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From sarah, Age 12 - 09/05/11 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 156 cm, Start: 54 kg, Today: 54 kg (BMI %tile: 85), Goal: 45 kg - Hey! I am trying to lose weight! I am getting too big for zara kids clothes..and I really wnat to save myself from the embarrassment of shopping in the adults department. All my friends are super slim and some means kids call me fat..:( My sister is super duper fit and I am trying to become like her! Wish me luck on losing weight!  (Note: 156 cm, 54 kg is 5'1.4", 119.05 lb.)
Reply from Olivia, Age 12 - 11/09/11  - IP#:
Reply from destiny, Age 12 - 10/12/11  - IP#:
Reply from Nyla, Age 12 - 10/06/11  - IP#:

From Alexis, Age 12 - 09/03/11 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'2", Start: 158 lb, Today: 152 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 115 lb - i am so happy that im losing weight becuz i fell amzing everytime a drop a pound.
Reply from destiny, Age 12 - 10/12/11  - IP#:

From jena, Age 11 - 08/31/11 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'1", Start: 139 lb, Today: 139 lb (BMI %tile: 97), Goal: 75 lb - email me plzzz jenroyford@GMAIL.COM
Reply from Meghan, Age 11 - 01/07/12  - IP#:

From Mikki, Age 12 - 08/10/11 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'2", Start: 132 lb, Today: 129 lb (BMI %tile: 90), Goal: 110 lb - Hi. So I use to weigh 138 pounds (63kg) and now I weigh 129(59). I've being yo-yoing for roughly the past year and I'm sick of it. I HAVE lost weight but not much and I'm still really unhappy, really unfit and in the 'at risk of being overweight' section for my BMI. My goal weight is 110(50) and I plan to lose 19 pounds(9kg) by November 1st. I've just bought a wii fit, treadmill and am totally cutting out all my junk food beginning tomorrow. It's possible everyone who reckons it isn't. My Aunty did it, she lost 30 pounds in 2 months! :) I just wish my family was more supportive. My Dad deliberately says I'm fat, my brother shoves the food in my face and my Mum just keeps buying more and more junk to store in the cupboards. I don't expect them to cut out all junk for me, but some support would be nicer. Anyway, back to my point, my... (view more)
Reply from destiny, Age 12 - 10/13/11  - IP#:
Reply from Chelsea, Age 11 - 10/09/11  - IP#:
Reply from Nyla, Age 13 - 09/04/11  - IP#:

From TASH XX, Age 12 - 08/09/11 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'2", Start: 10 st 6, Today: 9 st 0 (BMI %tile: 89), Goal: 8 st 5 - I'm sooo happy!!!!! I've lost over a stone!!!!! It only took me a month!!!! Now I'm only 8 lbs away from a healthy weight. I'm no longer obese!!!!! I'm a size 8-10 and can shop in cool shops like superdry and holister and newlook!!! Tash Xx  (Note: 9 st 0 is 126 lb.)
Reply from destiny, Age 12 - 10/12/11  - IP#:

From Savannah, Age 13 - 08/09/11 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Start: 185.5 lb, Today: 185.5 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 120 lb - I need help last year I gained 40 lbs. Everyone calls me a cow and I can't even walk into all the popular stores like ambercrombie with out getting comments like " Go back the the elephant cage where you belong" I HATE IT!. Everyone talks behind my back on how fat I am! Can anyone help me:( please.
Reply from Mary, Age 12 - 12/19/11  - IP#:
Reply from susan, Age 12 - 10/14/11  - IP#:
Reply from Lillie, Age 12 - 09/11/11  - IP#:
Reply from lily, Age 14 - 08/31/11  - IP#:
Reply from Jessica, Age 16 - 08/17/11  - IP#:

From Allie, Age 12 - 08/07/11 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'2", Start: 170 lb, Today: 170 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 100 lb - hey guys i just lost 4 pounds because of the diet im on if u can go 2 the nearest book store and get a book called the biggest loser home challenge it works try it before u judge
Reply from destiny, Age 12 - 10/13/11  - IP#:
Reply from Lillie, Age 12 - 09/11/11  - IP#:

From Alyssa, Age 9 - 08/06/11 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 4'6", Start: 105 lb, Today: 105 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 86 lb - I keep ganing pounds
Reply from destiny, Age 12 - 10/12/11  - IP#:

From kearstyn, Age 11 - 08/04/11 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'1", Start: 145 lb, Today: 145 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 100 lb - hi im kearstyn and i no im over weight but I'm trying to loose weight please help
Reply from destiny, Age 12 - 10/12/11  - IP#:

From TASH XX, Age 12 - 08/01/11 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'0", Start: 9 st 6, Today: 10 st 6 (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 8 st 5 - I am very depeessed!! I have just found out that I had 4 size 12-14 woman's jeans that now do not fit. I have 38in hips and 36in waist. I have 4 fat rolls, a double chin, huge love handles and a massive fatty bum. I also have a muffin top which hangs over a whole 3in my trousers!! I know I am obese but somebody PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!  (Note: 10 st 6 is 146 lb.)
Reply from sadie, Age 14 - 01/01/12  - IP#:
Reply from destiny, Age 12 - 10/12/11  - IP#:
Reply from Ellen, Age 12 - 08/05/11  - IP#:
Reply from Alyssa, Age 9 - 08/02/11  - IP#:

From Natasha, Age 12 - 07/31/11 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'0", Start: 9 st 6, Today: 9 st 6 (BMI %tile: 95), Goal: 8 st 5 - I've been overweight/obese all my life really. Like when I was 4 I was 98th percentile!! Which I know is obese. But it all started happening so quickly.
When I look back at pictures of me as a small child I can start to find out when it all started to go wrong. I was always quite chubby but I asumed it was just baby fat. But as I got to the age of ten I weighed 7 stone 7, I started to realise that it wasn't baby fat but it was real fat! I was obese then but now is when it was a blur.
At age 11 I still weighed 7 stone 7. That was still an overweight weight. But I didn't think anything of it and carried on at a normal pace.
I am 12 now and it is august. In march I weighed 8stone 9 which is the normal weight for a 12 year old girl. But it didn't last long... As I weigh my self now the scales say 10 stone 6! I have put on 2 stone in the past 4 months!! I am at the top of the... (view more)
 (Note: 9 st 6 is 132 lb.)
Reply from destiny, Age 12 - 10/12/11  - IP#:

From TASH XX, Age 12 - 07/31/11 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'0", Start: 9 st 6, Today: 9 st 6 (BMI %tile: 95), Goal: 8 st 5 - Hi I'm new to this thing but think its a really good idea!! I weigh 9 st 6 which is at the very top of the overweight section so I'm nearly obese!! I am probably the third fattest girl in my year ( out of 100 girls) so I'm pretty fat. But I have a reasonably healthy diet and I do 10 hours of sport a week so I don't no why I'm so overweight?!? Advice needed please!!!!! TASH XX  (Note: 9 st 6 is 132 lb.)
Reply from destiny, Age 12 - 10/12/11  - IP#:
Reply from alexis, Age 12 - 09/21/11  - IP#:
Reply from TASH XX, Age 12 - 08/02/11  - IP#:
Reply from Alexis, Age 12 - 08/01/11  - IP#:
Reply from TASH XX, Age 12 - 07/31/11  - IP#:

From Alyssa, Age 9 - 07/31/11 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 4'6", Start: 105 lb, Today: 105 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 86 lb - I can't stop eating any tips? Please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply from destiny, Age 12 - 10/12/11  - IP#:

From Alyssa, Age 9 - 07/30/11 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 4'6", Start: 104 lb, Today: 104 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 90 lb - I feel like I am ugly when I am fat!!'!'!!!!!!!!!
Reply from Mary, Age 12 - 12/19/11  - IP#:
Reply from destiny, Age 12 - 10/12/11  - IP#:
Reply from Natasha, Age 12 - 07/31/11  - IP#:

From Issy x, Age 11 - 07/28/11 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Start: 10 st 10, Today: 10 st 10 (BMI %tile: 96), Goal: 8 st 0 - hello my nameis isbelle i am really tall (not to sure how tall prodderly 4 5 .4 im 11 turing 12 this eptemder
when i was small i didn't eat for two days as i didn't like my weight im very overweight and i would like to get to a sise ten now im a 14 16 in everythink. to my mum everythink is tow big to small but my clothes are really big and when i put then on the too small :( i was never seemed to be called names but i do get angry all the time my mum says i get it from my dad but really its all about my weight i would like to wear shouts and dressis i always look horrildie i would like to d this befor my d-day to get to a 10 it clothes and about 8.00 in weight if you can help me plz do AND I WILL DO ALMOST EVETHINK !!

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