From Amanda, Age 20 - 06/06/09 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'8", Start: 225 lb, Today: 165 lb (BMI: 25), Goal: 160 lb - okay, im getting reaaally annoyed with myself lately. i dont understand whats happening. im assuming its because im about to get my period, so im hungry all the fricken time... but honestly its aggravating! I do well for 2-3 days, then i have a night (like last night) where i lose my mind and go crazy! I worked a night shift, so i worked 5pm til 3am... i had eaten supper at 7pm at work, and then by 4 am i was pigging out! a little snack before bed would have been nice but no, i had to have two bowls of my moms pasta salad, a penut butter and jam sandwich, and a leftover sausage (without the bun). like i understand that i hadnt eaten in 9 hours but i just couldnt stop eating. thats it though. i cant afford any more screwups if i want to lose another 5-6 pounds by july 25th. Today im going crazy with the green tea, and bringing veggies and sugar free jello and fruit to work to eat. i usually eat a personal veggie for dinner on my weekend closing shifts (i work at a pizza place call centre) but since i screwed up lastnight im not allowing myself to have it. it doesnt bother me though. I just hope i can get back in the game... my weight is up at around 168 right now but thats because im due for that time of the month in a few days.... if i gained 1 pound thats okay, i wont freak. i still have 7 weeks to go until i go to that wedding... so that'll hopefully give me enough time to lose another 5-6 pounds. wish me luck guys, i need it right now :(
Reply from Lisa, Age 15 - 06/06/09  - IP#:
Thanks.Were there some things you werent aloud to have,or could you have anything but you counted calories?Yeah i havent excersised at all yet,im lazy,lol.I want to get a gym membership though,so maybe that will help.
Reply from Amanda, Age 20 - 06/06/09  - IP#:
it took me about a year and a few months to go from 225-170. but i never ever exercised. if you exercise 3 times a week it would come off much faster. otherwise all i did was count calories, between 1200-1400 per day. i screwed up many many many times too though. but still, keep at it and it will happen.
Reply from lisa, Age 15 - 06/06/09  - IP#:
Hey,My names lisa and im 5'8 and im about 225 which is your starting weight.Can you tell me what you did to lose that weight and how long it took.I would appreciate it ALOT.Thanks.