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Reply From Brandy, Age 15 - 08/19/02 - IP#: 24.222.194.xxx   show message replied to go to original board
I have a friend that was belumic (wg sp). She told me not to tell anyone.. so I didn't. This girl plays on my soccer team, and one day she fainted in the middle of the feild. The paramedics came and were talking about how her teeth looked deteriotated and how sick she looked. I broke down crying and told them what I knew. They helped her out and now she's doing great. I shouldn't have waited that long to say anything. TELL SOMEONE.. your docter.. your mom.. her mom ANYONE just get your friend help. She may be upset for now... but i gaurentee she'll thank you for it later.. Much Love Brandy you can email me at Brandylee2000@hotmail.com IM HERE!

Reply From Melanie, Age 12 - 08/13/02 - IP#: 142.163.8.xxx   show message replied to go to original board
Dear Jacinta,
It is really dangerrous to throw up after you eat, you could become anerixc or lots of other things. And staving will make you thin but when you start eating again youwill gain back allmost everything. So you should exercise like walk each night, cut down on your food ( I have to work hard on that part),make a rule about junk food like I do only on the week-end( that means chocolate too), and drink lots of water. It works for me I've lost 5 pounds. And it doesn't take that long if you are set on doing it. You can do it! You just have to believe in yourself. Hope I helped.Bye

Reply From Rachel, Age 16 - 07/02/02 - IP#: 216.154.0.xxx   show message replied to go to original board
i had the same problem until recently.last year, i starved myself and when i got skinny, i started binging on junk food. i coudn't stop. what i did to stop it was to try not to be all by myself at house cuz if there was nobody around, i feel motivated to pig out. also, i tried slowly to stop pigging out.let's say if u pig out everyday, try to only pig out every other day and so on. good luck and u can do it!

Reply From Michelle, Age 14 - 04/15/02 - IP#: 63.168.31.xxx   show message replied to go to original board
I got this from The World Book Millennium 2000: "Eating disorders. Some adolescents, especially females, become so concerned about weight control that they take drastic and dangerous measures to remain thin. Some overeat and then force themselves to vomit to avoid gaining weight. This pattern is associated with an eating disorder called bulimia. Young women with a disorder called anorexia nervosa actually starve themselves to keep their weight down. Adolescents with eating disorders have an extremely disturbed body image. They see themselves as overweight when they are actually underweight. Bulimia and anorexia nervosa are rare before the age of 10. It was once believed that eating disorders were more common in North America and Western Europe than in other parts of the world, and were more common among the prosperous and well educated. However, research in the late 1990's found... (view more)

Reply From ----------, Age 13 - 03/02/02 - IP#: 64.12.103.xxx   show message replied to go to original board
Don't dop it! I watched a vidio in health class in it says once you do it for a long period of time you can't stop. Then you are losing a lot of weight and will have to be put on IV so you can have food in your system ( and that probably hurts to have a wire through your whole body feeding you food!).

Reply From Missy, Age 27 - 08/24/01 - IP#: 64.12.101.xxx   show message replied to go to original board
Honey you are not even close to overweight. I am also 5'5'' and I am 115 lbs and I am very thin. What you need hun is not a diet but body image help.

From Kate, Age 15 - 08/09/01 - IP#: 12.79.37.xxx  go to original board
Several people have posted messages about eating disorders, and I'd like to say my piece, as well. After being aneroxic (as well as purging food when I was backed into eating) for three years, I have finally started on the road to recovery. Some people seem to think that being aneroxic or bulimic means being thin and nothing else. During my years of severely restricting my food intake and forcing myself to throw up what I did eat, I lost so much more than weight. Whenever I went to brush or even touch my hair, it would come out in huge clumps in my hands due to a protein deficiency. I am very into singing, but purging so often left my glands swollen and my throat sore. I have the beginnings of osteoperosis which has no cure and it will only get worse as I get older. Because of this, I am no longer allowed to swim on my school's team- something I greatly enjoyed. When my parents finally... (view more)

Reply From Kimberly, Age 16 - 08/06/01   show message replied to go to original board
I think that you really need help from a doctor. Dieting may not be for you because of your eating habits, but you gotta start somewhere. First you need a positive attitude about losing weight so you can kick that extreme binging on food that you do. And whatever exercise that you can do, DO IT!!
Good luck, I hope you do well.

From Crystal, Age 16 - 08/05/01 - IP#: 198.145.251.xxx  go to original board
Hey, I've studied alot on Anorexia and Bulimia. I just wanted to tell you guys a little about it, for those that are thinking about it or have it. Starving to death is NOT pretty, it is an UGLY and painful death. Starved bodies ache all the time, the skin bruises, the muscles cramp and deteriorate, the brain slows and slurs. (There is nothing glamorous about that), the bones splinter, hurt and break. The body is constantly weak and cant sleep restfully (why? because your body thinks it needs to stay up and find food.) the mouth dries, the eyes fog (some ppl will go blind from starving), the heart beats hard and painfully, and there can be many scary moments prior to actual death where the body feels so sick and like it's dying (Because it is). Only a doctor can tell the amount of damage and decay that has already occured inside of you. But dont lie to yourself that you cant die or you... (view more)

Reply From Janet, Age 16 - 08/03/01   show message replied to go to original board
I replied to another girl who was considering purging.
It's not cool, you shouldn't mess with it. And I suggest you tell your friend to get help too before she dies. My cousin has brain damage from purging, she has lost a lot of her back teeth, and has already had a heart attack. Only 23 years old too. We were really close but now she barely understands me. You can lose ten pounds in one month by doing the right things. It will make you feel really good about yourslef. Just be patient. Binging and purging is a really really stupid thing to do. There are a lot more side affects then I told you about. Go to some web sites and read up on it before you decide you want to slowly kill yourself.

Reply From loop, Age 15 - 08/03/01   show message replied to go to original board
purging is a retarded thing to do, i don't suggest it. over time it will rip holes in your esophagus, make your teeth disgusting, and you could have heart problems. And it doesn't make you 'lose weight'. The short term effects are terrible breath, severely chapped lips (from stomach acid), constant hunger, and chest pains.

Reply From Marina, Age 13 - 08/02/01   show message replied to go to original board
purging is an eating disorder also known as Bulimia.....When you throw up your food which is the worst way to lose weight. It CAN kill you. Its also really bad for your throat. Once you get mixed up in it you can't get out and one day you WILL recover from bulimia (unless you die from it) and you WILL gain all that (and maybe even more) back! Bulimia is an addiction. Binging (i think) is when you eat like crazy. and Binging & purging is when you eat a lot & just throw it all up! I suggest you leave that way alone and do it the healthy way!

Reply From koral, Age 14 - 04/21/01   show message replied to go to original board
Forget about bulimia! This will only make you ill and feel terrible, believe me I have tried! Diets are deffinately the best thing, I used to wiegh 11stone and I am only 5.7"! I went on a sensible diet, loads of fruit and veggies (urgh!!!) and did loads of exercise and now I only weigh 6.5stone. You can do it if you try, Good luck!!!!!

Reply From Lauren, Age 14 - 01/22/01   show message replied to go to original board
Okay, first of all, bulimia is VERY bad for you. I tried t a few times awhile ago too, and believe me it doesn't work. Sure, you may feel empty and it may feel like you are losing weight but when you do that, you only lost 10% of whatever you ate. Throwing up also makes more acid come in your mouth, making your breath bad, your teeth decay, and gives you sores in your mouth. And the act of sticking your fingers down your throat makes your throat hurt badly, as if you were sick. Please don't do this, I didn't much care that it would mess up my health, what I cared about is my teeth and breath mostly.. I have already had braces and my teeth are totally perfect now, and I want them to stay that way.. I also have a boyfriend and I don't think he would appreciate kissing me with the taste of thrown up food and extra acid in my mouth (brushing your teeth DOES NOT get it all out, trust... (view more)

Reply From Faran, Age 13 - 01/13/01   show message replied to go to original board
i hope your not balemic! but if u are u should get help. first of all, try to stop throwing up, and even if you not hungry, try to eat, even a little. its not healthy if u dont! and if that doesnt work, tell ur parents! this is majorly serious! i kno its hard to tell them sumthin like that, but try!