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From Izzy, Age 13 - 03/18/06 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5ft. 4", Wt. 178.4 - oh guys hey so i read a quote in a magazine that said "America is a country designed to make us fat, but are obsessed with being thin!" just a thought an ugg i got my menstration and i forgot so today i had chips, huge mistake my mouth went dry as a fruggin desert and the scale says i gained back like 3 lbs, i think it's just bloating but i still feel really lousy. today was bad but tomorrow starts anew!
Reply from tomisimo, Age 12 - 03/28/06  - IP#:
Reply from Lindsey, Age 10 - 03/18/06  - IP#:
Reply from Lindsey, Age 10 - 03/18/06  - IP#:
Reply from Izzy, Age 13 - 03/18/06  - IP#:
Reply from damien666, Age 13 - 03/18/06  - IP#:

From Monique, Age 13 - 03/18/06 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'11, Wt. 170 - Mmm.
You know what you guys should try to eat?
They're called Matzo's. They're supposted to be for Passover, but I mean mmm they're delicious. I'm not Jewish so I have nooo idea what they're supposed to be eaten for but.. they're too good.
With only 120 calories, I could pass eating dinner for one of these. Here's the catch: they contain wheat flour and water. That's it! There's no sugar or sweet.
Most of you are probably wondering why I'm telling you bread tastes good but these Matzo's have ridges along them and bumps and grains.. they taste sooo delicious and are fun to eat.
My mom and I go crazy about them, and the good thing is, they're not even expensive! My mom and I ate these when we were trying to lose weight.. it really does work.
Thanks guys! I'd really reccomend you getting your hands on these.. they're just bread, sorta like on an extra large cracker.
Much love guys, & best of luck.
x's and o's always,
Reply from tomisimo, Age 12 - 03/28/06  - IP#:
Reply from alexa, Age 12 - 03/27/06  - IP#:
Reply from Monique, Age 13 - 03/20/06  - IP#:
Reply from Elizabeth, Age 12 - 03/19/06  - IP#:
Reply from Shieann, Age 12 - 03/18/06  - IP#:

From damien666, Age 13 - 03/18/06 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5"3, Wt. 178 - hey courtney, if your out there then im waiting for a reply.
Reply from tomisimo, Age 12 - 03/28/06  - IP#:
Reply from C-to-the-o!, Age 13 - 03/19/06  - IP#:

From damien666, Age 13 - 03/17/06 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5"3, Wt. 178 - hi. remember me. havnt been here in a while it feels and saying domo to all. also happy st. patricks day!@!!!
Reply from Shieann, Age 12 - 03/18/06  - IP#:
Reply from Lindsey, Age 10 - 03/17/06  - IP#:

From Lindsey, Age 10 - 03/17/06 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'3", Wt. 156 - Hey people. I got back from a sleepover today and I didn't do so well... I just weighed myself just now (I know, you are supposed to do it in the morning) and it said I am the exact same weight as the last time I weighed myself! It is really weird. Anyways, how are your diets going? I hope they're better than mine! And remember "Love the skin you're in."
<333 Lindsey
Reply from Izzy, Age 13 - 03/18/06  - IP#:
Reply from Shieann, Age 11 - 03/17/06  - IP#:

From krista, Age 13 - 03/17/06 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5"7, Wt. 268 - i have a tip[ u know that for every pound that u weigh its 3 lbs of pressure on your knees] so every pound you loose is 3 l bs off ur knees so i lost 32 lbs and that 96lbs of my knees
Reply from Jessica, Age 11 - 04/16/06  - IP#:
Reply from Lindsey, Age 10 - 03/17/06  - IP#:

From krista, Age 13 - 03/17/06 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5"7, Wt. 268 - hey i'm muscle woman lol i burned the most calories i have ever burned in my life i burned 1100 calories yay
Reply from melody, Age 13 - 03/19/06  - IP#:

From Shieann, Age 11 - 03/17/06 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'3, Wt. 164 - Hi every1 i need help losing weight!! I'm goin 2 Plam Beach in about 2 months!1 I want 2 lose at least! 30 lbs. So I can wear a bikini there!! Also I wouild love to have agreat body 2 show off.Please anyone e-mail me with tips at!!
Reply from tomisimo, Age 12 - 03/28/06  - IP#:
Reply from Lindsey, Age 10 - 03/17/06  - IP#:
Reply from Lindsey, Age 10 - 03/17/06  - IP#:

From Carolina DElgado, Age 13 - 03/16/06 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 4'7, Wt. 109 - Hey umm...i juss wanna say dat how can i stop gainin wait!!!Can u please send me sum tips!!!...j.k...Hey u people do u know how much each person should eat each day not how many vegetables but umm food as in junk food u kno Hamburgers nd fries and or Hot cheetos!!
Well 4 all those fat well not fat but kind of chubby lik muah dont give up on bein fat just cuz people call u diz so just ignore nd try on eatin healthy!!..K..!!!
~~~~~___Love Always Carolina Delgado___~~~~

From C-to-the-o, Age 13 - 03/16/06 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5"3 1/2, Wt. 175 - Hey Guys! thanz for all the advice this is just really hard! My mom staring buying me the hundred packs and told me that taco salads and chicken salads weren't all that bad for you!!Well thanz for all the help but this is just reall hard! bye!

From JOSEPHINE.â„¢, Age 13 - 03/15/06 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5' 0", Wt. not sure. no scale. - Wow, this is going to sound pathetic.
But how bad is bulemia?
I mean really.
I know it wears away alot of stuff, but what else does it do?
[[ ]]
[[ aim= xjoseysxeundeadx ]]
[[ yahoo= rainbowsrhott ]]
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Reply from Julie, Age 17 - 03/18/06  - IP#:
Reply from mac, Age 18 - 03/16/06  - IP#:

From Lindsey, Age 10 - 03/15/06 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'3", Wt. 157 - Hello world! I have been obsesivly excersizing and I have been eating better than I have in a really long time. I seriously have been excersizing a lot ever since I found out we have Excersize TV on-demand. I am pretty much making up for what I eat now (that isn't the only reason) so what do ya'll think? Help me out, please?
Reply from Lindsey to Shieann, Age 10 - 03/17/06  - IP#:
Reply from Shieann, Age 11 - 03/17/06  - IP#:
Reply from Alexis, Age 12 - 03/17/06  - IP#:
Reply from Elizabeth, Age 12 - 03/15/06  - IP#:
Reply from Lindsey, Age 10 - 03/15/06  - IP#:
Reply from Lolo, Age 11 - 03/15/06  - IP#:
Reply from Lindsey to Elizabeth, Age 10 - 03/15/06  - IP#:

From Elizabeth, Age 12 - 03/15/06 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5' 6.5, Wt. 144 - everyone here seems to be freaking out if they eat anything slightly bad. you should eat healthy to lose weight but excercise is what really does it. I know this because my family eats really good but I don't excercise too much. I joined a gym and bought DDR to try and excercise more. so don't think you ruined yourself if you have a little bit of junk food but do be careful.
Reply from tomisimo, Age 12 - 03/28/06  - IP#:
Reply from MICAH, Age 11 - 03/22/06  - IP#:

From krista, Age 12 - 03/15/06 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5"7, Wt. 268 - hey i lost another 4 lbs 4 a total of 32 yay omg i am so happy if u email me at ill tell u my secrets
Reply from Lindsey, Age 10 - 03/15/06  - IP#:
Reply from erin, Age 10 - 03/15/06  - IP#:

From krista, Age 12 - 03/14/06 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5"7, Wt. 273 - ppl i realy need help evertime i think about my dead grandma i go to food for comfort adn i dont wanna ruin everything i did ppl plz i really need help i think i am gonna just like starve myself
Reply from Samantha, Age 12 - 03/23/06  - IP#:
Reply from mac, Age 18 - 03/16/06  - IP#:
Reply from damien666, Age 13 - 03/14/06  - IP#:
Reply from Kelsey, Age 12 - 03/14/06  - IP#:

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