From linzi, Age 14 - 06/13/05 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
hey, can any1 please post what they do for strenght training cuz i dont know what it is and i need some ideas! thanks. anyway i started exercising on friday night cuz im following an exercise plan thats supposed to lose you 8lbs of fat in a month and tone you up so im hoping thats going to work. i did the plan on friday and saturday (i also do stretches and stuff for warm up and cool down) but i missed it yesterday but when i weighed myself this morning i was 135lbs and i was 139lbs on thursday! could i actually have lost 4lbs in such a short time because as i said i missed a day of the plan and i haven't really been watching what i eat over the weekend. i dont think its water weight either because i didnt just start my diet ive been doing it for a few weeks . so if any1 has any ideas about the strength training or why im losing weight so quick plz post it!!! thnx
Reply from emis, Age 15 - 06/13/05  - IP#:
I had that prob too once. My scale was wacked! i started at 155 then a week later it said i was 144. But mines electric so i changed the batteries and things went down to normal and i lost 5 in a week not 10. lol. for strenghtn could try toning for teens or like pilates or somehting..or like tae bo. Im rely not that familiar with that kind of stuff though (is ^ that even streanght training?) but good luck!!! :) <33