From Alexis, Age 12 - 02/14/10 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 4'11", Start: 150 lb, Today: 149 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 100 lb - Hi,I want advice on how to lose weight becouse all my friends are skinny and i get made fun of on the bus one day i got puched out of my seat on the bus and some kid yelled whoa fatty don't tip the bus and i just want to fit in better and not get made fun of please help me alexis.
Reply from Anne Marie, Age 13 - 04/03/10 - IP#:
Reply from hii, Age 13 - 02/27/10 - IP#:
Reply from Taylor, Age 16 - 02/22/10 - IP#:
Reply from Taylor, Age 11 - 02/21/10 - IP#:
Reply from Alexis, Age 12 - 02/20/10 - IP#:
Reply from Taylor, Age 16 - 02/15/10 - IP#:
From jamie, Age 8 - 02/14/10 - IP#: Click here to reply Start: 100 lb, Today: 100 lb - I am 8 and i am 100 pounds i know its a little stange that i am 100 pounds at 8 but thats me.My favorite subject is food and my favorite food is chicken help me.
Reply from David, Age 20 - 04/20/10 - IP#:
Reply from Ashley, Age 12 - 04/05/10 - IP#:
From Nicole, Age 12 - 02/14/10 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'4.5", Start: 160 lb, Today: 140 lb (BMI %tile: 91), Goal: 110 lb - Hey Guys! Guess what ??? I've lost 20 pounds! I'm so proud of myself ! I know not many people comment on this bulletin board , but I had to tell someone ! I can definitely see a difference and apparently so can my friends and family ! Keep pushing through Guys ad Girls ! It's so satisfying ! I've still got 30 pounds to lose though ! My Easter Challenge : 125 lbs . Anyone care to join ? Good luck guys ! Love , Nicole <3
Reply from chloe, Age 11 - 04/21/13 - IP#:
Reply from Meagan, Age 13 - 02/27/10 - IP#:
From Eleanor, Age 11 - 02/13/10 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'4", Start: 150 lb, Today: 143 lb (BMI %tile: 95), Goal: 90 lb - MY TIPS -Stock your schoolbag with healthy snacks, like baby carrots, healthy crackers, etc. in ZipLocs. Then when you have the urge to buy something at the vending machiens, pull out your healthy snacks. (Same with lunch.) -Drink a lot of water. Add: lemon/lime, stevia (a low-cal natural sweetener), mint, etc. -Eat veggies before every meal, cuz they'll fill you up a lot. -Try to stay away from places where people are eating high-cal, unhealthy food. -Don't eat too much dairy! There's a lot of fat. -Don't eat, like, nothing for b-fast and lunch, because then you'll binge in the afternoon. I'm really happy! My brother had some friends over, and there were like a MILLION donuts in our kitchen, but I didn't eat ANY. Yay! I'm going to make myself an egg sandwhich (one scrambled egg on whole wheat toast), and try to get some exercise.
Reply from Eleanor, Age 11 - 05/14/10 - IP#:
Reply from sara, Age 10 - 02/21/10 - IP#:
From taylor, Age 10 - 02/09/10 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 150 cm, Start: 48 kg, Today: 46 kg (BMI %tile: 88), Goal: 32 kg - Hello!Maya is my older sis.She looked a little flabby,but I'm awful.My doctor was like: -Oh,Taylor,when you were little you were so skinny and now... People are like that all the time.Can you help me.My little sister Angi is 7 and is good looking.I was like her too.I want to help her not become like Maya.We eat healthy and get all the exercise we can. (Note: 150 cm, 46 kg is 4'11", 101 lb.)
From maya, Age 12 - 02/09/10 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 164 cm, Start: 64 kg, Today: 63 kg (BMI %tile: 89), Goal: 40 kg - Hi!I hate being overweight.I'm not really that fat,but I'm not slim.And summer is coming and I want to feel good in a bathing suit.My best friend looks awesome!She doesn't exercise and only eats junk food and a lot.And she gets all the boys.I go to dance lessons and I'm always in the back because I don't look good.Or the costumes have the bellybutton showing.It's awful! (Note: 164 cm, 63 kg is 5'5", 139 lb.)
Reply from Meagan, Age 13 - 04/25/10 - IP#:
Reply from Eleanor, Age 11 - 02/10/10 - IP#:
From Angela, Age 11 - 02/07/10 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'1", Start: 135.5 lb, Today: 135 lb (BMI %tile: 96), Goal: 105 lb - Hi, My name is Angela. And I'm "obese" on their scale. My brother got me a Wii Fit for my birthday because he didn't want me to suffer and go through people making fun of me. I tried to do it everyday, but it just gets tiring standing on this stupid board all day. I spent about 30 minutes on it each day, but then I got sick of it. I finally found a site where kids just like me have the same problem. I see all of those actors and models on T.V. and Magazines and then I just say, "I wanna be just like that." I have a problem with eating and my dad was telling me that he doesn't want me to get too obese. My dad is on a diet, and trying to get me to eat healthier. Parents don't understand how hard it is to drop the soda, junk food, salty, and sugary items and put them aside. My friends tell me I'm not "fat." I don't really believe them because they are like my best friends and they are nice ... (view more)Hi, My name is Angela. And I'm "obese" on their scale. My brother got me a Wii Fit for my birthday because he didn't want me to suffer and go through people making fun of me. I tried to do it everyday, but it just gets tiring standing on this stupid board all day. I spent about 30 minutes on it each day, but then I got sick of it. I finally found a site where kids just like me have the same problem. I see all of those actors and models on T.V. and Magazines and then I just say, "I wanna be just like that." I have a problem with eating and my dad was telling me that he doesn't want me to get too obese. My dad is on a diet, and trying to get me to eat healthier. Parents don't understand how hard it is to drop the soda, junk food, salty, and sugary items and put them aside. My friends tell me I'm not "fat." I don't really believe them because they are like my best friends and they are nice to me. This one time, I liked this boy... and I asked him out (through text message). And he told me that he wouldn't want to go out with me because I'm too fat. People say "I'm mean to myself" because I say I'm fat and I need to lose weight. But it's the truth. I'm trying to involve myself into more sports. In my P.E. class, we have to run 5 minutes non-stop each day, and I have a nice and steady pace. Even my thinner friends are a little behind me. I try being fast and try to lose weight because I don't want to be just some "fat kid." I told my dad I wanted to do 3 sports because I've only been in one sport, Cross-County, but I guess it wasn't a good sport for your first try. So, automatically, I quit the second week. I was panting on the side, walking when I wasn't suppose to, almost dying, having a heart attack. (Last part exaggerated.) I guess it feels kind of good to tell my story to the world. i'm trying to loose 30 pounds this year, because I want to be fit for next year, and I want guys to like me. Some like me for my personality .. but the others like girls for their personalities and looks. I cry when a guy says I'm too fat or someone gets mad at me and uses my weight against me. I'm not so much chubby in my face or anything. But it's just around my stomach, but it doesn't POP out as much. My arms aren't too fat too not look normal. But my thighs are pretty big and I want to shrink down on my pants size. If you can relate to this, PLEASE reply! I need responses. Thanks :). (view less)
Reply from Alexis, Age 12 - 02/14/10 - IP#:
Reply from Taylor, Age 16 - 02/11/10 - IP#:
Reply from diedre, Age 11 - 02/10/10 - IP#:
Reply from Taylor, Age 16 - 02/08/10 - IP#:
From Gigi, Age 12 - 02/05/10 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'1", Start: 200 lb, Today: 200 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 200 lb - Alright, so I'm not actually 200 pounds. But the website owners might want to listen to what I have to say before deleting this. I came upon this website, and am seeing all of these people who are trying very hard to lose weight. I'd really like to help, and if you would like to hear my advice, than you can continue to read this. Losing weight can be difficult at times. It's the honest truth. Sometimes, that ice cream sandwich looks too tasty, or that piece of cake tastes too good. Of course, these products are alive because of their charming abilities to tantalize our taste buds. Here are some tips to help you lose weight: -Get rid of all unhealthy food in your house. If your weight situation is getting this out of control, it's a step you and your family should be willing to take to help you out. Why?- Simple: Just looking or smelling a food can lead you towards...... (view more)Alright, so I'm not actually 200 pounds. But the website owners might want to listen to what I have to say before deleting this. I came upon this website, and am seeing all of these people who are trying very hard to lose weight. I'd really like to help, and if you would like to hear my advice, than you can continue to read this. Losing weight can be difficult at times. It's the honest truth. Sometimes, that ice cream sandwich looks too tasty, or that piece of cake tastes too good. Of course, these products are alive because of their charming abilities to tantalize our taste buds. Here are some tips to help you lose weight: -Get rid of all unhealthy food in your house. If your weight situation is getting this out of control, it's a step you and your family should be willing to take to help you out. Why?- Simple: Just looking or smelling a food can lead you towards... (view more)Alright, so I'm not actually 200 pounds. But the website owners might want to listen to what I have to say before deleting this. I came upon this website, and am seeing all of these people who are trying very hard to lose weight. I'd really like to help, and if you would like to hear my advice, than you can continue to read this. Losing weight can be difficult at times. It's the honest truth. Sometimes, that ice cream sandwich looks too tasty, or that piece of cake tastes too good. Of course, these products are alive because of their charming abilities to tantalize our taste buds. Here are some tips to help you lose weight: -Get rid of all unhealthy food in your house. If your weight situation is getting this out of control, it's a step you and your family should be willing to take to help you out. Why?- Simple: Just looking or smelling a food can lead you towards it, and it can be very painful to walk away. Choose- Vegetables, Fruits as snacks, limit your meals to a healthy amount for you. Most important rule: DO NOT SKIP MEALS Yes, I know eating breakfast lunch and dinner may make you feel like you're eating too much, and some of you may feel proud when you skip meals, seeing as you THINK you are losing weight. The reality? Nope. The first few weeks of eating very small portions and skipping one or more meals a day you will lose a few pounds of water weight. But the truth is, eating less slows your metabolism down. This makes you burn less and less calories, to the point where you are again gaining weight. Losing it from there will just be harder. So,check with your doctor, or from a reliable source online to find out how many calories you should be eating every day. And only one or two small items of junk food a week will help ou mantain nutrition. So here's the bummer for some of you. In order to lose a sufficient amount of weight, stay healthy and avoid health problems like diabetes and high blood pressure, you are going to need to excersize. But there are TONS of ways to do it. My advice? Seventeen Magazine has tons of subtle exercize tips AND healthy eating. Also, once a day, pick two jumpy songs on your ipod, and just dance, have fun! And guess what? You've just done eight minutes of excersize! For your abs, i reccomend starting with 50 half-crunches a day. They did this routine in a gymnastics I once went to. After you feel totally comfortable with this, you can accelerate to 100. Always find time for excersize. Well, I really hope this helped. (view less)
From A'Sante, Age 10 - 02/02/10 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'7", Start: 159 lb, Today: 157 lb (BMI %tile: 96), Goal: 68 lb - hi its me again and i am a little cheaty today but hey who doesn't when all you could really eat is veggies well bye
Reply from David, Age 20 - 04/20/10 - IP#:
From jamie, Age 8 - 02/02/10 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 4'6", Start: 100 lb, Today: 100 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 68 lb - hi my name is Jamie and i came here because i am overweight and i don't want to have diebetes so i am going here maybe it will help me i don't know hopefullly i will be at my goal plz help me work it out.
Reply from sara, Age 10 - 02/21/10 - IP#:
From A'Sante, Age 10 - 01/29/10 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'4", Start: 159 lb, Today: 157 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 68 lb - hello its me again well i did some jogging with my pet and i wrestle with him a little bit i had some apple juice with lemon (which had no salt) and i feeel healthy and great today but i still have a long way to go
From asante, Age 10 - 01/26/10 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'4", Start: 159 lb, Today: 157 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 68 lb - hi I am 100 pounds over wight and to tell you the truth I don't even like food it all started when my anties decided to start cooking they food I didn't like so much but i didn't want them to feel bad so I ate and they gave me mored and more so thats how it i became 100 pounds overweight and i guess i am doing better i lost 2 pounds but i need to lose more well if you have any advice please send me a message back bye
Reply from David, Age 20 - 04/20/10 - IP#:
Reply from keisha, Age 10 - 01/29/10 - IP#:
Reply from hii, Age 13 - 01/28/10 - IP#:
Reply from hii, Age 13 - 01/27/10 - IP#:
From melanie], Age 10 - 01/24/10 - IP#: Click here to reply my name is melanie and doctors and even my parents are always telling me to lose weight but they dont understand how hard it is for a kid to lose weight in a nanno second thats why i am trying every thing to lose weight and none of its working so i dont believe in my self any more but im still trying.
Reply from David, Age 20 - 04/20/10 - IP#:
Reply from kaylie, Age 11 - 01/31/10 - IP#:
From abigail x, Age 13 - 01/22/10 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 4'9", Start: 147 lb, Today: 147 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 70 lb - ok. hiya i am abi and i'm 13. so my parents keep nagging me to loose weight but i really dont want to cos i love food. especially junk food. i am in the popular gang at school and we all wear cool clothes but i was wearing my pink sparkly top and my belly was sticking out and now i am sad cos i am fat and i want to eat junk food but not be fat so what should i do????
Reply from Eleanor, Age 11 - 02/13/10 - IP#:
Reply from Hayley, Age 13 - 01/31/10 - IP#:
Reply from abi, Age 13 - 01/26/10 - IP#:
Reply from hii, Age 13 - 01/23/10 - IP#:
Reply from abi, Age 13 - 01/22/10 - IP#:
From Paris-amyy, Age 12 - 01/10/10 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'9", Start: 9 st 5, Today: 12 st 3 (BMI %tile: 94), Goal: 10 st 2 - i get told by weight programs like this that i am obese or over weight and when i confront my mum and dad bout it they say that because of my hight my weight is perfect but im not sure any more. I have tried to loose weight but every time i try it just gets thrown back at me x (Note: 12 st 3 is 171 lb.)
Reply from David, Age 20 - 04/20/10 - IP#:
Reply from sara, Age 10 - 02/21/10 - IP#:
Reply from avinash, Age 20 - 01/21/10 - IP#:
Reply from Taylor, Age 16 - 01/13/10 - IP#: