Here is where we answer your questions about your weight and reaching your weight goal. Our site provides general health information only and cannot give medical advice.
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 How Do I Deal With How I Think Other People See Me?

=> I am the "bigger" one of all my friends. Not only am I a little bit taller, but im fatter. I feel like girls don't notice me, and I have trouble with injuries so it is hard to play sports. I need a way to lose a few pounds and bulk up on muscle. I feel really, really fat and bad about myself.

 It's easy to focus on the things we don't like about ourselves, or the things that make us different from others, especially people who seem to be popular. Unfortunately, it happens a lot and starts a cycle of low self esteem, causing kids to feel bad about themselves. Not everyone is the same. Think about your group of friends. You may be taller and weigh more, but they are still your friends and like you for who you are. Remember, many times people think they can "read" other people's minds. You may look at someone and think they’re thinking all kinds of things about you, when actually they’re probably doing the same thing about themselves!

Being a healthy weight needs to start with you wanting to do it for YOU and not for other people's acceptance!! It starts with a healthy diet and exercise. If you would like to join a sport, talk to your doctor and pick a sport that you will not hurt yourself and one that you will have fun. Click on the link below for more information.

How to Deal With Emotions

 Exercise Burn Out

=> I recently started to lose weight. I had a healthy diet with just the right amount of everything I needed to lose weight healthily. I also had an exercise program. It was what helped me lose the weight but I got off of it for 2 weeks, stuck to my diet, and gained 5 pounds. That exercise program is the only thing helping me lose the weight. It's just too intense for me and I cant do it. It's too much physical work and is too hard. I can't get back on it but I keep on gaining weight now. I can't lower calories anymore or I might go into starvation mode because of the lack of energy. What can I do? I cannot exercise that intense and keep the weight down!

 When trying to lose weight there is a tendency to want to work really hard to see results. So kids sometimes cut way back on their calories and start exercising. Both, eating healthy and exercising is so important, but how many calories and what kind of exercise, needs to fit your individual needs. Believe it or not, cutting back on your calories too much can have the opposite effect on your weight. When your body does not get enough calories, it thinks it’s starving. So your body thinks to itself, "I’m not getting enough calories, so I need to slow down how fast I burn calories."

With over-exercising or exercising too intensely, it’s easy to become "burned out" and to not look forward to making exercise a part of your day. Exercise should be something you enjoy and look forward to doing. Some days you might not feel like exercising and it might feel like a job. A trick you can use on days when you dread putting on your tennis shoes is to try exercising for ten minutes without stopping. By the time you reach that ten minute mark, you will be in your exercise zone and will be well on your way.

Pick exercises you enjoy. Don't push yourself too hard and make goals you won’t be able to achieve. Click on the following links to learn more:

President's Council on Physical Activity

 How Much Weight Should I lose In a Month?

=> Can you help me with on how many pounds i should loose in a month?

  Sometimes we focus too much on numbers which may slow down the process of reaching our goal. If we don't get to that "number" we feel like we failed. Rather than looking to lose a certain amount each week, think of making healthy choices as your goals and accomplishments. You have to learn to make healthy eating and exercise a part of your everyday life. Click here to find out more tips:Lucy's Tips


=> I love my school's teachers and staff, but the kids there are just so mean to me.They call me "fatty".I only have 2 true friends now, but 3 years ago I was popular.I really wish i could loose wait, but it is so hard.

 It is great you like your teacher's and have some great fiends to rely on for support. Unfortunately it is all too common kids will tease other kids about all kinds of things like height, the way they dress and their weight. Most who tease others are doing it for the "reaction." If they see the person they are teasing gets upset, it makes them want to continue teasing. There are a few things you can do that may help stop other kids from teasing you. Click on the link below and see some of the suggestions. Remember you can always ask your parents and teacher's for help.

Tips For Dealing With Teasing


=> I am overweight and I don't want to stop eating. I love to eat. I want to lose weight but i don't know how?

 It's important that you enjoy your meals. Sometimes though, we use food as a way of dealing with how we feel. Sometimes kids eat because they’re sad, bored, scared, or stressed out and tasting their favorite foods make them feel better. But this only makes them feel good for a short period of time. Whatever is bothering them is still there. Other times kids might eat or "over-eat" because food is available.
So when you reach for something to eat, ask yourself:
1) Am I really hungry or am I... (Bored, sad, angry, stressed)?
2) If I’m really hungry, what will I pick to eat? Will I pick a healthy snack like fresh fruit or yogurt, or a less healthy snack like cookies?
Did you know that it takes 15-20 minutes for your stomach to tell your brain you’re full? Next time you want to grab extra food after you’ve already eaten, for example, seconds after dinner, try putting your plate in the sink and find something to do for 15 or 20 minutes that’s away from the kitchen. More than likely you will become involved in what you’re doing and you’ll forget about going for a second plate!

 Exercise Ideas

=> What are some good erercises that burn fat? I dont want to develop health problems so I would like to make my goal !!!

 Any exercise or activity will burn calories and that’s what’s important. It’s important that you pick something you like to do otherwise you will not look forward to exercising. It also helps if you invite others to join you, like a friend or family member. Click on the link to find out more about some fun exercises: Exercise Ideas

 Playing sports and being overweight

=> I am a 14 years old. I am 5'6". I weigh 165 I got down from 178 YEAY! I try to eat healthy and all but I still am fat!! I want to play water pollo but my thighs are so big I am embarassed! Help me out please if you have any suggestions!!

 First, congratulations on the fantastic job. I’m sure it was not easy but you did it!! It can seem like it takes a long time to become a healthy weight because it does take time. What's so important is that you've made some great changes in your diet and you’re also looking to exercise by joining a sport. Think of how you felt before you decided to lose weight and think of how good you feel now that you’re on your way to losing weight. Remember, changing the way you eat alone is not enough when trying to become a healthy weight. Exercise is important too. By joining a sports team you’ll be doing something you like and exercising at the same time. Most of the time people are concentrating on themselves and we think they’re focusing on us. You could always ask a friend to join with you, or talk to some of the other people on the team and become friendly with them. Good luck and keep up the good work!

 No One Understands

=> Hi, I am almost 15 and I weigh 178 pounds!! Help me I dont want to talk to my parents because they don't understand.I don't know what to do I constantly feel fat. Please help!

 Many kids probably feel the way you do. How can anyone understand how you feel, right? Believe it or not, this is not exactly true. No one can know exactly how you feel because these are your feelings, but people like your parents and friends can listen to how you feel. You feel worse when you keep everything inside. Sometimes it helps to talk to people, even your parents, or someone you trust, and talk about what can be done to help you become a healthy weight. Believe it or not, you need help from others even if it’s just for them to support you and motivate you to keep going. Try and think of someone you trust and let them know how you feel whether it's a brother or sister, best friend, teacher, doctor or your parents.

 Diet tips

=> I' m 12 years old and i weigh 155 pounds. I realy want to lose 50 pounds and I have talked to my doctor and parents and they said that losing weight would be best. Can you help my find a diet tips that will help me lose the weigh?

 Think of eating healthy and being a healthy weight as a math problem: calories eaten - calories burned during exercise = healthy weight. Many times we try to change our diets and change too much all at once, which can be difficult since how we eat is like a habit. Start by making one or two changes a week. The most common change is to switch from regular juices and soda, to diet. Another change would be to choose healthy snacks. For example, would you choose to snack on potato chips or yogurt and fruit? And don't forget that exercise is also very important in becoming a healthy weight. You or your parents may want to ask your doctor for the name of a registered dietitian to help plan a menu for you, or look for local programs. Sometimes it helps when you have other kids around to support each other. Check out more tips at Lucy's Tips

 Exercise without the gym?

=> I am really worried about my weight.I have been dieting for about six months now and I can't seem to loose any weight. I am not old enough to go to the gym. What happens to your skin after weight loss?

 Exercise is also very important. Exercise does not mean having to go to the gym. Think of something you enjoy doing: riding your bike, walking with a friend, renting an exercise video, or just moving/dancing around the room. It does not matter what kind of exercise you do, as long as you’re moving around burning calories. Check out more tips at Lucy's Tips

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