Healthy Weight 


    Your body needs food to live.  Food is your body's fuel.  Food is also what your body uses to make body parts like muscle and bones.  Your body can store fuel for later use, just like you can store fuel in your car's gas tank to use later when your car goes on a trip.  Your body turns extra fuel into fat and stores the fat in a tank located all over your body.  

    If the fuel that you burn up to run your body is equal to the fuel that you take in from food, then you don't gain weight.  Since there is no extra fuel, none of it is stored as fat.  But if you take in more food than your body burns up, then the extra fuel is turned into fat and your body gains weight.  It's pretty simple.  The extra fuel is stored in your fat fuel tank, which gets bigger and heavier as it overfills.

    The amount of fuel in a food is called "calories", sort of like octane in gas.  You can look on a food's label to see how many calories are in the food.  3500 extra calories eaten will cause one pound weight gain.  Exercise burns up calories.  For example, walking one mile burns up 100 calories.  So, if you eat 500 calories less each day, or you walk 5 miles a day, you will lose one pound a week.

    So... to balance your weight you can either decrease the fuel (food) you take in, or you can increase the amount of fuel you burn up (by exercise).  Exercise, even simple things like walking... dancing... or shooting basketball, will burn up a lot more fuel than just sitting and watching TV.  Exercise can be fun too...

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