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Reply From Adriana, Age 13 - 02/17/03 - IP#: 205.188.209.xxx   show message replied to go to original board
Hey! You know what I do? Whenever I see a pizza or some junk food, I say 'Do I want to gain 10 lbs?!' And I won't want it anymore, lol. I don't know, that's just what I do! Hope I've helped...in some way lol.

Reply From Nick, Age 14 - 02/11/03 - IP#: 152.163.206.xxx   show message replied to go to original board
Comfort foods only make you feel good for a little while butwhen you see yourself in a mirror its sad thats how i stuck to my diet in the hopes of looking good and i lost 15 pounds

Reply From Nick, Age 14 - 02/11/03 - IP#: 152.163.206.xxx   show message replied to go to original board
Comfort foods only make you feel good for a little while butwhen you see yourself in a mirror its sad thats how i stuck to my diet in the hopes of looking good and i lost 15 pounds

From lauren, Age 12 - 02/08/03 - IP#: 24.243.149.xxx  go to original board
okay well yesterday i put a message up saying that a girl "motivated" me well since you want to know what she said to motivate me then ill tell you guys. she called me fat and everyone says that shes bigger than me so that got me really mad and i havent talked to her since, she keeps apoligizing but im not going to forgive her. i mean me and my friends joke around all the time but when it comes to weight its not really funny so now everytime im doing situps or pushups or running and im really tired and it feels like i can do anymore, i just think of what she said and that really gets me going! well thanks for the tips if you guys have anymore then just email me at xtreme1jnh7390@hotmail.com

From lauren, Age 12 - 02/08/03 - IP#: 24.243.149.xxx  go to original board
okay well yesterday i put a message up saying that a girl "motivated" me well since you want to know what she said to motivate me then ill tell you guys. she called me fat and everyone says that shes bigger than me so that got me really mad and i havent talked to her since, she keeps apoligizing but im not going to forgive her. i mean me and my friends joke around all the time but when it comes to weight its not really funny so now everytime im doing situps or pushups or running and im really tired and it feels like i can do anymore, i just think of what she said and that really gets me going! well thanks for the tips if you guys have anymore then just email me at xtreme1jnh7390@hotmail.com

Reply From Rachel, Age 16 - 02/06/03 - IP#: 24.192.202.xxx   show message replied to go to original board
when i feel like pigging out, i either chew gum, or look at this pair pants that i used to be able to fit in. it motivates me cuz i really wanna be able to wear those pants again!

Reply From Daisy, Age 12 - 02/03/03 - IP#: 152.163.197.xxx   show message replied to go to original board
Maybe this will help. Think that junk food is a drug. The same way you would say no to drugs, say no to junk food. Ask yourself, " Is it worth it?". There's no food that tastes better than being thin!

Reply From Daisy, Age 12 - 02/03/03 - IP#: 152.163.197.xxx   show message replied to go to original board
Maybe this will help. Think that junk food is a drug. The same way you would say no to drugs, say no to junk food. Ask yourself, " Is it worth it?". There's no food that tastes better than being thin!

From manda jh - 02/01/03 - IP#: 205.188.195.xxx  go to original board
Hey...I'm doing really well with school and having a lot of fun hanging out with friends. So life is good, I just need to journal what I eat, I exercise good, I need someone more to email me to ask if I journaled, make me feel guilty if I hadn't. Anyone willing? ;-)

From Paul, Age 16 - 01/25/03 - IP#: 24.165.246.xxx  go to original board
Start: 180 lb, Today: 170 lb - Hey this is kinda of a success story. I just got off of the bad habit of being an over-eater. I used be this thing called a gainer. It was kinda wierd, but I loved food sooo much, that I decided to gain wieght on purpose. I know it sounds wierd, but I was just really confused. I gained alot of weight. My pant buttons used to pop off all of the time, but I just kept on eating. I would drink soda by the Liters. I would drink 2 or 3 cans of soda in about a minute! I was unstoppable! I was about 180 pounds. I totally turned my life around about a week ago. I stopped drinking soda(if I go out to eat, I get a small or medium soda, but no refills), and I only eat when I am hungry(only about 2 times a day). When I was a gainer I was encouraged to eat, so that habit was kinda hard to brake. Like today I walked by a GIANT cake, and the "old" me would of cut a pice and grabbed it with... (view more)

From miss Sarah, Age 22 - 12/31/02 - IP#: 208.169.41.xxx  go to original board
Here's what helps me loose weight.Each week I try to go without eating something (french fries, chips, soda, chocolate, etc). And if I succeed for one week I reward myself with something that's not food (like hair thingys). and if I go another week I award myself with something bigger, and so on. I can honestly say I haven't a potato chip in 6 months (they make me sick just by looking at them). I am going to award myself with a pedicure this weekend if I succeed (which I know I will). So if you have a junk food you can't quit eating this may be a good way.Take CareSarah

Reply From J, Age 15 - 12/25/02 - IP#: 12.230.153.xxx   show message replied to go to original board
Ive found if thats what you really want to do than that should be enough motivation for you. If your finding that its not maybe thats not what you truly want to do? I recently decided to start losing because I want to be a helicopter pilot in the Army, im supposed to be 190 pounds according to my height to be in the army, and ive found that to be lots of motivation. Im still not excersising or eating the best, but its better and i can garuntee you none of my friends would have ever thought id be buying water at lunch instead of soda (I have been, and i was a real soda junkie.) I havnt had a non-diet soda in over a week. And better yet, only one of those was diet, the rest were diet and caffine free. But yea enough about me. Anyway, try to find a different hobby that involves physical activity, there are dance clubs around that go on year round that im sure you could find one you like!

Reply From CHIERSTIN, Age 11 - 12/20/02 - IP#: 24.154.2.xxx   show message replied to go to original board

Reply From SweetNSour, Age 15 - 12/09/02 - IP#: 69.4.133.xxx   show message replied to go to original board
Well I got together with my friend over the summer when we decided to lose weight together. We had this whole meeting to work out plan that lasted for a little while but we haven't been so good about it lately :P. Umm but basically I cut down my calories by a lot. Calories are like the key to losing weight. You can have a lot of low cal foods, more than higher cal, i do a lot of research on the calories in foods and serving sizes. And I also wrote down all the reasons that I wanted to diet/exercise which kept my reasons in mind. Basically I was just so sick of gaining weight i really wanted to do something about it, so I did!

From natalie, Age 13 - 12/05/02 - IP#: 65.238.28.xxx  go to original board
Hey! i'm looking for someone to be a weight loss buddy. i weigh 138 and i'm 5'6. i'm trying right now to do excercise for 20 min every day. do u need support like i do? if you do email me @ bloomfreak@onecooldude.com Thanx!