From kristi, Age 19 - 05/29/09 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 6'0", Start: 240 lb, Today: 227.8 lb (BMI %tile: 95), Goal: 180 lb - soooo yesterday was a bad day for i just decided to look at is as if it happened...its over...theres nothing more i can do about it except dont do it again..or at least for a while lol...annnyways im gonna try to not make this a long post but not making any promises, so i woke up today and had a bowl of special k...then went to the gym.....did 5:45 min on the treadmill, then a hour on the crosstrainer...then 5 miles on the bike. I had a grilled turkey and cheese sandwhich for lunch with a class of diet green tea....then i just was lazy and hung in the pool with some friends lol...for dinner im going to have a moms making fajaitas...yum buuut im just gonna take some of the peppers and onions she grills and put them on my salad...and maybe a few pieces of chicken if i feel like it at the moment. tomorrow i work open to close...sooo i miss the hours the gym is opened cause its a weekend...booo oh well i think ill just take it easy tomorrow and run 2 miles and that can be my workout...because ill be in the hot sun all day working...and then maybe ill run a little more when i get off if i feel like i need to or if im not to exhausted...but thanks sorry it was long..i apologiz...GOOOD LUCK EVERYONE!!!
Reply from kristi, Age 19 - 05/29/09  - IP#:
i used to be a competive swimmer...but the prombem with swimming lapsand stuffis i only have 2 pieces...and they really dont hold up with while swimming around and stuff lol
Reply from Melissa, Age 15 - 05/29/09  - IP#:
When you eat something you aren't supposed to or don't exercise don't get caught up in the fact that you made a mistake, just promise yourself that that was the last time. Swimming is actually very good for you. You should just tell your friends when you're in the pool that you should race from one end to the other, and use good swimming technique, even if you don't win, I always love doing that.
Reply from kristi, Age 19 - 05/29/09  - IP#:
thanks girl
i hope they stay just waiting for the platue thats gonna happen...its prolly going to be soon....thats usually when i crash at my diet because i get discouraged really easily :[ not a good quality.
Reply from STACEEEE, Age 18 - 05/29/09  - IP#:
i love your posts! seriously!! keep them coming! its a nice read!!
Reply from Festa, Age 15 - 05/29/09  - IP#:
i wish i could do that much exercise.