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Reply From Katie, Age 13 - 09/09/03 - IP#: 209.79.223.xxx   show message replied to go to original board
You no what you have to Quit eating fatty foods like cookies, twinkies, Chips, its reallly BAD for you i use to always eat Crap like that and you no what i decided to Quit doing that and i went on a diet I ate healthy foods I CUT OUT ALL THE SWEETS and you no what I got lots of exersize I ride my bike every day and do 100 cruntches and 100 sit ups I know you can do it to! :) I have lost all my belly fat almost and you no what if you eat like really good like fruits veggies some meats and CUT ABSOLUTELY ALL the sweets ice cream AND most important of all Always exersize and dont sit! watching Tv and eating thats just being lazy and that makes you even fatter...take long walk for about 25 min or ride a bike for 25min to 30 min a day Ive been doing this and you no what i have been eating right to if you do this what ive been doing then you will lose that belly fat just remember eat right and... (view more)

Reply From cassandra, Age 17 - 09/06/03 - IP#: 67.35.152.xxx   show message replied to go to original board
back in december, i was up to 228 pounds. this is due to a medical disorder called PCOS. long and complicated, would rather not explain it. but I made it my new years resolution to lose weight. 1-for health reasons, 2-becuase i am a musical theatre major and people dont cast overweight girls. i was getting kinda depressed. i've actually done a number of things. i got a membership at my local YMCA and i love doing strength training and the aerobics machine. pilates and bellydancing are fun ways to get fit too! i have started limiting the bad carbohydrates like sugar, cookies, candy, sweets and stuff. and i eat more fiber, calcium, raw fruits and veggies. trust me. you'll get there! i'm already down to 180lbs. it is possible, just stick to it and everyting is possible
email me at sweetstarr15@yahoo.com if you want to talk!

Reply From anne, Age 16 - 09/05/03 - IP#: 216.66.108.xxx   show message replied to go to original board
weight loss is really simple, just eat less calories then you burn. and it does work if you're not under-estimating how much you eat and over-estimating how much you burn. it's the simple science of energy. there are things that can help you maintain a low cal. diet like meal replacements(i use slimfast) and eating a lot of veggetables...

Reply From MiMi, Age 19 - 09/02/03 - IP#: 207.232.156.xxx   show message replied to go to original board
Just want to say how I lost my weight was by driking a lot of water and runinning every morning. Maybe if u try it u will be able to go to the beach with out thanking someone is talking about u.

Reply From MiMi, Age 19 - 09/02/03 - IP#: 207.232.156.xxx   show message replied to go to original board
Just want to say how I lost my weight was by driking a lot of water and runinning every morning. Maybe if u try it u will be able to go to the beach with out thanking someone is talking about u.

Reply From Cara, Age 12 - 08/30/03 - IP#: 142.177.178.xxx   show message replied to go to original board
just eat healthy, cut the portions in half excersize and drink lots of water

Reply From marie, Age 16 - 08/25/03 - IP#: 24.118.166.xxx   show message replied to go to original board
If you plan on taking an entire year to lose 50 pounds, you can do it with just a few LIFE STYLE changes because that is LESS THAN 1 pound a week. Just eat a little less or buy fat free if you had been buying regular products, stuff like that. You said you don't like to exercise, but it can REALLY help. Escpessially building muscle, I know originally muscle may gain pounds but it's not at all fat plus muscle burns more calories than fat so if you build muscle you will burn more calories while doing nothing. Cardio is best for losing fat though, if you really hate exercise just jog during commercials, or take stairs when you would use the elevateor, just small amounts of exercise through out the day can really add up
good luck!

Reply From Natasha, Age 14 - 08/25/03 - IP#: 24.69.255.xxx   show message replied to go to original board
it helped me to make up a excrise plan and eatting plan. DONT EAT JUNK FOOD. that really helps me

Reply From Dawn, Age 14 - 08/24/03 - IP#: 12.111.253.xxx   show message replied to go to original board
all i did is watch wut i eat...exercise daily....drink alot of water..

Reply From Kelsey, Age 13 - 08/19/03 - IP#: 24.208.22.xxx   show message replied to go to original board
HI! Remember when going on a diet, pick the right one for you, always be positive and excerise tons! It really helps. Just go out side and go on a mile walk , and rememer to always drink water...kk, Just beleive in your self!

Reply From Lizzy, Age 11 - 08/16/03 - IP#: 165.121.211.xxx   show message replied to go to original board

Reply From Who knows - 08/15/03 - IP#: 65.103.152.xxx   show message replied to go to original board
Burn more calories then you consume. You can eat less. or you can exercise more. OR both

Reply From melanie, Age 15 - 08/15/03 - IP#: 24.62.40.xxx   show message replied to go to original board
i would say that u should limit how much tv u watch and watch wut u eat limit the snacks, maybe only one snack a day and try to ride ur bike more and go for runs and stuff rollerblading

Reply From Who knows - 08/15/03 - IP#: 65.103.152.xxx   show message replied to go to original board
Burn more calories then you consume. You can eat less. or you can exercise more. OR both

Reply From Leslie, Age 12 - 08/14/03 - IP#: 216.31.44.xxx   show message replied to go to original board
Ask Your parents to Do not Buy Junk food for and Buy Healthy food Exercise every day. The main thing that will make you lose with is running for about 45 min.You should be able to lose weight Because you are still growing. Have Faith in Yourself.Write in Your diary to let the presure go.