From Ash, Age 14 - 05/20/04 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Hi everone, I would like to talk over my plan with all of you and hopefully help you out too. Please give me your opinions. K, I am 14 years old and i have been fat since the 3rd grade, I don't know when I really started to notice I was bigger than others but when I did it really hurt. For the past years I think I have been eating right but I have just gotten bigger. Recently I just found this website 4 months ago. It has changed my perspective on losing weight. This summer I am going to work really hard to lose weight. I think I have come up with a plan that will help me and maybe help you with losing weight. Ready??? MY PLAN: 1 - MAKE A BRACLET AND PUT 16 BEADS ON IT 2- TY IT ON YOUR WRIST AND WEAR IT ALL THE TIME 3- WHENEVER YOU EAT SOMETHING, PUT A BEAD ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE BRACLET 4 - YOU GET 16 BEADS A DAY AND AFTER THEY ARE ALL GONE, NO MORE FOR THE REST OF THE DAY! YOU START WITH 16 BEADS EACH DAY.EXAMPLE: MORNING: CEREAL= 1 BEAD LUNCH: SANDWHICH, JUICE, CHIPS, PUDDING = 4 BEADS DINNER: POTATOS, STEAK, FRENCH FRIES, POP = 4 BEADS!!! DESSERT: ICECREAM = 1 BEADSO ALL TOGETHER THAT EQUALS 10 BEADS, THEN THE NEXT DAY YOU START OVER, KEEP TRACK OF HOW MANY BEADS YOU HAVE LEFT OVER AND IT WILL MAKE YOU FEEL BETTER, GRADUALLY YOU WILL START TO HAVE MORE LEFT OVER BEADSGET THE IDEA!!! WELL LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK, EMAIL ME AT PRINCESSASH12@MSN.COM AND IN THE SUBJECT BAR PUT WEIGHT IDEA!! THANKS
Reply from Alex, Age 15 - 05/21/04  - IP#:
Plus im sure the more *desperate* of us would start carrying over the beads we didnt lose then be like, "Ohh hum *Rolls Eyes* Since I didnt use these 4 beads yesterday it means I got 20 now, im only following the plan *shrugs*"
Reply from Alex, Age 15 - 05/21/04  - IP#:
16 times a day? lol, nah forget the beads, all you need is small portions of food from the food pyramid, reminding you: SMALL PORTIONS, but many through out the day, so eat like 7 times, small but from every category, should keep you from starving, so your body starts to eat away the fat... GOOD LUCK
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 05/21/04  - IP#:
that's really cool! but you know what would be good to keep your junk down? if you had a tiny amount of a differnt colored bead for junk. OR maybe different colors for the food pyramid so you know you're eating aq balanced diet...but wow- i think i might do that thanks!
Reply from Kaitlyn, Age 14 - 05/20/04  - IP#:
I like the plan! I might try it!
Reply from Kelsey, Age 13 - 05/20/04  - IP#:
Ok, I like the idea with the beads and everything, but you need to eat a lot better to loose weight. Juice and soda are just empty calories, you should drink diet soda instead, and eat a piece of fruit instead of the juice. An apple probably has about 80 calories, and keeps you full, while juice has about 140. If you are really trying to loose weight, you also have to ditch the high fat potato chips and fries, eat a piece of fruit or some veggies and low fat dip instead. And about the ice cream, you dont need it every night, and maybe try frozen yougurt when you do want a treat. Also, It may be better to keep track of calories in a food journal though, than to use the beads.