least 30 lbs if not more well you can email me at cutecutie246@yahoo.com and you can im me on aim at ksgirly123@aol.com THANX SO MUCH
Reply from Monique C., Age 13 - 07/19/03  - IP#: 66.81.130.xxx
Reply from Kat, Age 14 - 07/19/03  - IP#: 81.131.49.xxx

From heather, Age 13 - 07/18/03 - IP#: 208.34.233.xxx  Click here to reply  
Today: 231 lb - i am 11 and just went 2 fat camp 4 a week and omly lost 12 lbs i weigh 231 and want 2 put off lbs but cant give up choco. any help please!!!!
Reply from Matt, Age 14 - 07/07/04  - IP#: 69.160.65.xxx
Reply from kerri, Age 14 - 07/18/03  - IP#: 205.188.209.xxx
Reply from *LaCeY*, Age 14 - 07/18/03  - IP#: 206.82.88.xxx
Reply from tara, Age 13 - 07/18/03  - IP#: 68.19.130.xxx
Reply from Meg, Age 17 - 07/18/03  - IP#: 66.212.207.xxx

From lou, Age 15 - 07/18/03 - IP#: 195.93.32.xxx  Click here to reply  
to the girl who done the negativae calories ddiet. how much fruit did u eat each day

From Pebbles, Age 14 - 07/18/03 - IP#: 216.249.77.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ok. I have been lifting weights for about a month and still see NO CHANGES!! It is getting really annoying!! I want to have more muscle and it's not happening...any reason why?? I don't do it everyday so it couldn't be that. And also if walking up hills doesn't work your upper thighs then what will?? When I was walking uphills, all it did was give my calfs a workout!! Someone please help...thanxs
Reply from Jeff, Age 19 - 09/08/03  - IP#: 134.114.183.xxx

From Kolleen, Age 13 - 07/18/03 - IP#: 12.220.59.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Today: 135 lb (BMI %tile: 86), Goal: 110 lb - Hey everyone i am 13/f/indiana..130-135 pounds 5'4 i know that that prolly does not seem like alot but it does 4 me my friends all weigh 100-110 pounds and in 0-5 pants and then theres me who gets size 9 and bigger... PLEASE HELP ME!! i wanna get down to 100-110 i wanna lose some before school witch is in about 3 weeks... CAN SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME??? e-mail me volleyballbabe_05@hotmail.com or AIM- kollbaby2008 thanks
Reply from Leslie, Age 15 - 07/20/03  - IP#: 205.188.209.xxx
Reply from meg, Age 17 - 07/18/03  - IP#: 66.212.207.xxx

From Shelly, Age 14 - 07/18/03 - IP#: 81.106.203.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hey, i know every1 here wants to lose weight, including me but i want to say: plz dont over do it and dont skip meals!! yesterday i had an 11oclock kickboxing class ( i 3 kickboxing!) but as usual never ate breakfast. i havent eaten breakfast in roughly 2 years so you know, business as usual for me. so heres my personal trainer making me work real hard but i started feeling really tired even thou it was just 20mins into the lesson. next thing i knew id blacked out and woke up wit my pt standing over me(wasnt complaining as he is HOT!!) my bloodsugar levels had literally ran out n i had to hav sm jaffa cakes. so moral of story is: losing weight n getting fitter is great but make sure you stay healthy.xx
Reply from Cassie, Age 14 - 09/10/04  - IP#: 24.56.166.xxx

From *LaCeY*, Age 14 - 07/18/03 - IP#: 206.82.88.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hey everyone! I was just going to let you know that you can email me if you need anyone to talk to, or if you just need a friend or something,im here, my email is laceymm342@hotmail.com,msn messenger is same,please email me, byebye, I love you guys!!

From tara, Age 13 - 07/18/03 - IP#: 68.19.153.xxx  Click here to reply  
hey my name is tara I'm hoping to lose at least 43 pounds before the year is out.Does anyone have any other ideas of how to lose weight?
Reply from Tina, Age 16 - 08/11/03  - IP#: 152.163.252.xxx
Reply from Stephanie, Age 14 - 08/05/03  - IP#: 24.190.169.xxx
Reply from sarah, Age 14 - 07/18/03  - IP#: 63.229.200.xxx

From Heather, Age 17 - 07/18/03 - IP#: 24.71.223.xxx  Click here to reply  
I havent gained any weight, but I feel like I have gained 10 lbs, and when I look in the mirror I swear I can see how much fatter Ive gotten, despite no change whatsoever. Its like my eyes are playing tricks on me. is this normal?
Reply from Sammie, Age 14 - 07/20/03  - IP#: 152.163.252.xxx

From manda, Age 15 - 07/17/03 - IP#: 205.188.208.xxx  Click here to reply  
Start: 169 lb, Today: 160 lb - Yeah...so I'm 160 now, so that's 9 lbs down, 1 million to go. ;-) Go me.
Reply from manda, Age 15 - 07/18/03  - IP#: 205.188.209.xxx
Reply from Stephanie, Age 16 - 07/18/03  - IP#: 68.58.35.xxx
Reply from henry, Age 14 - 07/18/03  - IP#: 67.75.200.xxx

From Carly, Age 12 - 07/17/03 - IP#: 12.82.81.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'2", Today: 130 lb (BMI %tile: 91), Goal: 95 lb - Hi, I'm Carly. I'm 12 years old my hieght is 5"2 and I wiegh 130 lbs! I know I'm over wieght. I need to lose around 35 lbs. b4 school starts. I need to flaten my stomach and get rid of my love handles. I know losing 35 lbs. b4 school starts sounds pretty impossible but I need to know how to lose all that wieght! PLEASE someone help me! if you have any tips you can e-mail me at cchristo12@att.net

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