Here is where we answer your questions about your weight and reaching your weight goal. Our site provides general health information only and cannot give medical advice.
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 Help me lower my appetite!

=> Hi. I'm 14 years old and is currently 220 lbs. I am 5 foot 6 inches with a 45 inch waist. whenever I see food I eat it no matter what it is . I'll eat anything. Can you help me find a diet plan so i lower my appetite and lose ALOT of weight?

 There are a few things you can do to lower your appetite. First, make sure you are drinking enough water. Our stomachs growl like we are hungry when our body is really just thirsty. Make sure you are drinking enough-about 8 cups of water per day-and you may not feel as hungry.

Another thing to try is eating seconds of lower calorie foods like fruits or veggies. Have one helping at your meal of the meat and starch then only let yourself have more of the veggies or fruit. This way you can eat until you feel physically full and not overeat.

Lastly, make sure you take your time at meals. Your body needs 20 minutes to tell your brain you are full. Let your stomach talk to your brain. Don't eat fast.

Good luck!

 How long does it take to lose weight?

=> hey lucy! i have a big problem!!!!! i am so overweight and i need help loosing this fat!......i read your story and i am so motivated to loose weight and i looked at the wight calculator and it said that i am overwieght and i want to loose i wieght i am 11 yrs of age 5'4 and weigh 165 please email me back on what you did to loose weight and how long did it take?

 There are many different ways to lose weight. I made sure I didn't skip meals. I ate more fruits, vegetables, high fiber carbs, and lots of lean proteins. One big thing I changed was I drank water between meals instead of soda or fruit drinks. Lastly, I made sure I got more active. I love to dance, so I played my favorite song and danced to it everyday! I also joined a friend for a walk everyday.

What worked for me may work for you. Everybody is different so people lose weight at different speeds. Be patient with yourself. Safe weight loss is 1 to 2 pounds per week. Any faster and you break down your muscles (including your heart muscle-yikes) instead of your fat. Keep up the hard work and stay motivated!

 I have trouble sticking to a diet! Help!

=> Lucy.I am overweight & find it dificult to stick to a diet.This has gottn so otta hand my family even makes fun of me.I also think my BFF is making fun of me behind my back.I feel very sad.I also don't think I have enough support.I need to loose weight.please help. it would meen alot to me.

 There are a couple of things you mention in your question. First, it sounds like you feel like you fail at diets. Second, it sounds like you feel like other people poke fun of you and you think it is because of your failures. Please keep in mind that you might be failing at diets because you are picking diets that are too hard. You may even pick diets that are unhealthy. Start with small goals. Small goals include drinking 8 glasses of water everyday or walking for 15 minutes three times during the week. Make sure you keep track of your goal. Write down what you want to do. Then write down when you do it. After you make your goal-be proud! Losing weight is hard work. Then, pick another goal.

Since you need support, find a weight loss body at home or on the website. This can help you talk about the daily struggles to meet your goal. Good luck!

 What is a Registered Dietitian or RD?

=> Hi! I just want to know what do registered dieticians do during the day and what their job is like? I would really like to pursue a career in this field because I love teaching and telling people about nutrition and fitness. Thanks!

 A registered dietitian is a person who is regarded as the expert in food and nutrition. To become one, a person must:
• Earn at least a four year degree in nutrition or related subject;
• Complete a year of practicing as a dietitian under supervision;
• Pass a national exam; and
• Complete ongoing nutrition education every year to stay up-to-date on nutrition topics.
A registered dietitian or RD can do a lot of different jobs. They may include working in/with:
• hospitals
• sport teams
• corporate wellness
• schools
• governmental agencies
• private practices
• colleges and medical centers
• research
• Many more!

 What are exercises to do when it's cold out?

=> Im like really over weight for both my age and my height I weigh 180 and im 5'4 and 16 years old what are some things I can do to help, its getting colder outside and i like to have fun when i exercise and I don't at the gym whats something I can do and have fun while losing weight all at the same time? I eat steamed foods and baked foods but i always eat fruits or veggies when i eat.

=> Hello Lucy. My question is I don't have any exercise equipment at my house. What can I do for exercise so that I can lose weight? I'm an overweight teen and I'm 5'6'' and 221 pounds. Thanks!

 Including exercise will help your body be healthier. Exercise should be done most days of the week and that includes when it is cold or rainy outside. Make sure to have on hand lots of choices on days you don't want to leave the house. Also, be sure to talk with your doctor before starting any new exercise regimen. Consider your favorites among these:
• Pick out a video or DVD from the library or buy one. You can find many under $20 that allow you to get your heart rate up without leaving your living room. Many people like one called "Walking Away the Pounds" where you walk in front of your television. Others like aerobics.
• Try tai bo or kick boxing. You can find many videos or DVDs on these topics, too.
• Turn up your radio to the music that makes you want to move. You don't have to be a good dancer, just find a song that makes you want to jump and move. This will get your heart rate up and burn tons of calories!
• Offer to do housework. Okay, I know many people will put this on the end of the list, yet vacuuming, making the beds, mopping the floors, and doing laundry all burn lots of stored fat!

 Being called fat hurts-please help!

=> how do i feel good bout myself if ppl call me fat and call me names?i get turned down by boys since i am over weighit can u help me???

 You feel different and that is hard for you. Many overweight people have a hard time looking different. It can make things harder when people point out the differences in a negative way. Some people tell me they try to ignore the teasing or they get angry and hit the person. Of course, these strategies may temporarily work yet they end up hurting you more or you could get in trouble for hurting someone else. Consider these ways to help stop teasing or to make it not hurt so much:
• Try to talk to a friend of the person who teases you that doesn't tease you. That person maybe able to talk to the person who teases and convince them to stop.
• Notice the other people teased by the person or people. Invite one of them to watch a movie with you or to go the park after school. Many people find safety in numbers and the two or three (or more) of you can join forces to stand up to the bully. Also, you can make new friends!
• Practice in front of a mirror how you will respond to teasing if it happens again. Maybe have something to say, like "That's a compliment coming from you!" You could even ask a parent or counselor what you should say if it happens again.
• Join a club or team sport that you enjoy. Here people will learn more about you outside of how you look. They will get to know the real you. After time, you will have more friends which will help stop the bullies from picking on you.
• Write down something everyday that you are proud of that you did. Make sure to do this every single day and put it in a place that is special for you. Writing down the positive things helps to silent the teasing and make the good stuff louder.

 Food is my prison guard! I need help sticking to a diet!

=> hey. i am 13 -- will be 14 in less than a month. and i am about 5'8, and about 197 lbs. i am on a diet kinda at tha moment but i cant stick 2 it!! its so hard... i will be good one day then totally pig out tha next day so i was back where i started..i have been trying to convince my self i NEED to do this..i WANT to do this... food is my prison guard... all i ever do is eat eat eat, i dont k n ow how to stop...i keep telling myself i am not the prisoner of food...but i end up always giving in...i just dont have enough modivation i guess... these are muh eating habits on tha diet -- breakfast::: apple/banana/fruit lunch::: piece pizza and side and choc. milk dinner::: sandwich w/ whole wheat bread thats all i eat when i stick 2 it...im trying 2 lose 2-3 pounds a week...well please give me some advice...I REALLY NEED HELP!!

 First, remember two things: there are no good or bad foods! There are just better choices for everyday. And, since there are no good or bad foods, you are not "good" or "bad" after eating certain foods! Food seems to be your prison guard since you think you do something wrong when you choose foods you consider "bad." To escape the prison, think positively about your weight loss efforts. You are trying to be healthier for you to feel better. You need to start by feeling better about your efforts!

Second, make a small goal each week to help you be healthier. Maybe your first goal can be to eat a breakfast everyday. Make sure you track your efforts on a scoreboard. Then you can check it at the end of the week and reward yourself for your hard work! Reward yourself by going to a movie or buying a new exercise shirt or anything not food related. As you start the next week, pick a new goal or you can try to improve the last one.

Food keeps you locked up because you are letting it! It is okay to have every type of food. Once your mind accepts this, you will make better choices for everyday. Good luck!

 Why does my weight change everyday? Am I doing anything wrong?

=> I'm over weight by a lot. I'm 4'11, I'm 17, and i'm 177lbs. I've lost a lot of weight since September. In September i weighed about 192. The thing i dont understand is that, the other day I weighed myself and I weighed 175lbs. I was really happy about it because it ment i lost 4lbs since I first started coming to this websight on october 31. But today I weighed myself, only 4 days later than the last time, and i weigh 177. The thing that confuses me is that I've been exercising more and eating better than i was the week before when i lost 4lbs. Why does that happen?

 Sounds like you are frustrated since your efforts do not seem to be showing up on the scale! Many people tell me that they check their weight everyday. They want make sure they are doing the right thing to help them lose weight. Daily weight checking may not be telling you the whole story! Our bodies naturally weigh different amounts everyday because of the amount of water in our bodies. Our bodies have more fluid in them some days. Some days there is less. There are many different reasons for the fluid changes. It may be because the amount of salt you ate. It may be because you are about ready to menstruate (have your period). It can also be because you weighed yourself at a different time of day after you have eaten and drank fluids. There are many different reasons why the number changed on the scale in 4 days. Gaining fat probably isn't one of them.

Consider checking your weight one time per week. Also, check your weight at the same time of day each week. Many people choose to check their weight once per week in the morning before breakfast. This habit will make sure you are not being fooled as much by the change in water in your body.

Lastly, the number on the scale is not the only number to consider. Since you are working out more, you may be getting more muscle. Muscle weighs more than fat. Check how your clothes are fitting especially around your waist. This will also help you to notice changes in your body shape. Good luck!

 I am embarrassed that I am on a diet, what should I do to eat healthy?

=> How can i lose weight with out everyone knowing im on a diet?, Its emberessing.

 Sometimes doing something different from your friends can be hard even if it means choosing a salad at lunch instead of pizza or buying the fat free milk instead of soda. To not feel so different, try these strategies:
• Buy the main entrée at lunch (like pizza or burgers) yet get it with some veggies instead of fries.
• Choose the healthier foods from the vending machines like bottled water and pretzels.
• If you feel comfortable, try talking with your parents or caregivers about the change you want to make. Many parents or caregivers are supportive and would be happy to keep your house stocked with healthy snacks and provide lower calorie meals. Since many people eat at least 1 or 2 meals at home, this can help you eat healthier some of the time in a safe place where you won't feel embarrassed.
• Join after school activities that get your heart rate up (to burn calories). Make sure they are also fun for you. Maybe your school has a soccer team or dance team or karate club? Joining activities that are fun will help you naturally be healthier and it won't seem different to most people.

It is great that you want to be healthier. Keep in mind any positive changes you make will make you healthier. Good luck!

 People are so mean to me!

=> im only 12 i dont know how much i way but i feel horible because i thinking about throwing up and stuff like that and well people tease me soooooooooooooo much i cant stand i used to come home crying every day and well someone wrote a nasty note on my desk one day it said: get off my bed u big fat ugy red head! and it hurt me so bad and then some one read it out in front of the class every one heard it and i was crying sooooooo hard and then my parents got divorced and i gan over 20 lbs over the summer! and most of my clothes dint fit now im soo imbaresd i moved and well all i cant think about is my weight! i just want to lose 40 pounds! i weigh like 150! :( and i cant stand me any more i wish so much looked like the girls on mtv! im embaressed to even be alive

 Your story is hard to read since it is very sad that your classmates can be so mean. It must have been tough to share it. I am happy you shared it though. Many other kids and teens on this site go through similar experiences everyday. Your story will help them feel a little less sad because of the common experiences you have.

It sounds like your weight loss efforts are taking over your life. I encourage you to speak with a counselor either at school, your mosque, temple, church, or community. Or even speak with a trusted adult. Talking about your sadness and frustration will help you feel more confident and will also help you lose more weight. Also, look to a friend on the bulletin board or chat room. There are many people who go through similar things as you. Be weight loss buddies and encourage each other to achieve HEALTHY weight loss! Good luck!

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