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From Elizabeth, Age 11 - 03/15/01 - IP#: 63.174.206.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hi, My name is Elizabeth and I am 11 years old. I weigh 110 pounds. I didn't think that was big until I went to school this year and found that my best friend (the same height as me) weighed 100 pounds and she is kinda' over weight. There are a lot of people who are bigger than me in my class so I don't think about it to much. My therory on people making fun of you for something is if they make fun of you they're not your friend and they didn't like you in the first place so why pay any attention listening to them? So I just ignore them. Just like evryone else should!
Reply from Tommy, Age 11 - 03/22/01 

From Dana, Age 14 - 03/14/01 - IP#: 168.191.31.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hi everybody!!!!!!!!!!! i'm 14 and 150 lbs. and i hate it!!!!!!!!! i really want to lose weight but it won't work. i eat healthy and everything but i don't go anywhere up or down. i have an abslide and exercise, but i just can't get rid of my fat tummy!!! at school, no one makes any comments about my weight to be nice, but i know they make fun of me behind my back. i wish i could do something about it because im like supposed to be 30 lbs. lighter. thanks bunches for reading this. I apreciate it. please reply i'd really like that. bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply from Renata, Age 13 - 03/18/01 

From Sarah, Age 14 - 03/14/01 - IP#: 65.3.95.xxx  Click here to reply  
My name is Sarah and I am 14 years old, 4'10" and i weigh 130 pounds. I really want to lose weight really fast-like by summer so I can wear bikini's and stuff like alll my cousins and friends. If anyone has any tips, please say so!! Thank you! Email me at nubbler105@excite.com

From Imi, Age 15 - 03/11/01 - IP#: 213.182.134.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hi everybody !!!You've got a vistor from Germany !!!I'm 1.68 meters (I don't know what's in feet) and I weigh 336 lbs. In my opinion, it doesn't matter if you're fat or not. I like it to be fat. I'm trying to get bigger all the time, I eat everything I want to eat. I've got many friends who are thin and some who are big, and they repect me like I am. Now, I try to get in contact with some other teens or kids, who like it also to be fat. So write me backImi
Reply from RIK, Age 11 - 02/02/02  - IP#: 152.163.205.xxx
Reply from Lil Tim, Age 15 - 07/15/01 
Reply from Danny, Age 16 - 07/10/01 
Reply from Robby, Age 13 - 06/24/01 
Reply from Bob, Age 15 - 05/31/01 
Reply from Kara, Age 13 - 03/25/01 
Reply from Ariel, Age 15 - 03/19/01 
Reply from Renata, Age 13 - 03/18/01 
Reply from Jenny, Age 12 - 03/14/01 
Reply from Karma, Age 14 - 03/13/01 
Reply from Annie, Age 12 - 03/13/01 
Reply from Imi, Age 15 - 03/13/01 
Reply from Mags, Age 12 - 03/13/01 
Reply from Annie, Age 12 - 03/13/01 
Reply from Imi, Age 15 - 03/12/01 
Reply from Imi, Age 15 - 03/12/01 
Reply from Emma, Age 12 - 03/12/01 
Reply from Annie, Age 12 - 03/12/01 
Reply from Imi, Age 15 - 03/12/01 
Reply from Imi, Age 15 - 03/12/01 
Reply from Annie, Age 12 - 03/12/01 
Reply from Imi, Age 15 - 03/12/01 
Reply from Mags, Age 12 - 03/11/01 
Reply from Annie, Age 12 - 03/11/01 
Reply from Chris, Age 14 - 03/11/01 

From Mags, Age 12 - 03/11/01 - IP#: 24.222.101.xxx  Click here to reply  
Well everyone, I am still 5'7", still 175lbs. but I've decided to do something about it! My mom just ordered an "ABslide" and I think it will really be able to help me out. I am also going to start going to WeightWatchers with my mom and brother so I can learn healthy eating habits. It's almost spring so I'm going to start riding my bicycle alot. And my Mom is going to buy a stationary bicycle too! :) I really feel like I'm on the path to a better and healthier life! :)
Reply from Teresa, Age 14 - 05/13/01 
Reply from Ariel, Age 15 - 03/19/01 
Reply from Mags, Age 12 - 03/11/01 
Reply from Annie, Age 12 - 03/11/01 

From Eme, Age 15 - 03/11/01 - IP#: 64.196.124.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hi,my name is Eme and I am a 6'3" girl...I am also 232 pounds. I really want to lose a lot of weight and keep it off.My parents want me to lose weight because they are pretty well know in my town, it "embarasses them to take me anywhere because I am so fat". I also want to join the swim team next year and that's my incentive to lose weight, to look good in a bathing suit again. If anyone would like to form sort of a mutual support system though e-mail please leave a message and your e-mail address when posting a reply. Thanks--Lotsa Love,EME
Reply from Amanda, Age 14 - 03/29/01 
Reply from Kara, Age 13 - 03/25/01 
Reply from Tricia, Age 14 - 03/14/01 
Reply from EME, Age 15 - 03/13/01 

From connie, Age 14 - 03/10/01 - IP#: 192.169.41.xxx  Click here to reply  
hi!it me again!i say my story again.....i m 153cm & 53kg please help me by replying thank!Miss Sue i want to heard ur replying please
Reply from Robby, Age 13 - 06/24/01 
Reply from Sue, Age 40 - 03/10/01 

From Connie, Age 14 - 03/10/01 - IP#: 192.169.41.xxx  Click here to reply  
hi!everybodymy height is about153cm,my weightis 53-4kg
can anybody help me to lose weight?please.......my email add is linko87@hotmail.com

From Jenny, Age 13 - 03/09/01 - IP#: 24.4.255.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hi guys. I am 5 feet and 90 pounds. I really want to lose someweight around my stomach and definitely my hips! If any of you have some tips please reply. I wanna lose it beofre bikini season. Thanx
Jen :)
Reply from Robby, Age 13 - 06/24/01 
Reply from angela, Age 11 - 04/08/01 
Reply from morgan, Age 13 - 03/30/01 
Reply from Kara, Age 13 - 03/25/01 
Reply from Angel, Age 13 - 03/13/01 
Reply from James, Age 16 - 03/12/01 
Reply from Amelia, Age 12 - 03/12/01 
Reply from Candice, Age 15 - 03/11/01 
Reply from rach, Age 13 - 03/10/01 
Reply from Renata, Age 13 - 03/10/01 
Reply from Karma, Age 14 - 03/10/01 

From fattypatty, Age 14 - 03/08/01 - IP#: 64.209.134.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hello. Has anyone ever been anorexic then like overweight? That's me! I was like 100 pounds last school year. Now, I'm 200. I am such a pig! Don't you think?? I mean, what kind of girl gains 100 pounds over the summer and can't lose weight? ME! Someone please help, and email for a cartoon i found! bigfatpig_fattypatty@crunkmail.com - yes, that's my email!
Reply from lisa, Age 16 - 06/23/01 
Reply from cait, Age 15 - 04/18/01 
Reply from Renata, Age 13 - 03/09/01 

From Lani, Age 15 - 03/06/01 - IP#: 24.4.254.xxx  Click here to reply  
okay heres the dilly. Im 15 I eat all the time! And like I just have a hard time loosing weight. I love to eat. I have a boyfriend who is like totally half my size it makes me feel hella un comfortable I feel everyone makes fun of me when they dont. I wear hella baggy shtuf. Jusst to hide my self. Im 4'11 quite short and 175 im supposed to be like 85 lbs lighter. ANd its so hard. I need help someone with advice help!
Reply from Steph, Age 14 - 03/16/01 
Reply from Chris, Age 13 - 03/07/01 

From Chris, Age 14 - 03/05/01 - IP#: 24.160.62.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hello, my name is Chris, I am 13, 5'6 and weight 140 lbs.I am not exesivly overweight, but I have (and I assume)i very high body fat percentage. I draw this conclusion because I have round, fat, childish cheeks, and through my research, I have found that people get fat cheeks when they run out of places to store fat.My cheeks give me a very childish complextion, and it can be very frustrating at times. My goal is 125 lbs, and i want to reach it in ten weeks. I have extremly good self control when it comes to food, and I'm hoping that in conjunction with 1 hour work outs per week day, I can reach my goal even sooner! I will remain optomistic as long as I can remain focused on my goal of 125 in ten weeks...but I need the help of people like you to help me stay focused an to give me advice on matters such as these...If you have any advice on how I can lose weight quickly, and efficaintly , please enlighten me with it!!!Chris
Reply from Robby, Age 13 - 06/24/01 
Reply from Daisy, Age 13 - 05/13/01 
Reply from Angel, Age 13 - 03/13/01 
Reply from Annie, Age 12 - 03/11/01 
Reply from Renata, Age 13 - 03/10/01 
Reply from Karma, Age 14 - 03/10/01 
Reply from Tara, Age 15 - 03/06/01 

From anonymous fatyy, Age 14 - 03/05/01 - IP#: 24.79.17.xxx  Click here to reply  
*sigh* hallo I see some of you bein like 100 pounds n sad that your overweight...gimme a break T___T I think the reason I am big is because when I was a kid my mom let me eat whatever I wanted >o<;; like just lt me GNAW on a cube of butter *shudder* I *DO* eat healthy o.0; everyday I have veggies and fruits and meat and when I get depressed I dont go scarf down everything in the fridge/pantry theres no point itll just add to the weight! why do it, youll just be sadder and cry more later.*shrug* I do excercise too, I doo a lot of situps, 30 mins of step ups, walking in place when I watch tv, scrunches. And I see these kids at school at lunch time in the food line buyin greasy french fries and nachos and stuff and I have a nice sandwich and banana!Im very confused... oh by the way, I am 5'5 and 180pritty bad huh... ANY help would be really really appreciated...thanks ^__^
Reply from rach, Age 13 - 03/07/01 
Reply from anonymous fatty, Age 14 - 03/05/01 

From Pat, Age 15 - 03/04/01 - IP#: 65.2.156.xxx  Click here to reply  
I am 5'8 240 and I just don't know what to do I am not afraid of nothing but when i am near food i cant resist and i need someone to help to tell me how i can get rid of the want of food and the fat! I Hate FAT!:(Email me:ippy92@hotmail.com

From Ashley J., Age 13 - 03/04/01 - IP#: 207.224.147.xxx  Click here to reply  
hi guys i think Im over wight i weigh 152lbs I absolutly hate being this size. I've been dioing these crunches and sit up's it doesn't seem to work. You have any suggustions? I neeeeed YOUR help
Reply from Jenny, Age 13 - 08/09/01 
Reply from Aimee, Age 18 - 03/17/01 
Reply from Renata, Age 13 - 03/05/01 

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