Talking with my parents |
=> Im 12 years old and over weight. Its because of how i eat. I love to eat like you. I do alot of sports(Baseball, volleyball, rugby) I need to change my way of eating. How do i tell my mom that i need to lose weight?
Getting your mother, father, or another caregiver to support you with weight loss can help you be very successful. I think it is a great idea to speak with your mom. She can help you lose weight. Check out Lucy's tip on speaking with your parents by clicking here.
I am tired of looking the way I do! |
=> i've always been over weight and im tired of looking the way i do. I see how alot of fat gurls are confertable of how they look and stuff but something inside of is telling me that im not suppose to be like this. Im lazy , i think thats the problem. How do i modavate myself? Almost evry day i say to mysel "ok im gonna start working out and eating less, but then i dont. I need help please
You want to make changes and be healthier...but how do you make yourself!?! Getting motivated is tough. Many large kids, teens, and adults struggle with this. First, stop calling yourself lazy! That is not helping you get healthier. Look for activities you like do. Try to find a club or group that do the activities you enjoy. Make activities fun! You can dance to your favorite songs or go hiking with the scouts. With your food choices, make a new food goal each week. Keep track of your goal in a little notebook. Maybe the first goal can be to eat breakfast each day. At the end of the week, see if you met your goal. If you did, pick another one for the next week. Reward yourself with non-food rewards after meeting goals. Good luck and believe in yourself. This belief will get you healthier!
How do I get in shape? |
=> My mom told me that my doctor said I was way to overweight. My little sister is over weight too! I really don't like sports, but my mom gets mad at me because all I do is watch tv and eat chips and cookies. I can barley ride my bike. What should I do to get in shape? What should I do for my baby sister? She's only 2 but I can't even pick her up and I dont want her overweight too!
I am glad to hear you want to get healthier. Also, I am glad to hear you want to help your sister. You are very kind! It maybe tough right now to do some exercise like riding your bike, so maybe try walking a bit more. Try to see how long you can walk without stopping. Maybe you can for 5 or 10 minutes. Each day try to walk a little bit more. Also, start choosing healthier foods. Eat 3 meals a day and a snack if you are hungry. Check out the school section and tip section of this site to find out more about healthy eating. Lastly, try to make a new rule for yourself: no more eating in front of the tv. A new rule can be to only eat at the kitchen table for meals and snacks. That helps lots of kids and teens lose weight. I know it can help you too! As you are making these changes, you will be teaching your little sister how to live healthier. Just by doing this, she can make changes too!
Help! I have PCOS! |
=> People pick on me and treat me different. I have tried many diets and went to gyms to work out, but its hard to lose weight because I have a disease called PCOS. Im not really sure what the PC stands for, but the OS stands for Ovarian Syndrome. It attacks my ovaries and Causes dark spots on my skin and I can NEVER become pregnant. It also makes me over weight and it's really hard to lose weight. It is hard to be around my skinny sisters and people don't even think we are related. I am always embarrest when I go swimming or go to school.
Polycystic ovarian syndrome or PCOS makes it tough to lose weight. You can still do it though...with some planning and perserverance. First, make sure you do not skip your meals, especially breakfast. Second, make sure you have a balance of foods at your meals. A balanced meal has a protein, a complex carb, and vegetable. Third, pick carbs that are complex or high in fiber. You can find out how much fiber is in your food by looking at the Nutrition Facts label under carbohydrate. Higher fiber carbs help your body to use them for energy better. Lastly, you can really help your body if you are physically active everday. Each day, see how you can get your heart beating faster. You can do this by dancing, walking, running, swimming, biking, playing basketball, jumping rope...and many more. Good luck and I know you can do it! Do not let the hard words from others keep you from your healthy weight goal!
I have tried everything to lose weight! |
=> Hello! Well I am a fifteen year old girl and 5'3". I weigh about 235. I hate it 100%. I am the biggest girl in my grade. I just want to be able to keep up with the rest of them. I have tried a lot of programs. I ordered meals, my mom got me a personal trainer. And when I get the chance I go to the gym. I need help being guided in the right direction. I really want to know what to do.
Hello to you! Being larger than everyone else can be really tough. You are right! Sounds like you have tried many different things to lose weight. Two things I know to be true include losing weight is really tough and it takes a long time to make it happen. It seems like you are getting healthier meals and trying to go to the gym more. That is the recipe for just need to keep doing it! With your meals, make sure you are not skipping meals. Also, when you eat, make sure you are eating when you are physically hungry and stop before you are over full. Many kids and teens here say they eat many times a day when they are not physically hungry. They are bored, sad, lonely, etc. Work on not eating for those reasons too! Lastly, try to be as active as you can everyday. The days you cannot go to the gym, try to take a walk or jump rope at home. Above all else, be patient! The weight will come off if you keep working on it! Good luck and I believe in you!
Help! I Am Depressed About My Weight! |
=> Because i now feel depressed i have lost the motivation to do something about losing the weight, on the one hand i really do want to lose weight but on the other i feel depressed and lonely and the mean comments from my boyfriend about me gaining weight who is now my ex made about my size just made me turn to the chocolate even more because of how unhappy and uncomfortable i feel. I now feel i am in a vicious circle, i feel i dont deserve to be slim and happy sometimes but i would also really love to lose this weight and get back into my clothes, i look at pictures of me only a few years ago when i was slim and i wish i could get myself back to the size i was before.
Sounds like you realize you are feeling down. This depression is making it hard for you to hang out with friends. Also, you mentioned that the food is helping your cope with your saddness. And, the food is making you gain more weight. You have made a big step. You know the food is hurting you and helping you with the saddness at the same time. Many kids and teens use food to help get through a depression. There are other ways to cope with the depression without food. I encourage you to seek out your school counselor or a counselor in your community. You can even start by talking about your saddness with a trusted friend, family member, or person in your religious community. You are not alone. Talking about this depression will be the first step to letting go of your destructive relationship with food. Once you find other ways to cope with your depression, you will not need the food.
Help Me Eat Only a Little of Certain Foods |
=> I love pop and and Pizza but i think i drink and eat way to much of it. How can I still have what I like but Less of it?
I think it is important for kids and teens to know that all foods are good. All foods can fit into healthy eating. It is when a person eats too much pizza or soda that they can get too large. One idea is to eat that certain food on your Birthday Day every month. You Birthday Day is the day of the month your birthday happens to be. For me, Lucy, my birthday is May 19th. So the 19th of each month is my Birthday Day. On your Birthday Day, let yourself have pizza and a will not hurt your weight loss!
Make Me More Motivation! |
=> Can you give me some motivation? I want to go work out? I've been eating junk foods and I don't care how much i Eat or ate. Can you give me some advice.
Most people know HOW to eat...yet just can't get themselves moving toward DOING it! You are NOT alone. Try these hints to get you moving and sticking with it:
1) Take out a piece of paper. First, make a list of all the reasons why you want to lose weight. They can be big reasons or small ones. They maybe serious or silly. Write down as many as you can think of. Turn the paper over. Next, write down all the reasons why losing weight is hard. It maybe too hard to give up some of your favorite foods. It maybe too hard to stop watching TV and exercise. Write down as many reasons as you can.
2) Pick one food goal and one exercise goal each week. Keep track in a notebook how you are doing. Sometimes writing this down helps people stay on track and stay motivated.
3) Write down what you eat everyday. Also, write down all the exercise you do.
4) Get a weight loss buddy. Help each other stay motivated!
5) Reward yourself each week or month after you have been working hard on your goals. Do NOT reward yourself with food. Reward yourself with new exercise clothes or dvd, or go to a movie.
Good luck!
Exercise For a Flatter Tummy |
=> hello i weight 185 pounds and my height is 5'6 i have a bigger stomach so i wanted to know if you could tell me some exercise to make it go flatter.
Many kids and teens will do tons of sit ups or crunches to make their tummies flatter. These will make the muscles stronger. It will not make the tummy flatter though. It does not make the stomach flatter because it does not get rid of the excess fat around the muscles. The only way to make the stomach flatter is to do more cardio. Cardio is any movement that gets your heart pumping faster. This can be dancing, running, walking, swimming, biking, jumping rope, playing, basketball, football, and many more. Try to get your heart pumping faster 30 to 60 minutes most days of the week!
Motivation When Cannot Get to Website |
=> There r kids who don't the opportunity 2 get on this site anytime like me. So when they feel they need support or a confidence boost then how are we supposed 2 stay motivated.
There are many ways to keep the motivation from this website with you. Here are just a few ideas:
*Write down why you want to lose weight. Write down as many as you can think of...silly or serious they all count.
*Write down what you eat everyday. Be sure to also include the exercise you do. Keeping track helps many kids and teens stay motivated.
*Reward yourself once a week or once a month when you have been working hard on your healthy living. Be sure to NOT reward yourself with food. Try giving yourself a new exercise shirt or dvd or go to a movie.
*Print out the parts of this site that motivate you. Keep them handy. Look at them often!