Here is where we answer your questions about your weight and reaching your weight goal. Our site provides general health information only and cannot give medical advice.
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 Wanting to be Like Everyone Else

=> A lot of my friends are skinny.I want to be that skinny.Its hard for me to quit my eating habits. What kinds of foods can I eat to help me lose around 20 lbs?

=> I am twelve years old and I am overweight. I can't wear bikinis like my sisters, and I will never get boyfriend. School is hard. You can't be overweight if you want to be able to fit in. What can I do to lose weight, FAST!?!?

 Losing weight involves picking healthy foods, watching your portion sizes and exercising. Choose healthy food selections. Snack on light popcorn, fruit and yogurt, or healthy snack packs like the 100 calorie snacks. These are helpful because they’re already portioned out for you. As far as wanting to look like your friends, try not to compare yourself to them. Everyone is different as far as body shape. It’s important to lose weight and be healthy for YOU! Be proud of the changes you make and what you have accomplished. Good luck!

 Emotional Eating

=> I can't stop eating. What do i do? I eat when I'm bored and when I'm sad. I'm an emotional eater. I really want to lose weight! Help me!

 It’s so important that you realize that you eat when you’re feeling certain emotions! Now that you recognize this, think of other ways to deal with your emotions rather than looking for something to eat. Grabbing food may make you feel good at first, but afterwards, it doesn't help solve what is bothering you. Every time you want to eat something, think to yourself, "Am I really hungry? Or do I want to eat because I feel...?" If it’s to deal with how you’re feeling, try doing something else like taking a walk, calling a friend, or just writing down how you’re feeling in a journal and think of how you can resolve the problem. It sometimes helps to talk about why you feel the way you do. Talk to a friend you trust, your parents, or a school counselor.

Click here to learn more about emotional eating: Lucy's Tips             Emotional eating posts from kids

Good Luck!

 What to do when you have tried everything

=> I've tried and tried and I don't want to give up. I don't know what to do anymore. Please give me some thing that can help me.

 Becoming a healthy weight is tough and can be frustrating at times. It's difficult because most of us want to see results immediately to let us know that what we’re doing is working and everything we have done wasn't for nothing. It might seem like gaining weight happens more quickly than it takes to lose weight. Losing one to two pounds a week is considered a healthy safe weight loss. Think of being a healthy weight as a long term goal.

Ok, you wrote that you’ve tried everything and it’s not working. What might help is to write down everything you’ve tried and think about why it might not have worked. Once you think of what was making your weight loss plan difficult, think of another way that might work. Think of it as if you’re riding your bike down the street and you run into a "road closed" sign. To get where you need to go you would need to take another route or road. You may run into a few more "road closed" signs. What’s important is that you do not give up. Ask your parents or friends to help you "map" a couple of different routes to take. Good luck.

 Learning to Be Healthy

=> Is there anything I can read to understand how to be healthy?

 This is a great question. We all need to learn how to be healthy and that includes reading articles, books and websites like weigh2rock.

When it comes to weight loss, what’s written or posted on websites is not always good advice. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is not healthy. Make a list of questions and bring them to your next doctor's appointment. Ask your doctor or nurse what they think about what you’ve read, or ask your parents.

Check out some of these website:

The American Dietetic Association
My Pyramid
Denise Austin's Fit Kids
Be Active Kids

 Having a Plan for Weight Loss

=> Ok...so well I am 13 and i am sort of fat. I would like to loose alot of weight. This is what im planning to do about it: -not eat breakfast...only a nutrigrain bar or something. - eat one small thing for lunch. - eat a regular dinner- - before i go to sleep do about 200 sit ups? is that good for me to do?

 You sound motivated and you have a plan, which is great. It’s very important that you eat at least three meals a day, and what you want to be sure of, is that you get enough to eat! It’s important to watch your portion sizes (not to double up on servings at meals). Think about adding something extra to your breakfast like a multi-grain English muffin with a yogurt and a piece of fruit. Think of eating three healthy foods with each meal and add 2 healthy snacks. Sometimes when we cut way back on our meals we become really hungry and might eat too much at our next meal.

Sit ups are great but also make sure you add in some "cardio" activity like walking during the week. Talk with your parents or doctor to find an activity that would be right for you.

Think about keeping a food and exercise journal. Good luck!

 Being healthy is hard!

=> I need HELP! I understand what it means to be healthy. It's just so HARD to stay heathly. How can I learn more?

 You are right. It’s hard to stay healthy. Sometimes when you see your doctor or talk to a dietitian, you’re given a lot of information on what it means to be healthy. For example, you learn about healthy eating and exercise. Ask yourself, “What is it specifically that makes being healthy so hard?" Really think about what things you struggle with and write them down. Once you have written those things down, think about what you could change to help you become healthy. For example, if you wrote down, “When I’m out with my friends, we like to eat pizza or go get fast food, and this makes it really hard to be healthy." Then start thinking about what you can do to change that. You could write down," I will choose healthy foods on the menu and watch my portion sizes, and I will make sure I eat healthy the rest of the day. If you get stumped figuring out what is so hard about being healthy, try talking it over with your parents or friends. Also, check for some local support groups for teens. Support from others is very important. Good Luck.

 Losing weight quickly

=> I weight 201 pounds. I am only 13 years old. I need to lose weight fast, so I don't get sick any more. Can you help?

 It seems like it’s easy and like it doesn't take long to gain weight. But when we try and lose weight, it doesn't seem to come off quick enough. It takes time to lose weight safely. Losing too much too fast is not healthy either. It's hard work to be healthy. Sometimes you might not feel like exercising or you may think,” it’s OK if I have some junk food here and there." It’s important to make healthy eating and exercise part of your daily routine. It sounds like you’re motivated to start! Take a look at these tips posted on Lucy's tips.

Try not to focus on the number, it may frustrate you. Instead concentrate on making your lifestyle a healthy one. Good Luck.

 Are there meal plans for kids?

=> I am 12 years old and my parents want me to lose weight. Do you know any websites that I can go on for online meal plans for kids?

 Meal plans can sometimes be helpful. Many times though it seems like following a meal plan does not allow for certain foods. It can be difficult to eat the same things week after week. Meal plans are a good start if you are looking for some ideas on what to eat and they can also teach you about portion sizes. A good website is My Pyramid.
This website teaches you about what kinds of foods to include in your diet and what the proper portion sizes are. Also, this website helps specialize the diet according to your age. Good luck.

 How long till I see the weight come off?

=> I'm way over weight and I've been reading about losing weight, and it's helped a little. Iv'e lost 3.5lbs in the last 2 days. What should i do?

=> I am overweight and I want to lose 10-15 pounds by December. It's November have any advice?

 It can be very frustrating when weight does not seem to come off quickly. It seems easy to gain weight and harder to lose it. It’s recommended to aim for a weekly weight loss of 1-2 pounds per week. When you first start to exercise and watch your portion sizes at meals, you may lose a little more. Losing too much weight too quickly may mean you’re not getting enough calories, which you need, to concentrate at school and to have energy during the day. The goal is to not take in more calories than you need.

Try not to focus on the number of pounds, and be realistic. You may add too much pressure on yourself to lose a certain amount and feel disappointed if you don't reach that goal. Good luck!

 Dealing with Emotions

=> I am 16 and I really hate being overweight. It's really hard for me to find clothes that fit my belly. Alot of the time I shop in mens sections because they are bigger and they fit me. I really hate my size. I get teased alot, but I never ever talk about this at home if I do, I will just cry. I hate that I always want to eat and sometimes sneak food.

 These are difficult feelings to deal with on your own. You may feel embarrassed talking with your family or friends about what you are going through, but keep in mind keeping everything inside might make you feel worse. When emotions stay all bottled up inside, they can keep growing and growing. Think of 2 or 3 people you trust and rely on for support. These should be people you know will not judge you and like you for who you are as a person. Try and let them know how you feel. When we talk to other people, sometimes we feel better just saying how we feel out loud. If you do not have anyone at home or friends you would like to talk to, try asking one of your school counselors for a name of someone to talk to who won't pass judgment on you and can help you sort through how you feel and how you might want to deal with some of these feelings.

Losing weight is not easy and unfortunately there is no quick fix. There are many tips available for eating healthy and exercising. These are important, but what is also important is dealing with emotional eating and food addictions.

Teasing by other kids can make dealing with your emotions even more difficult. Sometimes it feels like it would be so much easier if we all "fit in" with the group. Feeling like people don't like you because of your weight or because of your clothes, can trigger you want to do things that make you feel better like eating your favorite foods.

Try and talk with someone about how you feel. Make a plan to help yourself. For more ideas take a look at some of Lucy's tips.

Good luck!

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