From Brooke, Age 14 - 06/05/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hey everybody! I've got a big goal for this summer, and it's to LOSE 20 POUNDS before 9th grades starts by keeping a food log to keep track of my food, and a diet chart i made up! I've done really good the last couple of days, and i was wondering if you could post comments and tips on my own it is-----------
1-Get up and have a healthy breakfest around 6-8 AM (EX- one egg, one toast)
2. Drink 8 glasses of water a day
3. Have a healthy lunch around 12:30 Noon (EX- Roman Noodles and 5 strawberries)
4. No food after 7 PM
5. Have a healthy dinner around 6:30 P.M.
6. No pop
7. No Candy
8. No fast food
9. No Junk food
10. Try to eat 2-4 fruits/veggies a day
11. 100 crunches a day
12. Pay attention to food/eat slowly
13. Push-ups and other exersises during commercials
14. Bike/Walk/Run atleast 30 min. a day/3-4 times a week
15. Get to bed by 9 PM
(If you get enough sleep, your metabolism can raise as much as 40%)
Please, if you have any comments or tips for my new diet i will be following the rest of the summer, PLEASE post A.S.A.P!